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Tome of Creation - ChaosPhoenix' WIP

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Dark Green with the gold/yellow trim will look very strong together IMHO - this ought to be good.


I take it you have an airbrush/spraygun? Would be the best way to get a flat basecoat with no brushmarks on that beast.


Yes, I'm talking the Titan, not your cat.....

Yes it would look better with an airbrush, but I have none. The GW spray gun is no option for me, it didn't work well on tanks / drop pods. At least not with Orkhide Shade, which I use as undercoat for Dark Angels Green. The gun was plugging very often and the orkhide shade was "moving" on the tanks, so it created a thick layer at the bottom and thin at the top. Even when I used very thin layers at all... then again, if I took more breaks, the gun was malefunctioning too often.


So.. I have to take a brush ;-/

  • 2 weeks later...

So here are mmannny photos, I've shot some more, but this topic is bursting with photos and I'm sorry, if I overdid it. The rest of the photos is > here <.


I was right about the reaver. The second leg was no problem after I had experience with the first one. The Reaver as whole was very easy now. But I still had production related issues. I've had serveral 2mm - 3mm deep, thick mold lines at some places which weren't that nice. I was not sure, if I should send it back, but I was a weeeee bit too greedy to finally finish it.


I'll send the next Titan back *cough*. I've made one mistake. One of the ventilation shafts on the back is slant. I fixed it as usual with super glue and in the instant nano second I put it on, it was hard and immovable. Whoops.


So any advice on the painting scheme? I want to do it like the Forgeworld Titan, but Dark Angels Green - Gold - Yellow instead of blue.







































Wow, I'm impressed. I hoping to get one of these bad boys pretty soon to, so it's nice to see someone else give it a go.


So any advice on the painting scheme? I want to do it like the Forgeworld Titan, but Dark Angels Green - Gold - Yellow instead of blue.

Why not do some research on other Titan Legions first, then decide on a colour scheme? This should help.

Wow, I'm impressed. I hoping to get one of these bad boys pretty soon to, so it's nice to see someone else give it a go.


So any advice on the painting scheme? I want to do it like the Forgeworld Titan, but Dark Angels Green - Gold - Yellow instead of blue.

Why not do some research on other Titan Legions first, then decide on a colour scheme? This should help.


Thanks :wallbash:. I'm doing my own scheme this time, although it's very close the Legio Astraman. Maybe I'll give the Titan their heraldry, if the Fluffgods allow it. The construction of a titan is real fun, I would do more, if they had a different pricetag. It too bad, that especially the Titan had worst material quality I've ever got from Forgeworld. Then again, it was ok and I've had only nearly perfect models from Forgeworld before.



I'm thinking about a name too, but thats not easy. Does anyone of you have a suggestion? Accepted languages are english, german and latin. Today I'll start painting the arms, because I want to have them ready before I attach them to the torso.

I must admit, you have much better/detailed pics of the reaver unpainted than FW, much better. Also love some of the conversions.



That was the problem when deciding on buying a Reaver Titan. Most models look good, if they're really well painted. I'm a mediocre painter, I want at least the model itself to look good ;-). And I didn't know, if I like the Warhound or the Reaver Titan more. By now I'm happy, I chose the Reaver. It looks really great. If you want anymore detail shots, just tell me.


It will get it's trial by fire in the final stage of our local GW's campaign on saturday. Many players will be there, so I'm limited with about 2000pts. The Reaver takes up 1450pts, so I'll get him a nice escort. In the first place, I wanted the Reaver to be escorted by Baneblades, but I have't got enough points for that. I'll work something out though.

Hail frater,


Nice to see another Dark Angels player here.


As for an escort....how about letting him be escorted by dreadnoughts ? That ought to look rather good, I think...



Master Ciaphas


A nice idea, although they look nearly cute compared to the Titan. If I had time, I would make a Battlestandard for the Titan, which would be carried by one of the dreads.

