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Librarian pose... Advice needed!


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Hey all, first post here on B&C. I've just started 40k since I stopped at age 9... So, I've decided on a DIY chapter, and got myself an army list, but I've got some problems with my converted Epistolary; what to do with his right arm? So, advice would be greatly appreciated. He's blu-tacked together in the pics, and he's half-painted. Plus, this is my first conversion, and the first mini I've painted for 7 years. :P


The origional plan was to have him pointing his arm straight out, fingers splayed, with lightning shooting from his arm. However, this left him looking a bit weird, so I've scrapped that plan, and I'm now looking for some new ideas. When I get round to it, he's going to have long hair, caught in the wind (along with his cloak and assorted extras (to be added later)).


Edit: seem to have completely failed to embedd the pictures from photobucket. *adds links*




Second Edit: Thanks to Nurglepuss for embedding the picture for me :lol:

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There's always the book from the DA vets sprue... (I bought a tactical squad, BT chapter conversion kit, and dark angels veterans sprue when I started)


See, I thought maybe have his arm sort of wheeling round, like he's spinning to face a new enemy, and have a flame swirling round with him, in his hand.


edit: use the boltgun-holding arm from a regular marine, replace the hand with an open hand, and green stuff flames onto that.

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I'd go for either a pointing hand or a gun hand, the pointing being the favourite.

'Oi! You! Yes, you. I'm going to kill you next, just so's you can pray in your last seconds.'


I laughed properly at that :(


I'll dig out a pointing hand from my bitz box... I know theres one there somewhere.

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The flat, palm out hand from the Missile Launcher guy works quite well on Librarians I think, though I'm not sure if that would be on the right side for your Librarian. There's also the pointing arm from the Command Squad, but again that is a left arm and so would mean you'd have to remove his sword arm.


Overall I think its a cool pose, perfect for a Librarian, he just needs to be directing his powers in some way, for me at least.

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I can change the thumb position on the missile launcher hand, its no problem. But my main problem lies with his power-channelling, I'm not content with the lightning painted on his sword, or the glow from his eyes, when I do it, and I'm also modelling the base to be cracking in an "the earth splits beneath my tread" sort of way, I think maybe the missile launcher hand + blue flames? (so it doesnt clash too much with the lightning or the glowing eyes)


Or I could use twisted wire to have lightning shooting from the pointing hand from the old devastators sergeant hand (right arm, pointing), which would compliment the sword and eyes.

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You could use do something similar to what Bryan Barnes did for his Ultramarines Chief Librarian Tigurius, seen here.


If you do something non-specific that denotes the use of a psychic power you then don't have to worry about him looking like he's using a particular power.

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That's where I got my inspiration :)


Only... he looks odd having both arms splayed out. Only I love the forceweapon :(


I found the right-side pointing arm though, and I think it might work; I'll add some extras to his torso, like a loin cloth or something, to add some extra detail.


Edit: found some milliput (got no green stuff), so I'll try out having a balled up fist with flames coming from it (using the grenade hand from the tactical squad), and post some pictures of him with it blutacked to him.


Second Edit: Scrap that idea... its out of date; I'd be better off trying to sculpt flames out of gravel.

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