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Post your Veteran Sergeant

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Veteran Sergeant Ormael - Former Veteran Sergeant from 1st Tactical Squad "Redemption" 5th Company Dark Angels Chapter.

Ormael is now leading the 5th Company Veteran Squad. He was promoted for his outstanding performance during a campaign that leads to the completion of 4 successful "Hunt for the Fallen"-Missions and the capture of one +++Access Denied+++.



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Pyriel and Master Toddius - amazing work. Not that everyone else is not really really good, but their sergeants just look unbelievable.


Yep, I'd second that, when I can get mine to look as good as theirs I'll be very happy.

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An old RT style Iron Hands Vet. Sergeant




Castigator Vet. Sergeant 2nd company, 1st squad, just done for the DIY swap



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All these are from my 8th company.


4th vet before shoulder repaint:



5th Vet



6th vet and squad:


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Mine. Still wip but I've done more on him since I took these. A bit distracted at the moment by a true-scale project I'm on with :nuke:


Brother Oltar








Diy chapter: the Iron Knights. Iron Hands successors founded upon a cruel feudal world, where the 1st company recruits from the gentry and the other companies from the proletariat. Better quality augmentations and bionics are reserved for the 1st company whilst the others have to make do and improvise.

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An as of yet Un-Named Sword Brethren, which are my Veteran Sgts. ( Though it is apparent now, he needs some touch ups)








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Some of these veterans are really amazing ... let's see if I can find a pic of mine here ...


Keep them coming!


EDIT: Pics found


Ultramarines Veteran Assault Sergeant Ariston




Photoshop fun (Ink sketch effect)



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Here are a couple from my various armies:


My First Ultramarines Vet Sarge (circa 1995):



Iron Snakes



Black Templars (not a veteran per say but still the leader of the squad)



World Eaters (i suppose he counts as a vet sergeant


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Imperial Fists, 5th Company, Veteran Sgts...


Left to Right: Command Squad, 1st Tactical Squad, 3rd Tactical Squad, 5th Tactical Squad, 1st Assault Squad




Regular Sgts...


Left to Right: 2nd Tactical Squad, 4th Tactical Squad, 1st Devestator Squad, 2nd Devestator Squad




and 2 Vet Sgts from my Crusade Army: Lamenters and Scythes of the Emperor



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These models are so old, but I might as well show them off...


Brother Terroris, first squad.


Brother Phobus, second squad.


Brother Neurosia, first assault squad.







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Some lovely models and colour schemes here. Particularly like Alpha's "black", Hellstrike's Lamenter is a winner for me, titan 136's (later) models are superb [2nd Edition Power fist to the WE :devil: ], Vtraxx' Ravens are great, as is Master Toddius' Dark Angel. However Pyriel's Sallie's are my absolute faves!


Great work by all so far..


Here's the Imperial Fist Veteran that I posted elsewhere recently



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Here's my most recent Veteran Sergeant. Squad 2, 4th Company. As seen before in my DA-thread. New photos though. Hope you like him. As for the mouldline on the backpack: Just pretend it's

not there... "See no evil" and all that... ^_^



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