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How to kill Abaddon ?

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OMG you can't kill Abbadon the despoiler!!!! :devil:


Well actually you can but you'l ruin 40K but for now on to the serious stuff! Quite simply I'd ignore him, one of my friends has the Nightbringer and the other has a tooled up carnifex which both can seriously ruin my day so what I do (this normally works) is to deny them anything to kill, you move out of the way whilst killing the rest of their army that way their just left with ONE super model but as super as a character Abbadon is he can't take on an army.


Or theres option 2 which is more entertaining......use your 1st turn to shoot them with EVERTHING!


Hope this helps :D

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Might be hard to ignore if he DS in with a retinue, especially under 5th ed.



oh god imagine that, that'd really ruin your day. Thats like the time they gave a hive tyrant wings :mellow:


i've only came up against the dispoiler once and needless to say it didnt turn out well, 2 wounds with lascannons 1st turn, and then my command squad charged him, 24 hits with lightning claws on the charge, yeah sounds great, 7 wounds, 6 passed armour saves, he then went on to kill 4 of my command squad and made them run away :lol: he then was basically invulnerable for the rest of the battle as everything i had failed to wound or got saved by his pesky armour and what not.


so im gonna do what lord arkon says and just stay out of his way, unless he deep strikes, then you can, throw everything you have at him, or run away like a little girl

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