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even More fluff

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Hi guys, I have been motivated by Freakforges brilliant Iron souls to start my own bionic heavy chapter, it will be

1) a BA successor

2) Bionic heavy (going for a cyborg look, almost loosing their humanity)

3) dark/sinister

4) 1 step from becoming renegade (as renegade as they can get but not yet excommunicated)

5) have a techno junkies thirst for technology

6) allied with/being used by dark sects within the AD MECH to gather Xenos technology

Its really just and excuse to practice my GS and conversion/scratch build skills, here is the first GS face (all faces will be GS from scratch) please let me know what you think. Also let me know if you like the colour scheme.


still have to do a little work with the nostrils and inside the mouth.




all comments welcome.

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I don't care for Red and Black as a color combination. It just seems so over-used these days. What about Red and a dark Grey with some white tossed in there? I would just change it up, if I were you. Something different is always nice.


Also, that face is going to make a Space Marine really, really old. :(




Hey Alpha, I picked the red and black deliberately, I am using this army to practice a few new things, and black is one of them, really want to see what I can do with the colour, as far as the marine looking old, that's great, the older and uglier the better, we unfairly see old people as being redundant in out society, however these are technology augmented warriors that are thousands of years old and have had more battles than we have had hot dinners, I can't stand pretty marines, and none of these are going to be pretty, also these marines will be 40%-70% machine, in their quest to cure the black rage they have started down the path of cyborg ism, the faces are really only going to be living masks on a steel skull (in a vain attempt to clutch to their humanity)

Here is the body very WIP, all my marines will have 1-4 bionic limbs, he will be a jump pack assault marine sergeant.



hi guys, so I'm thinking about making my chappy to lead the death company, which head do you think I should go with, one that I have converted or one of the others, I like the one I converted but I'm not sure it will suit my fluff. the head on the far left of the four is my other choice, what do you think?





Looks and sounds really cool. Like your taking elements you like from other chapters and folding them in to yours. I.e., Iron Hands, BAs, and Relicators. Me likey! Your paint scheme is also close to the Flesh Tearers but cheers on personally trying to master a new color. Also, I assume you have seen the Iron Hands sprue with cyborg legs?
hi guys, so I'm thinking about making my chappy to lead the death company, which head do you think I should go with, one that I have converted or one of the others, I like the one I converted but I'm not sure it will suit my fluff. the head on the far left of the four is my other choice, what do you think?





if i may ask, where did u get that skull that you're planning on using for the death comp chappy?

I would vote for the new one as well.


Also, I really like what you did with the face...I have another project coming up where this could help. I shall be watching the modeling side of this project with keen interest.


Overall idea:


This sounds like a pretty trippy concept, though at some point as you develop the fluff, the chapter will need to come to recognize the fact that they can replace everything and they still won't get rid of the Black Rage...as long as they keep their brain. On the other hand, maybe that would be an excuse to use a Thousand Sons list. The Rubric would represent the total replacement of all the organic components and then all the chapter is left with is automatons.


The non-Rubric leaders represent Iron Father equivalents, who are required to keep them all moving/working.


Hmm...brain is going into overdrive...Possessed could be heavily bioniced troops that succumb to the rage...


Sorry for potentially taking your idea where you may not have intended, but there is a lot of potential in your idea to go in a lot of different directions.

Hey guys


Thanks for the replies, I will use my converted head then (its a standard icon from the plastic empire knights box)


Hi Honda


Thanks for the ideas, the end goal of this chapter is to find a technology that will allow the download of their personalities/humanity onto a chip, thus finally curing the black rage. (this is one of the reasons for their close ties with the AD MECH) will post more later

Hey Guys

Here is a test figure, he will be in the veteran assault squad, I will add some bling and shoulder pads, the chapter emblem will be a blood red drop with white wings in a square cog pattern, I will GS the blood drops and paint the wings on. You can't really tell but he has fangs, all these marines will have fangs, Should I add a tabard? What do you think?






i love the chaplain the bionics are well executed and the helmet is stunningly converted. Over all I love the idea of a nearly fully bionic space marine chapter (I wanted to try that but didn't know how to justify them) I love the bionics work and the rivets. Ironically you color scheme isn't too far from mine (just the shoulers are reversed and helmets are black , red or bone)
Very nice work, love the gs work and bionics. That said Im not sure about the fluff and look staying true to ba. I collect ba myself and am just too used to blond haired looking marines and such but I guess if there just using the bionics to fix the black rage it kinda makes sense.... kinda Im still having a tough time getting my head around it. Regardless great job cant wait to see them painted.


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