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Pre-Heresy World Eater


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That's an awesome paintjob. The World Eater blood spatter really fits the pose somehow. Like he's emerging from a bloodbath...


Is the paint just "black undercoat - dheneb stone - skull white" or is there more complicated layering?


thanks i did spend some time deciding on the angle of the blood splatter so it basically hits his armour only from the chainsword side.


the white was...

undercoated black

basecoat dheneb stone

badab black wash (undiluted)

dheneb stone highlight

50:50 dheneb stone + white highlight

white highlight


Great job and I personally think you should do a small squad's worth. :P


got plenty of red worldeaters to do before i allow myself the luxury of a display squad :lol:

though believe me it's tempting...... if only i had the money to put together a proper equiped pre-heresy sqd


This looks really great. Love the different play between the blue, white and red. Are those dollhouse bricks, or custom work?


the base is a pre-made resin one i bought off black cat bases (i used them alot before on various display figs


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this was posted in reply on another forum so ithough i'd share...

Very nice :mrgreen:.


He could be used as post Heresy...


...the blue and white clad, veteran World Eater stepped forwards; the face of a captured Blood Angel reflected in the grey tinted lenses of his helmet.


"You are supposed to be an expert in the art of close combat, yet I bested you with no effort; Imperial lackey"


"How dare you even be in my presence, traitor, my defeat is nothing compared to the damnation you will receive at the hands of my brothers" spat the Blood Angel.


"Your brothers are as weak as you!" snarled the Vet World Eater.


"You will find that you are soon to be mistaken filth!" he replied "we have faith in the Emperor and the blessed armour of the Adeptus Astartes...we cannot fail".


"I don't need the Emperor's blessing when all the force of Khorne is my armoury!" whispered the Vet Sgt as he leaned in close to the face of his captive "but I must say that I appreciate the irony of keeping my old power armour, it certainly makes me smile when my old brothers see what they have the opportunity to become!"


"NEVER! I am a Blood Angel! I will never follow the path of damnation that you have chosen Berserker! came the reply.


"Oh well..." said the veteran World Eater as he fired up his trusty chainsword and felt it judder in his two-handed grip as he forced it through the top of the Blood Angels head and down through his torso to his belt buckle.


He stood, bathed in blood and looked down at the corpse "Another skull for the skull throne...even if is a little broken" he laughed..."one down, 257 to go...BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!"


All around the veteran World Eater his red clad brothers howled and roared at the sky. In moments they all surged towards the Blood Angel lines led by a blue and white clad veteran screaming as he showed his utter contempt for his former Brothers and the Emperor he once served.

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Very nicely done. I've seen many examples of Light Sourcing, but never one of Blood Sourcing ;)


Nice tutorial, I'll have to give it a rip. I've never used blood and gore much on my figs, it always tends to look like red paint/ink smeared over the figure, and "misting" with a flick of the bristles has too little control.

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Very nicely done. I've seen many examples of Light Sourcing, but never one of Blood Sourcing :P


Nice tutorial, I'll have to give it a rip. I've never used blood and gore much on my figs, it always tends to look like red paint/ink smeared over the figure, and "misting" with a flick of the bristles has too little control.


i like "blood sourcing" on mini's for that added realism

taking that extra bit of time when adding blood and gore (which i do ALOT) does help it from looking like red paint/ink is smeared on the mini

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