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Angels Sanguine Speeder #2


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Hello all:

As it seems typical for me, I’ve got too many projects going on at once. A few weeks ago I completed a Landspeeder model w/scenic base. At the time, I planned on making another which I’ve now gotten started. Here’s a link to the thread for the first one: Angels Sanguine Landspeeder.

Repeating the same process, I got the base done ahead of the model itself:



Here’s an idea of how it will look with the speeder model in place:


The plan for this one is to have a Chaplain model (the jump pack equipped chaplain to be exact) standing up in the gunner’s position. So I carved out the legs from that side and GS’s the gap to provide an empty seat:


Last night I started work on the Chap himself; I need to replace his feet so he’s got some better footing (he wouldn’t want to fall out at high speeds).

I hope to get this done by week-end. I’ll supply some additional WIP shots as I make progress.

Comments always welcome. Cheers, -OMG

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@Yamez: That jump Chaplain has left leg bent at the knee with this right leg extended. I cut his feet off so I can attach flat replacements. I’m hoping that the left foot can be propped up on the hood of the speeder. Then, using a SM biker arm, have it extend down to grab the railing that supports the Heavy Bolter.

Sounds good in theory anyway. We’ll see if I can get it all to fit right in a natural pose. That and we’ll ask the pilot to, “fly casually.”

@crackedfather: Vallejo makes a great base grey, “London Grey” which is applied here over a black undercoat. Then the weathering is done with Vallejo Lt. Grey and GW’s Codex & Fortress Grey in various blends. I really like that London Grey color. It comes in real handy for a lot of applications like these.

@Master Toddius: I’ve been working on this army on and off for a few years now so there’s about 5,000 pts painted (depending on what rules you use). Most of them are based with some brown sand and turf. I'm not going to go back and rebase them all at this point but I’ve been playing around with urban waste bases and my latest models have taken this approach.

Here are some bases I did for my still progressing Titanhammer squad:


And some I did for my Inquisitor & retinue:


There are more pics in my blog if you’re interested (link is my signature).

Thanks for the comments and more are always welcome. -OMG

  • 2 weeks later...

This feels like an act of threadromancy considering how long its been for an update but I’ve been out sick. So in effect, I’m back from the dead myself.

Here’s a quick update of the little progress I’ve made on this guy since I’ve been out of commission:


More work to-do but the end is in sight. It won’t take me too long before finishing this off.

Cheers, -OMG

OwlandMoonGuy i like how this speeder project is coming along. the pose of the chaplain in particular is very good. you know i am glad that i am not the only one trying to be more daring with the Landspeeder and giving it a different purpose. with yours, you have made a personal transport for your HQ and i think the pilot snapping of a shot of opportunity as he manouvers the speeder is awesome. i did something not so different with my Tsunami back in march 2007. i put a marine with a missile launcher in one of my Tsunami's. all i can say is you know exactly what you are doing and your work so far is superb.


keep up the great work mate.



looks cool but to me the rear end of the speeder looks a bit, how to put it, errrm flat i suppose my idea would be to add a small spoiler or another airvent to ward the top back of the speeder


EDIT#: oh woops they normally have spoilers lol, well at least i realised that it looked slightly strange!

are you going to do the glowing eye affect on thhe chaplain?? and how are you going to emphasise the wind whipping at past his ears (the speed) because he might look a little strange just standing there when hes moving faster that a tank


anyways you have a really good painting talent, you colours are really smooth and you can do details like the eyes first where as people like me have to do those last for fear of getting paint on them and having to do them again

Thanks for the C&C as always:


@Albino Terminator: The book comes from the new Dark Angel Ravenwing upgrade sprues. There are quite a few bit here being borrowed from the DA (you know, the lesser Angels of the First Founding Chapters).


@Brother Garrod: The magnets and how you place them go a long way to solve the balance issue. The speeder itself is being placed off-center with the weight concentrated on the “strong side,” i.e. where the CoD ruin extends toward the center of the base. The hole in the bottom of the hull has been cut to perfectly fit around the “post” of the magnet in the base. A little reinforcement adds the structure and magnetism supplies the force to hold them together. Taking that imbalance into consideration early on made it easy to account for.


@wiplash: I commonly don’t do glowing eyes but such a head start I might as well. The green here is just slightly watered down Dark Green Ink (and yes, watered down with just plain old tap water).


Not sure about adding wind effects to the Chap himself. Maybe put some bugs in his teeth? Or all over for that matter? I can clip some fly bits from the plastic Nurgle guys for just that purpose… Ok, I’m going to stop that line of though right now.


Cheers & thanks for the comments, -OMG

to be honest im not sure what you could do to create the essence of motion, its not as if he has horse hair flowing out of the back of his skull mask! unless you used the chain thing on the DA sprue, you know the one with a few DA icons some incense bottle thingys, honours and a tabberd flowing out of the middle although i cant find a pic of it

if you converted that a bit then that could look good

Hopefully this will be the last WIP shot before the model is finished. There’s still a lot of detail work outstanding but a lot has been completed as well.


This pic bothers me in the way that it washed out the colors. The black looks a lot more like black in RL. The model itself is turning out a little better than I expected so I’m happy regardless. Fates allowing I should get this done this weekend.

Here’s hoping the next pic will be the completed model. -OMG

I love that helmet on the pilot, where do you get the bits for it?

It is in fact a FW, Red Scorpion head.



I love that chaplain hanging on, but how will it work in game?

It has no gaming value, it's all for show. I've just always thought that when SM's setup operations in a given battle zone, the officers would use speeders to quickly move over the area, gather status and then best use that first hand knowledge to lead the troops. In this case, more like inspire the troops to religious fervor.


Maybe I just think about this stuff too much.


Thanks for the comments, -OMG


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