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Crusade Company WIP

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So, as promised, some photos of the squads or individuals I have completed for the army. Some may not be used in the final product.


Start of with some Mantis Warriors. The one on the left is a newer scheme. I think I like this one better, makes them pop a little more. The one on the right is an older test model.


I'd be happy to hear some opinions....






Next up is some Lamenters. The squad is about 75% done. Individual marine (that was the original test model) then a squad in progress shot.












Next up is a Howling Griffen. I have most of the squad done but they where in the case when I started snapping photos. So you get the original test marine :lol:






And a couple of the Space Shark test model...






Last but not least, the squad of Scythes of the Emperor. This was the first squad for the Crusade Army. I'll do some individual shots later.





Opinions and comments welcome!

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Almost all of my favourite chapters, they look pretty good and the colours/heraldry seems to be in order. I like the Lamenters combat knife as i used that exact conversion on my old Flesh Tearer army.


Very good. :teehee:


Thanks. I tried to convey a little more character in with the posing of the Lamenters. Not sure how else to portray their "aura of doom" other than have them fighting despite the odds. The Helmetless marine behind him only has a combat knife and a grenade (he was originally created to show death or glory for a tank shock)


Very nice, clean painting. It all looks great!






I've got 2 more space sharks done, althougth I don't know if I'll get them up this weekend or not but I'll try. I'm still interested to hear what people think of the Mantis Warrior scheme, if I should go with the darker or the lighter one.

Lovely to see representatives of so many legendary chapters all in one place!


For the Mantis Warriors I like the one on the left better. It's brighter and more vibrant, a nice contrast to the dark scythes of the emperor and space sharks, and a nice complement to the brightly coloured Howling Gryphons and Lamenters. :)

Some more photos of the Crusade Army possible components....


First up, some Mortifactors






The original Demo Model:








And the WIP Sgt:






As promised, some close ups of the Scythes:








2 Squad Members:








Some Mentor Legion. These are fairly converted to show the specialist wargear they have access to. I plan to run these as a Deathwatch Kill Team....










And finally some more Space Sharks..


Wip Sgt:




And 2nd Squad Member:







As always, comments and opinions welcome!

I really like those mortifactors, is the badge freehand?




And yes, all the squad markings on all the marines (chapter emblem, company markings, etc) are free handed. The Mortifactor skull initially seemed daunting to me, but its pretty much a circle and triangle intersecting in beastial brown, then bleached bone applied in a couple layers on top leaving some of the brown as definition lines.



great idea using the mentor legion dudes as deathwatch!



Thanks, I thought they needed a little something special to represent their old fluff of supporting other chapters with specialist equipment. Deathwatch seemed to have enough shiney stuff, yet still remain marine-ish. I got the idea from some where here on the board, I think maybe from Bannus over on the Index Astartes sub board.

  • 2 weeks later...

So while I had a week in North Carolina with the family for vacation get in the way of progress, I have managed to get some more done. 2 squads are well on their way, the Space Sharks and the Howling Griffens.


First off we'll start with the Space Sharks. I've split the squad into 2 distinct elements. With figuring the way the Dark Angels and Blood Angels rules have gone I think that we will see the advent of combat squads in the new Marine dex. If not, it will be the start of a second squad.


First Combat Squad, Stationary/Support Squad - Note that Sgt Ahab will be swapped out for a different model. Maybe a Vet Sgt with a storm bolter or combi weapon to lend some firepower to the squad, there will also be a heavy weapon added in to Brother Just-A-Pair-Of-Legs







Second Combat Squad, Advancing Squad - Found a box of assault marines floating around my bits, and I wanted a more dynamic look. 2 done, the other 3 are bits selected, squad will also have some sort of assault weapon










Next up we have the Howling Griffens. Half the squad was primed black, the other half white. The new washes have gone a long way to helping the difference in color go away.









So we now have 2 squads nearing some semblence of completion or at least starting to lean that way.


