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Horus Hawks (Egyptian themed Chaos Space Marines)


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When the last Chaos codex came out I was really impressed by some of the new models (ie the Daemon Prince and Oblits), but the Tomb Kings had just come out as well. I really liked those models too, and since I already had a Fantasy army, I decided to sell my Ultramarines and combine the two armies into one. This is the result. This army has won a Best Painted award at a local Hall of Heroes tournament, and a Best Appearance award at Astronomi-con Vancouver 2007.


HQ - Ra (Daemon Prince)






HQ - Imhotep (Chaos Sorceror)






Elites - Ramses (Chaos Dreadnought)




Troops - Chaos Space Marine Squad (this was my first attempt, and changed the blacklining)






Troops - Chaos Space Marine Squad






Troops - Thousand Sons








Troops - Mummies (Lesser Daemons or Plaguebearers)




Fast Attack - Raptors






Heavy Support - Obliterators




Heavy Support - Set (Defiler)





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I just remembered I had my fluff for the army too. Admittedly it's a bit old, but here it is:






Just before the creation of the Eye of Terror, which ended the massive warp storms isolating Terra from the rest of the galaxy, the Emperor created the 20 Primarchs with the intention of having them lead his legions of Space Marines. However, in a mysterious accident, the Primarchs were scattered throughout the galaxy shortly after their birth. The first to be rediscovered by the Emperor was Horus, and after taking him under his wing, the Emperor placed him in command of the Luna Wolves, a legion of 10,000 Space Marines. The Emperor and Horus led Great Crusade for the first thirty years, expanding the borders of the young Imperium.


One of the early conquests of Horus was the feudal world of Thebes, located at the time just outside of the Eye of Terror. Thebes was ruled by a single empire, which had an organization and religion much like the ancient Egyptians of old Terra. Exactly why this world had such a society is unknown, but coincidentally, one of the major gods in the Thebian religion was a being named Horus.


In Thebian mythology, the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut produced four children - Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys. As the eldest son, Osiris was granted the right to rule Thebes with his consort and sister, Isis. Seth, the Thebian god of evil, ripped himself from the womb of Nut. Seth later assassinated Osiris and dismembered him, spreading his body parts throughout Thebes. Seth and his consort Nephthys then ascended the throne of Thebes. With magic, Isis recovered the body parts of Osiris and resurrected

him enough to conceive a son to avenge Osiris’ death. Osiris then descended into the underworld to rule there for eternity.


Isis then gave birth to Horus, and to ensure his safety, hid Horus in the papyrus marshes of the river Nile. When he grew to maturity, Horus claimed that he should rule Thebes to a tribunal of the major gods. Seth suggested that he and Horus should settle the matter by hand-to-hand combat, and Re, the sun god agrees to the trial of combat. However, Seth and Horus were so equal in ability and strength that a lengthy impasse resulted. After a series of further meetings of the gods’ tribunal, the decision is made to award the throne

to Horus. However, Seth appeals and challenges Horus to a contest. Through a series of confrontations Seth displays his guile and trickery but is continually thwarted by Horus. Finally, upon threats from Osiris, Re forced Seth to relinquish the throne but decided that Seth would accompany Re through the heavens. The Pharaohs of Thebes were believed to be the direct descendants of Horus.


The Imperial conquest of Thebes was one of the least bloody in the Great Crusade. Seeing an opportunity to use Thebian mythology to his use, the Primarch Horus claimed that he was the god Horus returned, and that the Emperor was the reincarnation of Osiris. Horus claimed that he was hidden by Isis during his early childhood to protect him from Seth, which Horus claimed was represented by the various non-human entities in the galaxy. With the godlike abilities, the Pharaoh of Thebes did not doubt Horus, and ceded the

throne to the Emperor, joining the new Imperium.


Thebes was at peace for 200 years, during which it became a very loyal, but minor world in the Imperium. Many citizens of Thebes did eventually have to the immense honour to became members of the Luna Wolves legion. Thebes maintained its basic culture and religion, altering their myths slightly to account for the return of Horus and Osiris. However, the peace was shattered with the Horus Heresy.


The story of the Horus Heresy has been documented in several sources, but suffice it to say that Horus and his legion, now known as the Sons of Horus, led a rebellion of fully half of the Space Marine legions against the Emperor. The Sons of Horus took the battle eventually to Terra and in the final battle on Horus’ Battlebarge, Horus was killed by the Emperor but not before giving the Emperor a mortal wound.


