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Post your Veteran Sergeant

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Im sorry, I saw this and all i thought of was Saturday Night Fever!

All these are fantastic by the way! Keep it up brothers!

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Im sorry, I saw this and all i though of was Saturday Night Fever!

All these are fantastic by the way! Keep it up brothers!


I thought it was more along the lines of "I say chaps, you don't think those are mycetic spores, do you?"

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Sorry for those "nuthin new" guys (Squat army painting pretty sucks all my hobby time), those are two asp-champys from my BL (/apo for poor pictures).



Nice topic, keep-on posting !!!



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Guardians of the Covenant, 5th Company


Raphael, Veteran Squad Sergeant





Barkiel, 1st Tactical Sergeant





Donel, 4th Tactical Sergeant





Zikiel, 5th Tactical Sergeant





Midael, 6th Tactical Sergeant





Galmon, 7th Assault Sergeant





Nafriel, 8th Assault Sergeant





Nathaniel, 9th Devastator Sergeant





Atar, 10th Devastator Sergeant


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Oh my!! There are some seriously shiny models on here... good work guys... I don't really know how mine are going to compare... I'll apologise in advance, you can't see a lot of my highlighting... I tend to be a bit subtle with it on my DA's. But tell me what you think...


Here is a couple of my Vets, I actually use these in my command squad, but when I field 5 man units and not a command squad these get more action.


Ok Ok, I know hes not 'technically' a vet sergeant... but hes suck a cool model, and hes come out really well, I couldn't resist showing him off, im espically proud of the shield conversion, simple but effective.


This is probally one of my best painted models in my DA army... oddly enough, he was originally a vet but now days I just use him for rank and file (I went a little crazy and brough about 40 vet marines for conversion)


And here is his hand painted icon, its my first attempt at hand painting the DA icon, I thkink it came out fairly well, sorry abotu the blurry pic, I couldn't get a close up with my cam to stay in focus.

Sorry I haven't gotten around to naming them yet... I got challenged to a match and had to get 1500 points painted in 2 weeks... (that includes these models), all in all I think I did well... I just ned to go back and finish off the last details, a few knee pads with the 5th company badge, squad and chapter icons on the shoulder pads.

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Well I was planning on doing the whole chapter and using the vets as inner circle members not currently attached to DW units...


But I think I went a wee bit overboard...


No matter, I sold a lot of them to my brother for his BA vets..


Now a major mistake was that 5 landraider impulse buy.... espically seeing as I only took 1 out of the box.. built and painted it... then sold it!!! lol.

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Hi fraters !

The combi and breastplate are just some file-work away from the original model in order to get all IW iconography away.


just my 2 cp but don't hesitate buying that little guy, its full of bits and the pose is just great if you don't let it be spoiled by the stoopid claw just in front and the heavy cable that ruins the dynamic effect of the arm.



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@ Mal : Lol, you are crazy =] If you find those pics after all, make sure you post them, and that I know about it =] (PM me or something)


@ Khrangar : Whoa, smooth painting mate. Besides the base, (since it wasnt finished), very very good =]


@ Dark Sensei : Awesome, was wondering where that came from =] What about the backpack banner - part of the original model (doesn't have one on the GW website)

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Ok I found some old pics (sorry they are a little fuzzy, it was a very old camera), I added a new gallery for the titan pics, C&C welcome


Ohh and just so as you know, that teeny tiny gray speck between its feet is a 40K marine.

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