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What to get next for my BL army?

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I have a BL army and have a termie squad, 3 tactical squads, 1 chosen 5 man squad, 2 possessed squads, a predator, a defiler, 4 spawn, a termie sorcerer, a termie lord, 10 deamonettes of slaanesh( the metal ones :D ), and a berzerker squad.


any ideas on what i should get next?


I was thinking of getting a 3 person bike squad, a land raider, or a havoc squad.

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Personaly, I would add transports.


From the options you mention, I would go first with the Land Raider.A LR would add some fire power and most important, a transport for your termies/termies+Lord if you don´t want to deep strike them, not to mention a hard fire magnet.


I would also add at least two rhinos, one of them for the berserkers.


And a couple of oblits to have another heavy support option would be a fine addition too.


For the fast attack options, I would go with a raptor squad rather than bikes.


A squad of plague marines would give you more options to field in terms of troops and a rock hard unit to hold objectives.

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Also if you get the Bikes go with 5 and pay for the skilled Rider


skilled rider..that's the old dex, I doubt he's using the old dex. We don't have skilled rider or any vet skills anymore. Also bikers lost TL'ed bike mounted plasmas, they are really not worth the price any more.

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