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Mk5 Marines Army - Angels of Vigilance


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I did some work on my tech marine. Need everything but the body.











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It's looking great, lovely shade of red there – that techie is going to look good. As are the other marines. Don't give up on them again becasue I am looking froward to seeing more :D.
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I've begun work on the head of the techmarine but I don't know if I like it.




I wanted to go for something like the Borg, but don't know if I pulled it off.


Please let me know



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Very nice I would like to know how did you do the skin? For my Iron Hands I've used a base of codex gray and mix of codex gray and rotting flesh followed by a rotting elf flesh mix with a glaze of elf flesh.
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Purple washed, though I don't know how noticable it is.






Head's not glued on.



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I've begun working on the Tech Marine some more but I hit a snag. Do I leave the trim on the AM pad, or do I cut it off? I was thinking of leaving it but am not sure if I should.





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Shoulder pad trim as in the cogteeth? Don't really see why that'd have to come off at all. Use the Adeptus Mechanicus one as his right shoulderpad and it might balance out the cog teeth on his left leg. Then he can still have a studded left pad if you so choose.
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Did a bit more work.


Techmarine weapon




New Marine







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The skin is painted as follows:


Codex Grey, 2:1 Codex Grey and Dwarf Flesh, 4:2:1 CG, DF, Astronomicon Grey, add a bit more AG, then final highlight add a bit of white. Wash with highly diluted Liche Purple.


I was trying to make him look like the Borg. I don't know if I've mentioned it here, but his name is Hugh.



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I got a squad fleshed out. They still need heads and backpacks, but they'll do for painting.






Unpainted Models




The guy with no arms will be the missile launcher marine.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've started on the 2nd squad and here's a WIP of the sergeant.


I call him, Sergeant Pointy, for now:











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I've half finished the second squad.




Again, the guy with no arms is the heavy weapon guy for the squad.



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I've finished the last 5 members of the 2nd squad so all I'm missing is an HQ choice and the army is legal :o.


Here's the army so far:





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hey :P

I'm a big fan of your sons of guliman!

I especially give big credit to guys like you that do proper fluffy armour conversions

the different marks on the armour on your squads was well executed!


but I'm not really sure if the whole MKV army works out... it seems a little boring so far... I'm looking for more character on the single marines


maybe add some minor conversions that go away from the standard poses like helmess marines(with MKV helmet on the belt), marines throwing grenades, reloading, carrying ammo, and other alternate poses


also add some purity seals/scrolls to the shoulderpads + randomly selected pouches, grenades and so on to make each member of the squads more unique


I can also suggest to maybe add little unique markings (like honor markings and heraldy) to single marine's shoulderpads to break up the strongly clone look


if you look for a strongly uniformed look then just go ahead and ignore my post :huh:

was just my 2 cents ;)



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