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Call of the Imperium MkII

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Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I, Brother Atheos, hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) A heck load of marines (Approx 6,500pts (:S)) to completion - within the space of 12 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.


Brother Atheos


Thankfully i have decided to drop my preferance for quality in favor of quantity so hopefully in the next few days i'll be able to post up my first big update.

So here's my first update. the all important test mini!


It's nowt too special but it meets my standards for a respectable tabletop mini.



It was suprisingly easy and quick to do which considering the battle company and then some that is sitting and staring at me through their boxes.

The torso is the vet sgt from the metal vets from the previous SM launch, and the lightning claws are the metal ones from the same set. When ive got it done, he will have the jump pack from the chappy model. I got myself a bulk order of useful things before the mail order system was overhauled.
So here's my first update. the all important test mini!


It's nowt too special but it meets my standards for a respectable tabletop mini.



It was suprisingly easy and quick to do which considering the battle company and then some that is sitting and staring at me through their boxes.


Nice, I really do like the grey. Care to share what colors you used? :D many thanks in advance.


I finished another 3 Terminators yesterday. Pics will be coming on the weekend. I hope the next thing to be finished will be my Land Raider Crusader. Or maybe another 3 Terminators ;)

Nice, I really do like the grey. Care to share what colors you used? many thanks in advance.


the grey was a really complex 2 step technique...


1)Matt Grey primer

2) Badab black wash :huh:


As for my own updates, not alot to report this week so far. just started back at college so im having to readjust my body clock and fit everything else around it. Hopefully some progress updates come the weekend.

Hello guys,

after a long time i can finally post some new pictures of my Blood Angels:











Mad Max Speeder:



Assault Marines (still missing the jump pack):



Guys in Black:



Attack Bike:



Tactical Squad 1:



Tactical Squad 2:



Atm i`m working on my modified Baal Predator and some Termins.


Finally managed to remember to take fotos of my last 3 terminators.

I decided to change the color scheme a bit: the shoulder pads are painted red, not black. I'm going to change the finished models later ;)



  • 3 weeks later...

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I Brother Ranuk hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 500 Points of Ultramarines 4th Company - within the space of 3 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.



Brother Ranuk

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, just reporting in to say that I've pretty much officially failed. Basically due to losing my job and lots of other stuff which I'm not going to burden anybody with, I'm not going to be able to complete the models I pledged to complete. I may still be able to get a legal force together in the small time I have, and with the small amount of money. I'm not sure if I can even change the amount of miniatures I'm supposed to paint, under the rules of the Call of the Imperium, but if I can I still may be able to paint:


1 Chaplain, Captain or Librarian for my HQ choice


1 10 man Tactical Squad

1 5 man Tactical Squad.


But it's looking doubtful at the minute.

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind,


Hear my Call!I Brother Zendric hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 600 points of Black Templars within the space of 3 months. I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.


Brother Zendric

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!I wertjeniron hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) <400> of Imperial fists Terminators, one squad Captain Dreadnaught - within the space of 6 months. I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.



Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!I Holme118 hearby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 400 - 750 points of Space wolves - within the space of 12 months. I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.


First update should be within a week.

  • 2 weeks later...

If we don't finish, what happens?


Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call!


I, Shortsonfire79 hereby pledge my body and soul, my faith and that of my troops', to you, Emperor of Man.


I promise to you, that I will paint (to completion) 670 points of Royal Redeemers (1 five man Terminator Squad w/ Assault Cannon, 2 Dreadnoughts, Librarian, Chaplain in Termie armor) - within the space of 2 months.

I also promise to provide my fellow brothers and sisters in arms with a project update, meeting the minimum requirement per month and helping those who feel their faith in you has faltered.




November update (I think I did one last month :huh: )


3/4's done so far. Some touch up painting on the tacticals to be done and the captain still to be put to the glue. I hope to have everything finished by the end of the month with a Razorback thrown in for good measure and if I'm serious about it an assualt squad completed for next month.

With the lack of activity in the Imperium side..and lots in the Chaos side... I feel ashamed. You should all feel ashamed too

Finished Terminator Squad for the Royal Redeemers.








So its been quit a some time sins my last post, but finaly I've had my computer fixt.

Thanks all for your fin word!



So here's some new and som paintet stuff.


my magos with staff



The chimera







And my dread




some wip pics

another magos


and the frist of my pretorians (grey kinights)






That is a sweet!!! AdMech Army!!!

Immortal Emperor of Man-Kind, Hear my Call


Your humble servant Akutat promises to you prepare a small but effective army of Dark Angels.


I promise to paint about 1250 points of Dark Angels 5th Company completly. Those will bring their Blessed tools of Righteous within 2,5 Months. These servants will based and ready for tournaments. I will give information from my progress to fellow brothers and sisters once in Month and aid those who haven´t made promise by cheering them up.




EDIT: I pull back my words. I don´t make it to deadline. Wrong alert

  • 4 weeks later...
I've just about finished, just the captain to put the finally paint on to, actually I've probably gone over 500pts now with a complete dread and assault squad along but they don't matter until I can prove it! :yes: Have to get a new clicky-flash-photo thing ^_^
  • 3 weeks later...

So here we are once, at the end of another Call.


I thank those that participated in this past year, doing their best to slap that paint on, and i do hope that during the 12 months you did get a lot accomplished.


With both the Call of the Imperium now joining the Call of Chaos, Mk II, there will be a slight pause before potential Mk IIIs of both calls started up, as we sit down and review the good and bad.


So the "bad" news will be that should there be a new Call of the Imperium (or even Call of Chaos) it won't be in the immediate future (several weeks) as we re-assess and for those that are unaware the Librarium Painting Challenge is also currently active and running, as found here. Although registration has closed for the LPC, please feel free to encourage those that did sign up either via the main LPC thread or the individual LPC marked threads in the WiP section of the PC&A.


Good news!!


Mk III Call of Chaos and Call of the Imperium will return! Hopefully as early as March 2009 with a reviewed system, as there have been a few things from Mk's I and II that we learned didn't favor the program well. Unlike the past two, we do hope to have a simultaneous start of both Calls and at the end, try to collect some total stats between the two and see who truly is the more fearsome power to behold, whether it be the combined might and faith in those of the Emperor, or the fell powers fueling the minions of the Dark Gods.


To those currently engaged in the LPC, i wish you luck, and to everyone else, see you in March (for at least a bare minimum of the current Call status!). :lol:


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