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MC's that are trying to hide...


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Because of this issue, me and my friends have came up with a different iteration of the cover saves that we prefer to use, as it makes more sense.


Models that are in cover (as defined by the BRB) may take cover saves if there are wounds allocated to them. If they are not in cover, they may not do so.


An example: A hive tyrant has two guards. A wave of genestealers are right in front of them. A marine devastator squad fires a lascannon at the hive tyrant and successfully rolled to wound. The player controlling the tyrant may assign this wound to the tyrant guards, allowing them to use a cover save.




If otherwise, I'd personally say that cover saves garnered this way confer only a 5+ to show that the monstrous creature sticks out in the crowd, making him a slightly easier target.


As for the assassin, simple common sense would apply. Since the assassin is specifically targeting the monstrous creature (or whatever), he would have no cover save in this manner, as (in my opinion) he is singled out as an entirely different unit. Unless the model that the assassin is targeting is obsured or in area terrain, he would have no cover saves. The vindicare is worthless as it is already (max 7 non-guaranteed shots? From someone that specialises in sniping? Bullocks) no point making it even more so.

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