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Not quite Truescale


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For the most part I am happy with the scaling of marines (if you straigten them up a bit and take them out of the 'taking a crap' pose they are actually quite tall.) and I think the terminators are absolutely fine.


However.... I do not really like the barrel chests and then tiny little waists and thighs they have. I am really just looking for some suggestions on how I could make those parts of the armour a little more 'beleivable' and that A) wont cost lots of money :confused: wont require more than a moderate level of moddeling skill and C) will be easy to implement over an entire space marine army.



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Green stuff! Green stuff will do it all my friend.

All you have to do is wrap the thigh in a thin layer of green stuff and it should bulk it up a bit. To upsize the waist wrap a thin band of green stuff around the existing belt. The only sculpting required here is smoothing out and straightening the edges. It may take a little practice to get it to look perfect but it is the easiest and cheapest answer to your request.


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