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Crimson Fists

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Its the return of the fists, and this time I will be completing them



Army One of Two:




All the troops together(from both armies):




Vehicles(some missing as i dont have all the parts yet) with FW pieces applied:




step 2(of many) on the vehicles done(well mostly, ran out of paint so couldnt finish the last 1.5)




step 3




step 4





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my jaw has dropped and i cant find it.


how many tanks are there?? O.o i would probably die of boredom if i was to paint that many tanks. mostly cuz i lose motivation in minisreally fast and fall inlove with other minis really fast.


btw, really looking forward to this army's results. im sure your uber skills will kick arse with an awesome paint job as your other stuff does as well.

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starks: i have to ask - why a red basecoat?


your uber paint-fu techniques baffle me :rolleyes:


He uses it for the weathering. He applies salt in patches over the red then paints them blue and rubs off the salt leaving chipped spots with red showing through.


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:rolleyes::O:O YOU RUINED MY SUPRISE!!!! :P hahaha



some more progress:


first i took the rhinos hatches and scrapped some of the salt off, as ive decided to put an image on it and i didnt want that much wear and tear...so when i spray over it the red will be coated while the remaining salt does its duty




i made a stencil out of plasticard:




and for the other rhino i drew on the symbol, masked around it(then after i put tape to finish it off)




and heres the after airbrushing versions of the hatches(note water still hasnt dried off them so the colours may look uneven):





I still need to do more work on everything, but the airbrushing is complete


heres two images of the vehicles with the salt removed!




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starks: i have to ask - why a red basecoat?


your uber paint-fu techniques baffle me ^_^


He uses it for the weathering. He applies salt in patches over the red then paints them blue and rubs off the salt leaving chipped spots with red showing through.



That answers my question about the blue powdery stuff then!!

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I had found a tutorial online somewhere that used salt like this to show rust underneath and for life of me I can't remember where I found it or who did it. I just remember they were using Warmachine to explain the process. Your technique is what they explained and I remember how to do it, I just wished I had linked the site so I return now and then for inspiration and whatnot.


They look awesome Starks, I like the darker one over the red though. As soon as my forge world bits arrive I intend on starting my Nurgle boys using this very same technique to show old outdated and tore up looking armor.


Keep it up and keep up the posts!

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future floor wax+water i brush it on, then sprinkle on salt....some people use water mixed with salt...but even with the future my airbrush blows some off so im hesitant to use less stickyness :P


oh and run it under warm water while you rub off, makes it easier



i will also tyr another technique later that involves alchohol and hair spray....and i may use the liquid mask on another one just to see the difference

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I was a little dubious at first, but now it's been toned down, it's very striking. Of course, I'd prefer to see rusty-as-hell tanks in Imperial Guard armies, but it does a good job of showcasing the desperation of the Crimson Fists in the days of the Rynn's World war. It certainly seems to be shaping up to be a very cool, very evocative force.


Looking forward to seeing more!

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I applied some thin washes of my dark brown colour(that i used for the bases on all the marines) real thin multiple layers


I then layered on pigments....as tanks get very dirty very fast...so i just used a variety of pigment colours applied in a couple doses with a nice big drybrush


i used a certain colour to exentuate the muddy washes...and then i used another colour to drybrush most of the untouched parts to coat them, since i wanted them to be dirtied :)...no water in the pigments, i only did that when i was using them as colour and not the dry dust texture

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AHA! I did a lot of web searching and I found the tutorial talking about using the salt, its done by Brushthralls.com, under their tutorial > painting techniques > battle damage II.


What Starks has is awesome looking! But this will show a similar approach to what Starks has achieved. Its sort of like Photoshop, several different ways to do the same thing and achieve similar results.


Keep up the good work Starks, looking forward to seeing the finished versions! Plus its cool seeing people attempting different approaches to weathering/battle damage. I know I would be petrified doing this for the first time. Especially with the cost of the new miniatures.

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GW paints thinned(40:60ish) with a mix of windex/water(50:50)..... regal blue and red gore, same as my army


I also used a P3 paint...and for those who didnt believe me that P3 whites(morrow and menoth white highlight) have larger pigments, put them through an airbrush and you may think twice :P


Airbrush isnt really faster per se, but it allows me to use the salt trick, a brush would just knock most of the salt off, or wouldnt apply as evenly(liquid mask+brush works however)

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yaaay more action


heres 3 tanks after highlights and washes of the dark brown:




and heres the rest with finished pigments(well i still need to pick out some details in other colours and then weather them...so not 100% finished):





theres still more weathering planned...i want "mud"...and i need to figure out the oil washes...i used dark greys to make it look like the soot from the exhausts had run down the sides, but im not sure if i wanna continue that or try something else

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