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DeathWatch Marines

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This is the begining of my 'Collection of Kill-Teams' project, i figured that the DW would be a good place to start -


Brother Arkus





This is a dry run set up, pre - green stuff (pre-everything) the painted bits are to be re-painted and i've still got a bit of converting to do.


C&C at your leisure.



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the sensor looks a tad too silly....

If you want something liek that, use the searchlight thing the devastor squad box set comes with


also if you can, get your hands on some "rare" heads (lol)

Ya'know, the ones that arn't too common...

The ones with targeters on, or the DWKT metal one with =][= on its forehead


apart from that I like the pose

and I really love the drum-ammo bolter conversion...neat and pretty good looking


glad to have more DW'ers out there



Maybe anoob question but Im new to the game and still painting my first models.

But what is a killteam what kind of missions can you play with it I been reading about it and seen that every faction can have them.

Is it still being played a lot cause that is a cheapway to get a cool squad going.

My models were free cause me mate gave them to me :D

a killteam was a gametype in the 4th ed codex

and you can only play KT missions (they are specified in the 4th ed book, youll have to use them or make you own for 5th ed)


a deathwatch kill team is the chamber militant of the ordos xenos

and can be asigned to any imperial forces

under the GW rules on the website they take up a HQ and a tropps choice, you'll need to take a HQ form ther original army list too

however if you are a marine chapter (not gray knights)

you may replace marines with a DWKT member

these may be used in standerd games...

though your oppnent has to agree to their use


so in answer

Killteam is a varient gametype

a death watch kill team is an addition to the satnderd game type for certain forces



Well i'm still re-designing the targeting array




The GS looks mankie in this pic because i spilt super glue on it...



i'm still looking for bitz to add and there is obviously still more GS to be added.



Bad news about the targeter array - i wrecked it :P and so have scraped that part of the miniature altogether.


The Good news is that i've started painting -




This guy seems to be evolving into a Captain as i go, what do you guys think of the metallics so far?

i tried for a grainy look rather than just super shiny.

Stern what? These guys are going to be proper DW, i've bought some commander boxed sets today as i prefer the DW shoulder pads that come with them plus i'll have a fair amount of quality bitz to muck around with.


I'm painting the Bolter just now, will update later.







His Chapter of origin is as yet undecided, i plan to add details to the knee pads such as honour/campaign markings.

In 5th Edition there are no more playable rules for Deathwatch. But a veteran unit called the Sternguard is coming out and they are basically... well... Deathwatch.


I know what the SternGuard are and to be honest i have never let GW dictate the hobby to me in the past and i certainly wont let them do it now. DeathWatch are DeathWatch and thats that.


GW might be looking to scrap the DW or they could be saving them expansion in Codex: Alien Hunters, (if it's not just a rumour) either way i love the DW and will continue regardless. (i'm lucky to have some mates that like 40k but could care less about the rules)


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