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Cover and LOS


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Yesterday I played for the first time with some decent scenery.


At one point there was a large house which had my Plague marines on one side, and my friends marines on the other.


I moved my marines horizontally to get into LOS to shoot. This was when we came a little unstuck. It feels like only 4 of his marines are actually visible to my Plague marines but I couldnt find anywhere that said that made any difference apart from awarding cover saves. Since Marines have such high armor that doesnt make any difference. In the end i just had all my shots and he had to make saves and take off models per wound as if the entire unit was visible


Was this correct? I mean, it would make more sense if I took all the shots but since only 4 of his marines are actually visible, a maximum of 4 could be removed, but the rulebook doesnt seem to deal with this unless I have completely missed it (could have happened).



I have shown this below. Hopefully it makes sense. Ignore the dots - had to put them in to get round the autoformatting.



H = House


M = Marine


P = Plague Marine






.............................M M M M M M M M M M

.............................M M M M








................................................P P P P P

................................................P P P

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I believe it works this way:


ALL Plague Marines can see at least one SM model, and thus are allowed to fire;

The SM player can assign hits to ANY models, including those out of sight, who would get a 4+ Cover Save



So I believe you played correctly.


Check page 24.


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Here's a similar question. What happens with cover saves? I know the marines in Yukka's example couldn't use 'em, but what if he'd been shot with AP2 weapons, or if the marines were instead gaunts or something?


Let's say the closest enemy model is completely out of cover and visible. Then, there's a model hiding behind cover, but still visible. Then there are some more completely hidden behind cover, with no line-of-sight from the firers. How do you award cover saves?

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The marines in his example would all be eligible for cover against plasma guns. (Who has plague marines without plasma guns?)


Models that are completely out of LOS to the firers count toward the 'in cover' tally for purposes of figuring out if the target unit it 50% in cover.

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