The Sons of Horus, along with other Traitor Legions began a fighting withdrawl into the Eye of Terror. However, at the Battle of Sapphire Talon a minor system near the Cadian gate, a large fragment of the Sons of Horus fleet that had separated from Abaddon’s warfleet was finally set upon by the pursuing forces of the Imperial Fists. During the battle, four Sons of Horus cruisers were crippled in a major engagement with a pair of Battle Barges and a fleet of escorts. However, the four cruisers managed to disengage and were left for dead by the Imperial Fists as they continued to pursue the remnants of the Sons of Horus fleet heading for the Cadian gate.


The four cruisers carried Space Marines that were native to Thebes and, unwilling to chance a strike through the Cadian gate given the concentration of Loyalist forces heading there, they limped towards Thebes. Thebes was protected only by a single Imperial cruiser, the Odyssey. Despite being wounded, the four Sons of Horus cruisers were able to dispatch it quickly.


Although Thebes had heard of the rebellion, the Pharaoh Ramses XV was confused on what exactly was happening and had not heard of the death of Horus or the mortal wounding of the Emperor. After destroying the single Imperial cruiser, the captains of the Space Marine companies on board the cruisers presented themselves to the Pharaoh, telling them that all that much of what Thebes knew of the Emperor was untrue. Not the reincarnation of Osiris, the Emperor was actually Seth, returned to life. Isis, the goddess of magic had actually attempted to hide Horus in his infancy in order to protect him from Seth, in the guise of the Emperor. However, she was unsuccessful. After finding the young Horus, Seth as the Emperor, in his trickster way had convinced Horus that Seth should rule the galaxy.


It was only after 200 years that Horus had finally learned the truth, and returned to Earth to claim his throne. However, unlike the battle between Seth and Horus in antiquity, Seth had won this battle, and it was up to the Sons of Horus to take up the torch and bring back Horus to rule the galaxy. Pharaoh Ramses agreed given the ‘obvious’ evidence and ordered the shipyards to not only repair the four cruisers but begin to build a new fleet.


By this time the Traitor legions had fled into the Eye of Terror and the Imperial Fists began to mop up the area. Because of the relative obscurity of Thebes, the Imperial Fists did not realize that a fragment of the Sons of Horus had made it to the system for six months. The presence of Traitor marines in the Thebes system was discovered when an Imperial cruiser was sent to discover what had happened to the Odyssey. The cruiser was ambushed in the asteroid belt by two Sons of Horus cruisers. Despite the growing intensity of warp activity around the Thebes system, an astropath on the Imperial cruiser managed to get a signal to the Imperial Fists fleet reporting the ambush. The Imperial Fists quickly sent a Battlefleet consisting of three Battlebarges and several escorts to the Thebes system, but suddenly warp storms erupted in the space

surrounding Thebes and three other lifeless systems, cutting the planet off from the rest of the galaxy. The Battlefleet disappeared and has is presumed destroyed.


The warp storms raged for millennia and although initially separate from the Eye of Terror, 5000 years ago the Eye expanded and absorbed Thebes and the three other star systems into the Realm of Chaos.


In the meantime, the Sons of Horus established and consolidated rule over Thebes. Because of the influence of the warp storms and the growing influence of the Eye of Terror on the Thebes system, time began to slow. Because they were cut off from the rest of the galaxy and the Eye of Terror for some time, the legion wasn’t able to replace fallen Chaos Space Marines once the supply of geneseed on Thebes ran out. Although they originated as the Sons of Horus, the legion fragment’s roots were exclusively with

Thebes and eventually the legion changed their name to the Horus Hawks, in homage to the symbol of Horus.


When the Thebes system finally was absorbed into the Eye of Terror, the Horus Hawks were reunited with the other Traitor legions. However, it was not a pleasurable reunion. Sensing a new planet for the plundering, a warband of Emperor’s Children attacked Thebes but was surprised when it was repulsed by a previously unknown (to them) Space Marine legion. Eventually Thebes was fully absorbed into the ‘society’ of the Eye of Terror.


The Horus Hawks, although independent, often will ally themselves with other Chaos legions, especially when it suits their purposes. They do have a somewhat strained relationship with the Black Legion however, as the Horus Hawks see Abaddon and his Black Legion as having failed their Primarch. It is unknown what Abaddon thinks of the Horus Hawks. The Horus Hawks has been known to participate in Abaddon’s Black Crusades, although they only have a minor role given their relatively small numbers.




