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The DIY Swap marines

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wow this is you first model right (like ever) baceause if so i see a natural here i can tell you my first model never look that good lol though i was 7 haha


as for the model i really like it very dinamic pose and the base looks excellant only critasism is mold lines!



Getting there!


From the right



From the left



Better lit and a different angle



So you can see what he is doing



Ready for his close-up



This one shows off the chapter symbol (or whatever a chaos marine has instead).



and finally one with the banner in focus



Chapter symbol as provided by Grimdour the Invicible.





edit: added the pictures I promised yesterday!

Very good. One question - why is one of his legs gold??



Because Grimdour The Incinerator told me to paint it that way! (although I have just spotted that his left foot shouldn't be gold!)



  • 2 weeks later...

So I made some pretty good progress this morning, though as I was relating to Hubernator, his green was killing me. I think I came close and I finally had a chance to use that pot of old Vile Green that GW retired (I really liked that color).


Anyway, here's a bunch of pics, such as they are









I still need to put the chapter symbol on the left pad, might do a little more detailing, I'll have to see. I'm not convinced that I pulled the eyes off, they were are supposed to be glowing a bit.


Other things:


1. Did I say the green was a pain B) I started with a black base, then started with foundation Ork Hide. Since that was lighter than where I wanted to end up, I then mixed up Apple Barrel Colors Hunter Green 20754 and a bit of green ink. I put 2-3 coats over the foundation, then progressively added more green ink to darken it up. So I think I got fairly close although that may not be obvious from the pictures. I also added some Chaos Black to the base green for some recess work, though I don't know how evident it is in the pics.


2. I wasn't convinced that a yellow chest eagle would work, so I started with Iyanden Yellow foundation, then a 50/50 mix of IY and Bleached Bone, then a final highlight of Bleached Bone. From there I added a couple of layers of yellow ink and I got pretty close to what I wanted...something yellow, but not in stark contrast to the dark green


3. The lighter green started with a base of Space Wolves Grey, then Vile Green, then a glaze of SW Grey.


So, Hubernator, what say ye? :)

ok, slight update from me. Due to RL and lots of school work, yeah, even though i've finished my school still insists on giving me school work :wallbash: and they say I'm the one that needs educating. But I digress, I'm away from Sunday until the 26th so I will have to post the finished model slightly late.
So is this a test to see who comes in last? :wallbash:


That would be. For the second time in a row, I fail utterly. Actually, I fail worse than last time because last time I actually assembled a model. If it wasn't for a rather unexpected move and getting married and all I probably would have done better, but alas...



Ok, getting closer. The base is finished.






So is this a test to see who comes in last? :P


That would be. For the second time in a row, I fail utterly. Actually, I fail worse than last time because last time I actually assembled a model. If it wasn't for a rather unexpected move and getting married and all I probably would have done better, but alas...




;) Waaaah! I was so hoping to see a well painted Son of Doom. :)


Ah well, bad luck Barret, RL sucks when you have internet challenges to do.


Regarding Brother Nehkbet from Vaaish's chapter, I'm going to try and get a webcam installed on my computer and see if it can take a decent picture of my model.



@ Tigris: Woah, that's great work, man! I need to know how you did the chapter symbol.


And as always, I'm keeping mine a surprise.


Chapter symbol is entirely freehand with a 000 brush in four easy steps.


I will do another one as a "tutorial" if you like?




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