Damn, I suck at painting a good gold without an airbrush. The next Titan will be more beautiful, this will be his ugly twin. I need to paint faasttterr. I hope, I'm ready this evening.


@sword brethren


The cat is trying to sleep on my freshly painted gunbarrels :lol:

I know it's heresy. I know it's not fluffy. But after planing some inqusitorial Baneblades, I'm thinking about switching my Morningstar scheme to a Inquisitorial one. The funny thing is, it's "on the way" anyway. I paint the trims golden and re-basecoat the armorplates black, which makes it looking like the big =]I[= itself. I can paint the black parts still green afterwards..


Has anyone an advise on making non-painted =]I[= symbols?

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

and rreeessssurreeeccttedd! Sorry as always. I had a lot of none-gw-things to do. But a few days ago, I started making my gaming table. I even had the first two games in months. It's my first try at terrain-painting and here we go:












Here are some more photos. I had serveral accidents while making the terrain. For example not waiting until the water effect dries or a girlfriend poking here finger into the ice while giggling and saying something like "weeee cool. ooops."

From the pics, its a bit hard to tell where you used the water affects. did you put it over the skulls? Other than that, the board looks great.


Yes you're right, you can't really see much on the photo. I just added a second layer of ice, so I'll make a new photo in about 24h. Thanks for your reply ^_^

Loving the board, I feel you paint my titan's left leg kept buckling, you need lots of pinning and time. make sure you dont glue it all together before painting, I did legs torso arms and head all separate, other than that. Bring back TITAN KITTY (Destroyer of Manz)
Dude, your titan-toes are on backwards... You have the front toe on the back and the back one on the front side. Other han that, it's very nice, liking your board too.


I thought so too, but there was a huge "FL" and "FR" carved in the toes. Front left, front right ;). Do you mean the toes or the piston guards? Compare it to the last picture on the first page. If I did something wrong, well.. then I have a heretical design and might die for it :)


Loving the board, I feel you paint my titan's left leg kept buckling, you need lots of pinning and time. make sure you dont glue it all together before painting, I did legs torso arms and head all separate, other than that. Bring back TITAN KITTY (Destroyer of Manz)


The Titan is again postponed until I have more time . But the KITTY just stepped on my ice lake, she is the destroyer of ALL.

Loving the board, I feel you paint my titan's left leg kept buckling, you need lots of pinning and time. make sure you dont glue it all together before painting, I did legs torso arms and head all separate, other than that. Bring back TITAN KITTY (Destroyer of Manz)


The Titan is again postponed until I have more time . But the KITTY just stepped on my ice lake, she is the destroyer of ALL.


hehe if its still in bits can you Mech out KITTY, the mask and Smartie tubes on her legs, spray them silver first and Raahhh TITAN KITTY strikes again!!


We were talking over beers the other day about the legalities of gluing bases to my friends 14month sons shoes and turning him into a fantasy giant or a titan (This conversation obviously took place when the women folk werent around and our lips were whetted with beverage :) )

I love your game board looks like you did an excellent job on it..


You are brave taking on a Reaver, I bottled it & commissioned someone esle to build & paint it for me..


One thing I did notice was the shoulder guards look like they are on the wrong way, they should be 90o from what they are.


With the gold try using some of the GW washes on top of it. I find shining gold with a wash of devlan mud looks really good.


Looking forward to seeing it painted, keep up the good work.

I love your game board looks like you did an excellent job on it..


You are brave taking on a Reaver, I bottled it & commissioned someone esle to build & paint it for me..


One thing I did notice was the shoulder guards look like they are on the wrong way, they should be 90o from what they are.


With the gold try using some of the GW washes on top of it. I find shining gold with a wash of devlan mud looks really good.


Looking forward to seeing it painted, keep up the good work.


Thanks! And the shoulder guards aren't fixed. The FURR Cat-Titan played with it (look on the first page). Thanks for the reply :)


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