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Mk5 Marines Army - Angels of Vigilance


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I've tentativly started my Commander for the army:






I'm not sure if he'll fit in or if he's too huge for the army. Any ways to improve him would be appreciated. Also, I've been thinking of cutting off the hip plates to even him out a bit.





Been looking at this thread for a while now and must say its coming on very nicely, love the yellow colour you got going. Where are the backpack and the T-legs from?, I've never seen those before.


Making a Terminator into a commander of Vet Sargent can work, but never use a standard SM torso. Not to hi-jack your thread with my pic's but I'm sure I can get pics of them for you if you want.

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  • 2 months later...

Woot! Something new at long last. I've been fiddling with the Librarian's staff and here's what I've come up with. It's still very WIP.




It's not the exact AoV symbol, but it's easier to replicate and I like it.



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really nice work on the librarian khrangar, once thing id say though is id be tempted to move the d.a wings dont a bit to get the curves to go round the "plunger" as it were.


just think it may give the staff more of a staff look, and save you some "winged plunger" jokes.


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@aioannou: I tried that pose for the wings but didn't like them, so they kinda need to be this way.


Did a bit more work on the staff and I think I like this version best:





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I think I've found a suitable head for him, one of the Space Wolves heads.




What do you think?



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I quite like that idea Commisar Molotov, I think I'll paint the winged brazier black, like the badge, and the flames the blue like as the power sword. I need to make the staff a bit more ornate before painting though. Maybe add a point to the end of it so he can do the 'You shall not pass' style casting or something. I need to find some thin wire.



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I've started on the Librarian's buddy/familiar/wound counter. Very WIP.




I plan to make a similar one for the Chaplain but with a censor on the top of the staff thing instead.



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A bit more done on the familiar guy.




I need to fix the robes a bit and then he's done.



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I did a fair bit more for the librarian, well a bit more anyway.






Close up of his shoulder pad




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Nice work mate, I especially like your yellow kinda makes me feel like making a Imperial Fist army...


Keep up the good work cant wait to see the liby finished.



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Got some work done on the Command squad for the Chaplain.


First up is the Apothecary, but I can't choose which head I like best, but am leaning towards the helmeted one.




I'll post the other members of the squad as they get built. Up next, probably the Sacred Standard Bearer.



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I got off work early today so I decided to build the Command Squad. Here is what I've come up with:






The guy with no gun will have a meltagun.



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Cheers guys.


@wiplash: There are a couple different helmets I have. They are the same style but one has a bionic eye, and the other doesn't. Most of my sergeants will be bare headed, and as you've seen, so will my librarian. The bionic heads are for heavy weapon teams/some other models, the non-bionic ones are for everyone else, and the bare heads are for the 'higher ups'.


The command squad doesn't have any bare heads as there's nobody 'leading' them, ie. no one of higher status in the army.



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I'm on a roll today. Got the buddy for my Chaplain partially done. Need to remove mold lines and do some gs work.





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