Thebes remains a feudal type world just inside the Eye of Terror. It consists of a single continent, located at about 30 degrees north of the equator. The climate of the continent is almost exclusively desert, with large widespread sand dunes. The west coast of the continent has a massive mountain barrier with mountains rising straight from the coast up to 25,000 feet high, completely blocking weather systems from bringing rain to the interior of the continent. There is however, enough rainfall in the central part of the

continent to form a massive river, the Nile, which meanders north along almost the entire length of the continent. Almost all of the entire Thebian population lives along the Nile which periodically floods, providing water for crops. Ancient structures are located near the river as well. Most of those structures are believed to be over 20,000 years old, but a few mysterious monuments are believed to be over 65 million years old.


Since Thebes is located on the periphery of the Eye of Terror, mutations and demons are not as naturally prevalent as they are on other Chaos worlds. However, the influence of Chaos continues to grow on Thebes and it is only a matter of time before it becomes a typical Chaos world.


Over the past years the Horus Hawks fleet has grown from the original four cruisers to become a full battlefleet complete with battleships and escorts. However, two of the original four cruisers have been destroyed. Although the battleships are the most important ships in the fleet, the Snefuru and the Waja-Hur have the highest prestige as the remaining two ships of the original fleet.




The commanders of Horus Hawks generally follow no particular Chaos god, although followers of Tzeentch are plentiful, and the Daemon Prince of Thebes, Ra, is dedicated to the Lord of Change. Generally speaking the Hawks of Horus is a flexible force with a full complement of Chaos Space Marines, Raptors, Havocs and other units. All the vehicles associated with a typical Chaos legion are part of the Hawks of Horus arsenal. Bikes have yet to be seen in any Horus Hawks warband, likely due to the poor traction in desert sand. Terminator armor is conspicuously absent as well. After being absorbed into the Eye of Terror, a small amount of Obliterators and Defilers have been added to the Hawks of Horus legion.


Animated suits of power armor have been seen recently, akin to the of the 1000 Sons. It is suspected that these animated suits are being used to bolster the Horus Hawks numbers.


The only daemon packs so far observed to be summoned by the Horus Hawks take on the form of mummies that erupt from the earth. They have been found to have similar characteristics to Nurgle Plaguebearers, including their ability to inflict disease on beings nearby, including members of the Horus Hawks. It is rumored that Horus Hawk members who fall to this disease are inducted into a unit with similarities to Death Guard Plague Marines. More recently, mummies with attributes more in tune with Daemonettes have been encountered in combat.




Generally speaking, the Horus Hawks legion is organized into warbands during campaigns, each roughly 100 strong. However, membership in any individual warband is fluid with squads being used in their most efficient manner possible. This is necessary due to the comparatively small size of the Horus Hawks legion. Each warband is split into squads with each squad led by a Champion or Aspiring Champion. Each warband is led by a Chaos Lord or a Lieutenant. It appears that all members of rank Lieutenant or higher are skilled in the arcane arts without exception.

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Nice fluff, lovely models... a great package over all.

Except, I cant see Horus using religions/mythologies to gain control over a world when he was meant to be spreading the IMPERIAL TRUTH, ie. The Falsity and Nonexsistence of ALL GODS. And calling the big E a god, for him would be a big bad NO NO. Thats Lecticio Divinatus territory there, hehe.

Still, I ADORE the models.

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Indeed, really nice, lot of character.

I just find 'em a bit to clean. Maybe you could spray some sand on the models directly (particularly the defiler), or maybe not^^


I'm going to try my hand at weathering my new Rhino I'm working on, but genearlly, I haven't liked my attempts at "dirty" stuff. I come by way of Ultramarines as my first army, so that's kinda where I came from.


Hey Imhotep, very nice army, I think more of the blue would have been nice, very good conversions.


The blue is a trim color, so I'm not sure where I could have added more of it really.


I just love the mummies !

=very cool and funny idea to make them, and use as lesser daemons !!


Unfortunately, Lesser Daemons suck. :D


But I did like using them as Plaguemarines (and even more now if my opponent allows me to use a detachment of Daemons).

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  • 10 months later...

New units added over the past month, for Astronomi-con Vancouver 2009.


If you'd like higher-res photos:




Khorne Berzerkers








New Raptors




New Rhino




Land Raider







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Hey nice :D I was expecting something similar to Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons but this is very unique. Loving the Death masks and is that jewelry on the Land Raider? or painted green stuff?


Neither. The assault ramp door is from a Tomb King standard, the track guards are shields from the War Gods of Aegyptus line.

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