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Call of the Imperium MkII

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As I stated over in the BT forum, weather and family emergency crap have totally stopped me from painting. But I have assembled my 2 big hand-to-hand Crusader squads and 3 smaller fire-support squads, as well as 8 assault marines (except for 2 of the guys who I am going to magnetize arms on). At some point this month my digicam should be back from the warranty repair, and I hope to have pics of the remaining units (SB Terminators and 2 MM assault bikes) to show, along with my 5 Crusader squads, at least assembled, and hopefully primed up and ready to paint!

Well, I didn't do much painting, unfortunately :D


But I did assemble more terminators. Got 3 units ready on custom made bases. 3 Bikes and 1 Trike are ready, too. Got my Belial put together and my Priest in Terminator Armor has magnetized arms for his Crozium plus Boltpistol or a pair of claws.


I'll try to take a picture of all that is assembled soon ... and I hope to get some more painting done in april, but since I have a lot going on at work, I'm not quite sure if I can :unsure:



I've managed a squad of terminators and 5 Tac marines including their sargeant.


The stripping of a load of old minis is going well and I managed to pick up 62 marines and a hammerhead on ebay for 33 quid. One I manage to get the old DA paintjob off them (god knows what was used but the Dot 4 isn't working anywhere near as well as normal) I'll get them cleaned up and start work on my battle company.


Still only aiming for my original point total this year though as my fist child is ue in a few weeks so I know that no painitng will be done for a while.


I'll add some pics in of the finished minis later.


So, I started my BA at the beginning of the year.

Assembled and primed to date (includes models that are completely painted):




Lemartes (old BA Death Co. Chaplain model w/ Dante's JP)

Power Armor Captain



10 man Vet. Assault Squad (2 TH/CS, 1 PF, 2 melta)

10 man Death Co. w/ JP

Death Co. Furioso Dreadnought

Standard Dreadnought (w/ all weapons)

5 Man CC Terminator Squad (2 TH/SS, 3 TLC)

5 Man Terminator Squad (Heavy Flamer)

5 Man Honor Guard (Standard, Sanguinary Priest, Champion, PF, melta)



6x 10 man Tactical Squads

2x 10 man Assault Squads


Heavy Support-

2x Baal Predator

1x Land Raider Crusader

1x Standard Land Raider

2x 10 man Devastator Squad



6 Rhino / Razorbacks (top hatches aren't glued on so I can switch them as needed)



Painted (to table top standard)-


10 man Death Co

4x 10 man Tactical

1x 10 man Assault

1x Baal Predator

1x 10 man Devastator

2 Rhino / Razorbacks


Paint Started-


1x 10 man Tactical

1x Baal Predator

Land Raider Crusader


Left to paint-

1x 10 man tactical

1x 10 man assault

1x 10 man devastator


Honor Guard

Veteran Assault



1 Land Raider

6 Rhinos (2 need to be assembled still)

Well, It's been 2 months since my answer to the call, and I've done....



OK, that's not true...


I've purchased & (mostly) cleaned:


1 10 man Tac Squad

2 1/2 10 man Assault squads

1 Veteran Assault squad


Mind, I'm a fiend for converting and such so, I'm taking my time with some of these troops...


I'll toss some pics up once I get something worth looking at....



THAT IS INSANE! how many points? that is an unbelievable amount of progress there, you are fast

Well, part of it is I'm off from work due to an injury, so I've had lots of time to paint. The other part is I'm trying to get a Battle Company painted up as quickly as possible for the ongoing Apocalypse league the local GW stores are doing.

I fielded the Battle Company this past weekend, and it did great! (Details are in the BA forum). The Battle Company is around 3600-3700 points depending on transport choice, weapons, etc.

The total army of BA I have is around 5200-5500 depending on loadouts, etc.

Add in my 3000 or so points of Dark Angels, and that's a lot of marines! (Plus 10 Grey Knight Terminators, 10 Grey Knight in PA, and about 750 points worth of Guard - everyone needs some cannon fodder!)

