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Adepticon Army Prep

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Here are some last min. recruits for the Adepticon, 40K National Team tournament this year. For those who many have never heard of this convention, here’s their website; adepticon.org.

My recent modeling efforts have all been in prep for this event. With time slipping away I’ve still got lots to do. Here are some models as of last night.

Here are the three Death Company marines I need to finish off my squad. They are starting to come together.


Here’s the one that’s most complete at this point.


I still need to go back over the black. It’s just not black enough at this point. Robes need a bit more work as well.

Here are two new sergeants & a tried and true tac marine:


I’m also trying to fit in the completion of the display base. Here’s a pic with the status last week.


It depicts three Chapters of Blood Angels returning to old Baal on pilgrimage. Here’s how my ¼ ‘th of the team will look on the base (note that several model substitutions where made to fill out the ranks.


More details about the con & team, “Blood Angel Blues” can be found in my blog. I’m sure I’ll have a few more updates as I finish off the army refresh required before the con.

C&C appreciated. –OMG (or whoever I am on April Fool’s day).

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Greetings Erijabirds D'yanoi Guy!


Hummm I think you need a few more Tetras and perhaps a few more railgun capable units, I think you are seriously lacking in that department :P


Your army all displayed out like that looks like a force to be reckoned with. If I could I would go to Adepticon just to see your army.


When you get your display tray setup (if you get it done in time) you've gotta show us some pics of that as well.


So the only models that you need to do are the ones in the pictures that aren't fully painted? Or do you have some more stuff to complete in these last 10 days?


You can do it man, you're almost there. Take it easy, and remember it is all for the greater good! :)



Thanks for the comments; Irken, d’oh! I mean, Tauish and otherwise.


So the only models that you need to do are the ones in the pictures that aren't fully painted? Or do you have some more stuff to complete in these last 10 days?

Yep, these are the last six models I absolutely need to complete. I could add 3 more tac marines to 3rd squad but I have other models who can substitute as easily. Given the work on the base I think I have quite enough to do w/o doing them as well.


I’ll be taking more pics as these last few days trickle away and pics from the con as well.


Looks awesome makes me want to... PAINT. At last you have solved it OMG i can paint again thankyou.

Glad to hear it. I’ll expect more Blarg! In the near future.


BTW: I want more close ups on those guys who are rdy:P

Will do but you can also check out my gallery & blog links (both in my signature). This army is up over 5,000 pts or so now, I think, depending; in Apoc for sure.


i hope you get some reward at adepticon, although i live in the UK so im not sure what it actually is!

It’s a team effort so I’ll be happy to share with the others who are participating (all are B&C’ers BTW). Adepticon is a GW gaming convention that’s organized by gamers independently of GW. Not that GW doesn’t fully support the event, they send out members of the BL & design team on par with a Games Day event. At this con, they do a lot of different kinds of thinks like they allow FW rules and host events like the Team Tourney that I’m participating in. They even do a Rogue Daemon painting contest with judges you as often find at the Golden Daemons.


It’s a great time and this one will be especially memorable with all the friends flying in from around the country and Morticon coming in from Japan.


More to come and thanks again. -OMG

I really like the idea of using the robed torsos for the death company. I always thought there wasn't enough red on them to tie them in to a BA army. I like the idea so much that I went out and got myself a couple of boxes of DA robed vets and am planning to start my DC very soon. So thanks for the inspiration!

Truth be told the idea was freely stolen from Chaplain Desmodus’ Flesh Eaters army. He used green stuff to add robes to GW’s death company models; which looks way better than these but also takes more time. If my GS skills were more up to the task I would have gone that route myself.


Note that on these guys I cut away the backs off the lower torso bit and then realigned the upper torso when I put these together. It makes the models look at least a little more dynamic than the typical DA vet poses. Then by playing with the way the feet mount to the base you can get a little more movement in the model but still not much. At least the begin to look a little more like Assault Marines.


I look forward to seeing yours come together. I hope you provide pics of your progress. -OMG


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