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Ancient Wonders in Tualatin, Or, We Play Apco and Regular as well as Dark Heresy.


Come on down say hi to George the Owner of the shoppe and Join us.


Show us our Armies and your Faith in the Emperor.


We have Lenzabi, Monroe, John, Andrew, Ryan, Jonny, James, Katrinia, Shay, And more.. players



So if you fear the dark step into the light and join us when you can.



Iron Father Tim

The Omnissiah is blessed here, we have 6 baneblades.

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  • 6 months later...
My main gaming mate of the last 2 years just moved across the country, so I'm in need of a regular person/group of people to play! I have 4-5000pts eldar, 2-3000pts SM, and a small force of Orks. I like a good large sized game, both competitively and friendly, but am definitely looking for some one interested in playing at the kill team-combat patrol level in some story/fluff based campaigns, eventually leading to large battles. I'm a very good sport, and won't tolerate those who aren't. I'm specifically in beaverton, but range anywhere in the portland area, and would be happy to join any good local gaming clubs. I have been playing 40k for about 15 years, have participated in several tournements, and have written some 60 pages of tactical content articles on 40konline, so consider myself an experienced player, so I am looking for some one compotent, though I am very patient and am fine teaching some one how to play (strategy wise, not so much rules).
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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice. Im in Hillsboro but play at Kkightfall games in Beaverton.


Im actually going there tonight if you care to play. I use space marines and only started 4 months ago but love to play more people.


Hit me back via PM or here to get directions and contact info.



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Yea, I used to play at rainy day, but there were too many young 'uns plyaing yugioh (not that its a bad game, its just not for me).


Knightfall is a pretty friendly spot with a lot of tables to play.


Like I said ill be there tonight (about 6) so if you come down we can get a game on. I go by Paul when im not online. Ill be the one losing rather badly. :D



Edited by gonzo
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I recently played at Knightfall Games (my first 40k game in several years), and I was impressed. Very nice people, and excellent gaming tables.


I'm not native to the Portland area though. If there is anyone in the Klamath Falls area that has a group going, let me know. <_<

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  • 1 month later...

I just moved to southern oregon, around medford and central point. I was forced to quit playing Warhammer due to a lack of stores or players. U guys r my last hope before I am forever limited to writing about the game that I once enjoyed.


PM me if u r a gamer in that area or if u know of any stores in the area. I do not yet have my license so it would be limited to a half hour drive or so.

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  Captain Cirrius said:
I just moved to southern oregon, around medford and central point. I was forced to quit playing Warhammer due to a lack of stores or players. U guys r my last hope before I am forever limited to writing about the game that I once enjoyed.


PM me if u r a gamer in that area or if u know of any stores in the area. I do not yet have my license so it would be limited to a half hour drive or so.



Try Astral Games in Medford. 207 E. Barnett Rd. 541-776-7888

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Guardian Games is holding a Charity 40k Tournament and 40k Painting Competition on October 17th 2009


$5.00 entry fee plus 2 canned goods. ( this includes entry fee to painting contest. )

$5.00 entry fee plus 2 canned goods for painting contest , non tournament entries.


Doubles tournament, each team member brings 1000points.


No Named Characters or Special Characters, Ex. Logan Grimnar, Phoenix Lords, ect. ** Avatar ok to bring **


Painting tournament is for HQ, Vehicle, and Squad paint jobs, one entry per category.


Tournament begins at 12:30pm. Be there before 12 for final registration.


There will be a 1 hour lunch break after 2nd round.


Prizes will be awarded by Guardian Games, who are also hosting the event.


We encourage those from out of state to Pre-Pay to hold your spot.


There are 12 total team spots available, register early!



Guardian Games

303 SE 3rd Ave at Pine St; Portland Oregon, 97214 503-238-4000

Email: guardiangames@hotmail.com


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Ello everyone, update!

. It sounds like some of you are spread across the state. I live in Bend, in central oregon. We can play at our local store, D's Hobbies anytime, and they are more than happy to bring out more tables if needed.PM me if you guys are in the area, I will make some calls :HQ: . BTW i'm Carl, we also have Ben, Dan, Scott, Eric, John, Jack, Simon, oh and about a dozen other guys.


[Edit] Oh we are also planning an apoc tourny (me and Ben) which will happen sometime soon.

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  • 5 months later...

Klamath Falls finally has a game store.


Astral Games of Medford has opened a sister store here in K-Town. Located at 737 Main St., they are open Tuesday through Sunday. They have a nice space, with 4 tables set up for play. Good folks behind the counter too (even if one of them plays Greenskins).

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Wow, thats great news!


I was in Klamath falls just a few weeks ago visiting OIT and I was looking for a gaming store but didn't find one. Next year, I am transferring to OIT and it's good to know that there is a game store just a short bus ride away.

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  • 3 months later...

Portland has a newer-ish shop called Red Castle Games. Located at:

6416 SE Foster Rd.

Portland, OR, 97206

Phone: 503-77-IGAME (774-4263)

Mon - Sun: 12:00 pm - 12:00 am


Monday nights are 40K nights, but you can find a pick up game most days of the week. They have two tourney sized, raised tables to play on and can set up another two. Good people.



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  • 5 months later...

I've been loking for a place in the Portland / Vancouver area to go for games and maybe tournaments. I live in the eastern part of the state, but it's only about a 3 hour drive, which I'm totally willing to go to play with a good bunch of people. I used to travel regularly to Z Games in Vancouver to play and loved it but they have closed down :HQ:


If anybody knows any good places in that area I would love to know what gaming they do and when. I usually have Friday Saturday and Sunday off and often available to travel

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