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My army - Logan's Night Runners


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could you do a tutorial on your power weapons? prefferably with pics cos most of y men will have ccw so i need the power weapons to be distinguishable and yours are ausome!
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Thanks wiplash.


The power swords in the pics are only my 2nd and 3rd tries, the guy on the bike was my 1st. I got a couple of comments regarding the lines being to wide on the axe so the swords were attempts at getting the lines thinner. I still am not that confident at recreating them the same and I don't have a 'recipe' yet but when I do I will try and do a step-by-step :)


Catcha - DGC

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i love your husky styled wolf looks really effective (could you do a step by step of the that aswell please :))

looking back your swords do look better than the axe, although it must be pretty hard doing that design on an axe anyway!

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  • 1 month later...

Hree's pics of the latest additions.


My Wolf Priest on bike







and my home built Vindicator







Hope you like and as always, C&Cs welcome


Catcha - DGC

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Really nice! You could add some snow and gloss to that mud to make it feel more like wolf-ground and not, well, something dirty and snowless :yes:

But just a tip, This works too, ofs.

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I understand what you mean and would probably look great and deffinately add to the wolfy flavour but at the moment the army is progressing at the speed of me learning.


The weathering on the tank for instance was added after the tank was finished (courtesy of Grey_Death http://thepaintingcorps.blogspot.com/2008/...d-painting.html ). My initial aim was to have a 'clean' consistant army that hopefully looked good on the table. Extras like weathering and scatches could be added when I was confident at producing a reasonable effect without ruining anything I had done previously. Now that I am quite happy with the mudding effect I will go back and do the same to my other vehicles helping the army feel 'together'


As for snow. I haven't tried that yet but when I have got a technique that I can reproduce well and looks good then I will probably give it a shot but that will mean doing all the rest of the army including bases as well at the same time. As I learn something new I try to incorporate it into my style but all the while I am still aiming for a constant feel or theme throughout. My painting has got to a level now where I don't have to think too much about it. Things like the copula lenses and windshield glass are all painted green and I think for the most part look O.K so I paint them all like that. The head lamps on the vindicator were painted a different way to my other vehicles. This was much quicker and gives a reasonable finish, if not perfect, so I will paint future ones in the same manner.


My troops are all pretty much painted the same way but where I have learn't a quicker or simpler way to acheive the same result then I adjust my technique accordingly.


Anyway, thanks for the C&Cs and for taking an interest in my models


Catcha - DGC

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  • 10 months later...

Hail brother wolves


It seems like ages but after a few challenges here and elsewhere I am now able to add a couple of new models to my army.


The Dreadnought 'Jager' and six man GH squad were built for a comp at my local independant stockist but when it became clear I wasn't going to finish on time I pulled out but decided I wanted to finish it anyway. So after four months it got finished and the Dread was rebased to be used. The Razorback was my oath in the Librarian Painting Challenge and the six GHs were my 'added extra' for the same. As they weren't part of my official oath they got finished a while later and also got rebased to be used on the table-top











Grey Hunters









and here is a link to the comp they were intended for





Lastly the Razorback











Hope you like, C&Cs always welcome


Catcha - DGC

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Awesome as always. You've got my favorite painted Space Wolves army on the B&C. I love it all, but especially the "lightning" effect on the power weapons. It all looks great. Also, great use of the little magnets to maximize your weapon options and flexibility.


I would love to see you add a Wolf Guard Bodyguard in Terminator Armour; you could always use magnets for the arms again so that you can adjust if/when the weapon options change whenever the new Codex is released for 5th edition.


Again, well done!



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