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thanks to IMPERIAL TEMPLARI for the idea that i bestowed unto my chaplain.

here he is, in all his unfinished splendor, my chaplain.

he has a chain fist, well, more like a mini-chainsword grafted onto his fist, a hammer like crozius arcanum with a rope attached for swing-and-smash, a hand flamer, and lots of guitar wire soon to come!








13skullz, it definitely has potential. To make it look less like he's just been shot in the back by something heavy, i'd suggest planting both of his feet firmly on the floor. Try and do the pose you're thinking off, and you'll see that he would have gone crashing into an unceremonious heap if he was stood like that.


And Imperial Templari, I love these models. Now hurry yourself up and get painting :D

hey 13skullz he is coming along OK, a tip with the GS, use the flat side of a hobby blade dipped in water to smooth the GS out, you lightly dab the GS with the blade all over and it will smooth it out, for hard to get to places use a smaller round implement like the big round plastic end on sowing pins, not sure about the back pack configuration, I think the round vents would fly around and get in the way in a fight. you should thicken the arms and legs with wire/stretch sprue etc, looks a bit thin at the moment. Can't see the head very good in the picture, I would take a head/face close to what you want, site it in front of you and try and sculpt it. Add some more gravel/sand to the base, Keep up the good work.

Hi guys, have started the painting, will have pics in the next couple of days, but now I need to name them, please vote for your prefered name, or suggest another.

1) Lamenting Angels ( like this one)

2) Vampiric Angels (Like this but maybe too obvious and Vampiric is not actually a word)

3) Pyrrhic Angels (shows the futility of trying to cure the black rage)

4) Iron Angels ( had thought of this name awhile ago but this may have been used by other DIYs before)

5) Angels of Iron (not sure)

Thanks guys, still need votes on the name, leaning towards Lamenting Angels or Pyrrhic Angels, have started painting the 2 figures, I wanted a darker red and went for a hull red base rather than red gore, not sure if it worked though, I should have taken the time to paint a test mini first (live and learn) should I keep this colour? should I go a couple of shades lighter in the highlights, the figures are only about 60% painted so they will be better than this. What do you think of the skin colour (I borrowed it of Nurglepuss), please vote for a name and let me know what you think of the paint scheme.

Hi Kevlarshark this chapter has developed the belief that if the replace all their flesh with steel they may stop marines being taken by the black rage, of course the dilemma is that they would need to replace the brain with a computer, but how to do this and keep their humanity, a dark sect within the ADMECH has allied with them and told them there maybe technology held by Xenos races that would allow the download of personality into a chip, so the whole focus of the chapter has turned away from defending humanity and expanding the Imperium too the search of Xenos technology for the ADMECH dark sect, the inquisition is going through investigating the chapter and has not yet made the decision to excommunicate them. I'm going for a dark, ruthless, renegade chapter on the verge of loosing sight of their humanity.










and the bases


not to be a downer on your plans, but BAs are one of the most loyal chapters because of what their primarch went through, and they would never forsake his sacrifice like that.


And these aren't Blood Angels :D They're successors. Two completely different things. Look at the Flesh Tearers and the Flesh Eaters. BA successors, and they're both walking the very fine line between Imperial and Excommunicate.





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