More to come, but I leave you with a couple shots of my work area, pre and post clean up. I'll tell you what, that paint rack makes it sooooo much nicer to work on models. I suggest everyone try something like it. Also note that the models on the table have been shuffled off to their respective cases and put away. Clean work spaces rock, as long as you can keep them that way :lol:


Pre Clean Up (and pre-vacation)







And Post Clean Up (Post vacation)





Thanks for the compliment. I thought it would be something different :)


For right now, yes, I'm doing a squad of each. that might change later on with the new marine dex if I don't like the load-out on some squads (like the Mortifactors, that scheme is not fun to pull off over black undercoat) I might go for a second squad.


As for who's leading, Right now I have no clue. I'm figuring either I write some fluff for my own crusade, flesh out an existing one (there are a couple in the new rule-book) without named chapters, or do something historical. I'm leaning toward staying away from a first founding chapter right now, if I do one probably they'll have some commanders.


The other idea I had, was a mixed command squad of all the chapters, but I'm not sure how visually appealing that will be all clumped together. Right now, I'm building and painting stock tactical squads for the core of the army, I'll get to the fun parts later on :)

more scythes please post more of your excellent scythes



I'll see what I can do when I get home tonight. At least do some close ups of that squad. They'll be expanded soon as well, the current 8 man (despite it being fluffy to have a depleted squad for some chapters) seems to be going out the window with the New Dex on the horizon, so I'll need to bump them to 10. Might do a rhino or razor back for them as well. I do tend to like their scheme a lot :)

The other idea I had, was a mixed command squad of all the chapters, but I'm not sure how visually appealing that will be all clumped together. Right now, I'm building and painting stock tactical squads for the core of the army, I'll get to the fun parts later on :rolleyes:


If you were to use that idea it would probably work better and be more fluffy as a command staff, like the masters of the chapter. Then you'd have a whole heap of characters to chose from.

If you were to use that idea it would probably work better and be more fluffy as a command staff, like the masters of the chapter. Then you'd have a whole heap of characters to chose from.



Possibly, my only worry about that is the amount of different color schemes and how well they'll work without other models in the like scheme. Visually its a little easier to see the flow of the schemes when there is more than one model in the respective schemes. I'll play around with my Sgts in a group and post a pic later. See how it looks and get some feed back on how they look together.


Thanks for the feed back though, please keep the ideas and suggestion coming :D

For the idea of a mixed command unit, I grouped what Sgts I already had done and took a pick of them together. I'm not so sure of the visual flow, but I really need some feed back....





I think a mixed squad would look quite interesting actually.


And i'm so glad I found a person who had the exact same idea as me! As soon as the New marine 'Dex comes out, i'm going to do my own crusade army, using my DIY plus Chapters of Legend (So Smurfs, Crimson Fists, Imperial Fists, Sallies, etc etc)


I just wish I could paint as well as you! Keep up the awesome work.


Oh and by the way, any chance of a photo of all of the squads together?

  • 2 weeks later...

So, after another week of vacation with the girlfriend, I managed to snap some photos of 2 transports I'm working on.


:) Scythes of the Emperor Razorback - Twin Linked Heavy Bolters:


Front View:




Interior Views:






and the other one


:Troops:Space Shark Razor Back - Twin Linked Lascannons:


Front View:




Interior View:





Both will be completed hopefully next week, and will also have top hatches to double as rhinos. The side doors I'm a little unsure of, I think I MAY want to try greenstuffing a chapter emblem on them but I haven't decided yet. Either that, or large freehand of the chapter symbol.


And finally, cuz someone asked, a couple really bad group shots of the squads so far. I need to get a better photo of them at some point....








As always, comments and suggestions welcome!

If this is a crusade army, what are you using for your Crusade badge? It will help tie everything together visually a bit more.


How about Rainbow Warriors for another squad? :P


Yes, for all you youngsters, that is a GW-created codex chapter.


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