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White Scars


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Have had these lying around for more than a year now :( thought I'd post them here for some ideas and criticism, to hopefully get me going on them again.


(also I'm experimenting with photobucket so please tell me whether it's working or not :))


Chaplain and Vet. Serg with Powerfist.




Two Meltagunners.






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Rank and file bikers :( these've a few coats of paint, dunno if I can call em finished though.









Sorry bout the pics, still trying to get the hang of to take photos up close like this :)



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Nice GS-ed moustaches and khokhols / oseledets. I always liked the Space Cossacks* :D... And awesome job on painting the white / red on the bike on first photo of 2nd post... i already can forsee that this will be one great looking army, if you get to finishing them :P


*- yeah, yeah, i know they are mongols, but they look more like cossacks to me :).

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Nice trophy in first pick. I can just see it flying off or making the bike pull wheelies all the time lol due to loss of aerodynamics.... :D


"damn sarg has lost the banner again..."

"WHAT! not again"

"yup, its skidding down the road, right into that horde of Chaos"


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  • 6 months later...

Well well what do you know, I actually DID work on them :)


Two bikes and one rider as good as finished. Rider needs a few coats of Boltgun metal + Badab black, and the bases aren't even started yet but anyways:


Lefts and rights





Bike with said rider (kinda pleased with the pose, all fast and slashy)




Not too pleased with the red 'stripes', they turned out too big. I will most definately add dirt and battle damage later on aswell, plain white on its own is rather dull. I did try to do offwhite w/ purewhite highlight at first, but despite pouring an additional half a pot of Skull White into my original mix, it still ended up being too gray for my taste, so I stuck with plain-white-mode (which btw is alot worse done than it looks, alot of grey still show through the white in rl, so it's like it's highlighted anyway).


Next up: Meltagunner for the unmanned bike (can't have that!)


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I know they are born in the saddle, but those bikes look a little too pristine and undamaged considering that they are in continuous use.. Maybe some scratches or evidence of a skid out?


Yeah, like I said, I will most definately go back and do stuff like that later when the rest of the squad's finished (need to find a sweet tutorial on scratches and dirt aswell, anyone got some tips?). Quantity painting has top priority at the moment, though ^_^


Born in the saddle means they're anything BUT pristine ^_^

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I know they are born in the saddle, but those bikes look a little too pristine and undamaged considering that they are in continuous use.. Maybe some scratches or evidence of a skid out?


Yeah, like I said, I will most definately go back and do stuff like that later when the rest of the squad's finished (need to find a sweet tutorial on scratches and dirt aswell, anyone got some tips?). Quantity painting has top priority at the moment, though ;)


Born in the saddle means they're anything BUT pristine :)


Check out Desert Eagle and Grey Death's threads, I personally love the battle damage effects they have achieved


Though I think that on any other white-chapter they would look perfect, I agree that it isn't in the White Scars' character to be so neatly finished


It is wip though :P looking promising

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know they are born in the saddle, but those bikes look a little too pristine and undamaged considering that they are in continuous use.. Maybe some scratches or evidence of a skid out?


I agree that some bikes should be knocked around a little, most bikers I know get utterly depressed when they scratch they're bike. I know of one lad that cleans his rims and joins between faring pieces with a tooth brush. Some bikers are fanatic cleaners :tu:

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Oooh White Scars !

Nice chapter and a real impressive job out of it, please carry-on.

When you'll work out the bases, think about weathering toe minis a bit, it adds much to a luminous color sheme like this one. Btw, I was wondering if it could be possible to give the bases a work that indicates movement (for bikes only of course) like pulling all features to the back (I dunnow if I make myself clear, english beeing not my initial gothic language)... Hmmm look at a drawing or image from a film and see how speed is treated... It could bring a lot to these already dynamic minis.

And hmmm some heat effects on the exhaust pipes could look good too (see motorcycle IRL) or this poor thing in mini http://s145.photobucket.com/albums/r226/Da...anon_Profil.jpg ... Hmmm RL will fit better 8).


Hmmm permission to steal the idea of the armour stand trophee ?



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Thanks gang ;)


Here's what's up atm:




Last two bikes and a rider for one of the finished ones.


Dark Sensei: You mean like putting gravel and stuff behind the wheels? making tracks? I'm considering desert bases with black trim to counter the white, so tracks and dirt would definately be appropriate. I've made all the horsetails lean backwards to indicate that they're flowing with the wind. As for the exhausts, I'll probably do them like these flamers:




It's really just two drybrushes of bestial brown and chaos black, but I like the matt result compared to doing it with for example brazen brass. (also in the background you can see what keeps me going during the day: Burn energydrink <3)


And steal as much as you like ;)


Thanks for the comments


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Hmmm your BLs are very nice, congratz ! The burn effect will be nice are the very end (smoke and burning effect) but I though about pure blue and a bit orange heat effect on chrome (just like exaust tubes from bikes)... My pic is too poor to show appropriately.


Talking about the base, I imagined "shaping" the dirt in order to give the impression of uter speed


Look at the dirt ! I know it may not be that simple...

Track effects are a good idea too 8).



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  • 3 weeks later...

Bikes pretty much done :)


Right, front and left views:






I intended to take a group shot aswell, but my friggin camera wouldn't take any clear pictures so I got pissed and skipped it <_< I know they look somewhat dull atm but it'll get better when I've finished stage 2 and 3 (riders and bases/dirt respectively), around christmas or so hehe


Also, please comment my list, the one in post #3. That'll give you a hint of what's up aswell :)



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A friend of mine gave me a tutorial on battle damage, I believe he got it from CoolMini. The guy who did this is just awesome, very smooth.

The finished mini is here: http://www.coolminiornot.com/59386 - the tutorial was just on the helmet! but it applies everywhere.

"the micro-painting work starts: with dark flesh and

black, scratches are drawn on painting, mainly on the

edges, then underlined with white, to create an effect

of "trompe l'oeil". At this time, you may want to

make small spots of dark flesh pure and bestial

brown in the recesses and zones of shade."

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