The best part is my BA army cost me exactly $0.00

I used my original Ultrasmurf army (I've been a Ultramarine / DA player since Rogue Trader days, but the current emphasis on the boys in blue turned me off to them), and added to it by selling off my Tau army. :)

OK then...


Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call! I McNs hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 1000 pts. of Doom Eagles (counts as Blood Angles), including:


1 Jump Pack Chaplain

10 Assualt Marines

10 Tactical Marines

10 Veteran Assault Marines

5 Counts-as Jump Pack Death Company

2 Land Speeders

1 Counts-as Corbulo


within the space of 12 months. I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered. McNs


Project Progress thus far:


Jump Pack Chaplain - Purchased, cleaned, assembled

10 Assault Marines - 5 Purchased, cleaned, partially assembled

10 Tactical Marines - n/a

10 Veteran Assault Marines - n/a

5 Counts-as Jump Pack Death Company - n/a

2 Multi-Melta Landspeeders - n/a

1 Counts-as Corbulo - Purchased, awaiting bits for further assembly.


Will include WIP pics and an Index Astartes article before 5/1.


- McNs

Well, it's actually been almost 2 months since I started, but here's my first update.While they are far from finished, here's an in-progress shot and a current pic of the first 5 members of my VAS. These guys are for my "shooty" squad, so 3 of them have plasma pistols.





Sadly, I Brother Plasticard is about to demonstrate an epic fail by announcing my retirement from this pledge. I have, without a doubt, failed the Emperor, and must set my sights on some IG renegades from FW.


Basically, I have no money for some BT right now, because its being used for some FW stuff. On top of that, two pledges make one hell of a work out for me, on top of a very busy schedule. Sorry Brothers...


Brother P.

P.S. Nice things everyone! All of you are doing excellent! Keep on chugging :D

Yah know the Call of Chaos thread is kickin' your guy's a$$. I'm almost feeling sorry for you guys but my painting table is covered with crap. I actually paint really nice loyalists, Salamanders are a personal favourite.


Are any of them actually finished with their Call? I am, so score 1 for the Imperials!

Now, now lads, no need to argue about who has the better call :tu:



I will admit the CotI did come a bit late (took a while to plan) allowing the Chaos forces to grow in number, not to mention, the Chaos forces did have the luck of being blessed with a new codex close to the start of the CoC Mk II. Now if things had started at the same time, i'd imagine it be on fairly equal footing, but i guess that is something to remember for next time.


Nonetheless, the purpose of BOTH Calls, is not to see which call has the larger 'gamer base' but to help everyone reach a common goal :P So regardless of Imperial or Chaos, if you can finish what you set to achieve, then what more can you ask for? :)

So its been quit a some time sins my last post, but finaly I've had my computer fixt.

Thanks all for your fin word!



So here's some new and som paintet stuff.


my magos with staff



The chimera







And my dread




some wip pics

another magos


and the frist of my pretorians (grey kinights)




I was wondering if I could change my pledge to 1500points of Guardians of the Covenant? My Templars have left on a secret crusade to the far reachs of the basement and I can't find them. They got lost when we moved.


Sorry for the lack of updates. The move has taken a long time to sort everything out and school hasn't been easy either.

*walks into the dark stone chamber, and into the circle of hooded Marines/Technomagii/Inquisitors/Sister Superiors, hooded head helt low, ropes covering every inch of Power Armour*


Brothers and sisters, I have failed you in this call, the Obsidian Drakes will not be completed anytime soon as I have too many armies going right now, but it is not entirely a bad thing, for now you have something to hunt.

*pulls off robes showing the gleaming Night Lord Power Armour underneath*


Good luck to you all.




my further progress in the hobby can be found in the Call of Chaos II

*ignites Jump pack and jumps through a window, disappearing in the stormy night*




Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Phil hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 4000 of Iron Knights - within the space of 12 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.





I got a battle company, nows time to get it painted, I of horrible pasts with painted armies, should be quick though, I'll try to have complete 2 tac squads w/ transport done by Sun w/ pics (horray for airbrushes)


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