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Call of the Imperium MkII

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Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Lord Orion hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 1000 points of The Sons Of Orion (18 Tac, 5 Assault, 5 Sniper scouts, 2 Chaplains, 2 Commanders, maybe a converted/scratchbuilt Librarian), - within the space of 12 months.


I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.


Lord Orion


Here is the general color scheme I have in mind and have already begun to execute:



The colors of the fire were swapped... From warmer to colder is blue, yellow, orange and not blue, orange, yellow. I might be wrong but I really doubt it.


I work on gas furnaces on a daily basis. Yellow indicates a p resence of dust and dirt to cause a "Dirty Flame", from what I have seen in the real world is seems correct. :HQ:


It goes blue yellow orange on cigarette lighters, but that is only because of the butane. It's all about gas pressure and oxygen:fuel ratio.

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!

I frost_reaver hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 1,000 points of Blood Angels:

2 - Assualt Squads

2 - Veteran Assault Squads

within the space of 12 months. I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.



Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!I Captain Pugno hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) at least 400 of Salamanders


<Optional: Unit Breakdown>


At least

5 terminators - 2 heavy flamers

5 assault terminators



- within the space of 12 months. I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.



On somewhat of a short vacation from the hobby, but here's my February contribution, a Rhino. The hatches and Hunter-Killer all come off, so I can turn it into a Razorback as needed. I'll detail it once I've decided what the aesthetic of the attached squad is.



A little update for my Dark Angels successor chapter (which still has no name, yet ^_^ ... I'm thinking about Sword Brethren, but not quite sure).


It's a WIP terminator (since I'm focusing on doublewing). I'm quite happy with the outcome so far.




Sword Brethren are Black Templar vets i think. And from the paint scheme i thought it was going to be another Imperial Fist successor chapter. But i think its nicely painted. What did you use for the black highlights?




Right, I knew I heard that before ^_^

Well, I like yellow, but I like the modells for the Dark Angels more, so I decided to do a successor chapter of them.


The black ist a little bit tricky. I don't use GW paints, but P³ paints from Privateer Press. I started with a black undercoat. After that I used the Turquoise Ink (watered down) to add some depth.

Then I used very dilluted Trollbase and swept the brush towards the end, so that the main part of the color would end up there. I think I did this twice for better coverage.

After that, I painted a thin line of pure Trollbase at the edge.

Well, not quite finished yet: 2 runs of watered down black ink to go the opposite way: from the edges to the center to ease out the transition between the black and the Trollbase.


Hope that helps :P

Here is my firt update for the month...and my first picture post so here goes....














The first 2 squads are from an old 2nd ed. boxed set. The third is actually the first squad that I started this scheme with. I used to be a D. Angel player during 2nd ed. so painting blue is quite a challenge for me. So far it is working out ok :D


I haven't sat down and painted this much in at least 7 years. I thank everyone on this board for the motivation to pick my brushes back up again.


C & C welcomed and encouraged.

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!I Merkava hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) the complete 2nd Company of Ultramarines 1HQ Squad, 6 Tactical Squads, 2 Assualt Squads, 2 Devestator Squads, assorted Teminators, Veterans, and Scouts. - within the space of 12 months. I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered. Merkava.


I hope I'm not to late for this. Hopefully this will make me finish this company.

Update time...






That's all people. If you want more pics of something just let me know.

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call! I, st.germaine, hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops, to you, Emperor of Man. I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 2000 points of Imperial Claws (my wife's new chapter) - within the space of 12 months. I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.
I guess I just realized I don't know what the minimum required progress per month is, and my camera has been sent into the manufacturer to repair a faulty CCD (warrantied, thank heavens). But I have my first 18-man crusader squad and my captain/marshall fig assembled and primed up, and another 18-man squad assembled awaiting the next day where the weather is nice enough to prime. If I can borrow my aunt's camera tomorrow I will sneak a picture in just under the wire for February!

Minimum update requirement per month is a single entry :wacko:


Obviously everyone can't focus 24/7 to painting etc so we just ask that a progress report be made per month. How this is done is up to you. Whether you choose to do a word-post outlining your monthly progress or a pic-post, it's up to you (depending what you have time for etc). :wink:

February Update #2:

Completed 1 Tactical squad (10 man, meltagun, missile launcher, power fist) and mostly completed their Razorback transport (just need to highlight the tracks and line some details on the tank).

Will get some images tomorrow hopefully!

Completed to date:

2x 10 man tactical squad

1x 10 man assault squad

1x Razorback transport (just about...)

Leap-Day Special Update!!!


4x Termi Squad done



Power Axe



Lightning Clawed Champion


OK update time to show what incredibly slow progress i'm making -_-


First up a PIP shot of my chaplain and a basecoated assault squad sergeant (aka aspiring chaplain as discussed here)



PIP librarian




And group shot to show lack of progress overall ;) Out of focus too! :sick:






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