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Grief Bringers

Rogue Trader

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I'm a big fan of the colour scheme, but an even bigger fan of the chaplain, nice model sir!


Where are the kneepad skulls from? Or are they some special legs?

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Very nice minis you got there; that chaplain is pure excellence and if it's okay with you, I may just have to steal the idea of a beaky chaplain with painted on skull. I was wondering if we could get a tutorial on your bases; they look truly excellent. Keep up the good work.
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Thanks for the kind comments, guys ^_^


Where are the kneepad skulls from? Or are they some special legs?

They're made by slicing a skull in half vertically (I think the ones I used were from Chaos Marauder banners, but any would do), shaving the kneepad down to be flat, then gluing the the skull on in it's place...



Very nice minis you got there; that chaplain is pure excellence and if it's okay with you, I may just have to steal the idea of a beaky chaplain with painted on skull. I was wondering if we could get a tutorial on your bases; they look truly excellent. Keep up the good work.

It wasn't my idea to start with - I stole it from the first ever Legion of the Damned marines that appeared in an issue of White Dwarf numbered sometime in the late 90s or early 100s, so it's been around for a good 17 or 18 years - copy away ;)



Did u use selfmade Decals for the Shoulderpads?

No, they're freehanded. I did get some custom transfers made up by the guys at griffon games a few years back, but could never get the circular transfers to lay properly on the curved pads, so I'll just save them for flat surfaces on vehicles instead. I've got the freehanding of the symbol down fairly well now, and can get each shoulder pad done in about ten to fifteen minutes all in. It's a bit laborious, but I like the end result, so it's probably worthwhile.

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With exams out of the way, I've managed to make some progress on HQ options for the GBs. I decided to go with a tabletop standard for anything I add to the army now, for two reasons - firstly, it's my only chance of ever getting a decent sized force ready, and secondly... I'm lazy :cuss


Brother-Captain Stihm

Brother-Captain Aimos Stihm has led the Grief Bringers 4th Company for the last seventy years. A humble, thoughtful man, Stihm eschews the privileges of captaincy, and continues to use the same chainsword and storm bolter he previously carried as sergeant of the company's first tactical squad. His chainsword bears the name of the Grief Bringers' homeworld - Lacrymata - as a constant reminder of the reason the marines of the Grief Bringers fight.




Stihm is based on the captain from my failed Librarium Painting Challenge - after painting the original bare head, I decided I preferred a helmet and after much umm-ing and ahh-ing decided to go with a basic, low cost armament instead of the thunder hammer.



Apothecary Amem

Amem is a veteran of more than two hundred years service. His unwavering calm under fire is legendary, and can benefit the wounded marines he cares for more than any drug in the narthecium he carries




Unchanged from the WIP version seen in the LPC thread, Amem has a servo-skull that incorporates the data-recorder/camera thingy that normally sits on the apothecary backpack because there just wasn't room for it over his shoulder!



Chaplain Cadoc

Crieus Cadoc is both feared and venerated by the marines of the 4th company in equal measure. It is said his piercing gaze can assess any man in a single glance, determining his strengths and probing for any weaknesses. Cadoc is usually found at the forefront of the battleline, his voice carrying above the clamour of the battlefield to inspire those about him to greater feats of bravery and daring. He wields a Crozius Arcanum constructed from the consecrated skull of a Sorcerer of the Night Lords Legion, slain by Cadoc in hand-to-hand combat on the deathworld of Oszoria




I've had the idea for this guy in the back of my mind for years. The Mk VI helmet with the skull facepaint is something I've wanted to do since seeing the original Legion of the Damned marines made from RTB01 plastics, and having the relic strapped to the chest occured to me the first time I saw the command squad sprues, so it's nice to finally have this done and free up some much needed headspace ^_^


Comments, criticisms and witticisms welcome, as usual...

i like that chapalain, and apothecary.

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where did you get those back packs, they are awsome! please tell me!


Marine With A Mullet: they're from the Wolf Scouts (according to first post), which I believe Rogue Trader mentions are now out of production at Games Workshop; though he bulk bought plenty when they were stopping.


Personally, I'm loving the Boltgun conversions. I love the RT style Boltguns and these fit far better than using the RTB01 version (which is far too small). If you don't mind, Rogue Trader, could you give a quick sketch on how you did it? I'm sure it's fairly simple but it's nice to see the method (presuming you don't mind of course!).



Rogue Trooper

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Good to see you working on these again RT. Did you change your purple recipe or has the lighting you are using just changed?

No change to the recipe, but got a new light set up which I'm struggling to get accurate pictures with. The pic of the sergeant with the PF on the previous page is probably the closest to the real colours...



where did you get those back packs, they are awsome! please tell me!

As Rogue Trooper mentioned, they're from the old 2nd ed wolf scout sergeants - http://www.solegends.com/citcat94/cat1994118-03.htm. Unfortunately, they're not available anymore, which means I'll have to master resin casting once my limited supplies run out.



Personally, I'm loving the Boltgun conversions. I love the RT style Boltguns and these fit far better than using the RTB01 version (which is far too small). If you don't mind, Rogue Trader, could you give a quick sketch on how you did it? I'm sure it's fairly simple but it's nice to see the method (presuming you don't mind of course!).

Yup, no problem, I'll post some pics when I next make some bolters.



A good looking army you got there mate do you got any more pics with some nice background fluff :D

Have a read of my Index Astartes: Grief Bringers if you're after more background ;)


And on to new pics -


Devastator Sergeant Taranis

Brother-Sergeant Taranis leads the Devastator squad affectionately known within the 4th Company as 'the Thunder Gods'. Taranis' many decades of experience have given him an eye for the battlefield, for locating the best vantage points for his men and for directing their fire where it is needed most. Almost every member of the 4th company has a story of facing overwhelming odds, of staring their own death in the face, only to hear the roll of thunder as Squad X unleash their deadly array of heavy weaponry against the oncoming enemy.




This guy was inspired by the old RT marine with the sensor (and Brother Argos' later version, which unfortunately, I've not been able to locate a picture of). He was originally going to be a command squad veteran in charge of communications, but I decided he would work better as a dev sgt, with the wrist panel representing the signum.



Company Standard Bearer Alon

The role of standard bearer is one of highest honours that can be bestowed on any member of the 4th company. In M39.294 the company's standard bearer fell in combat with an Autarch of the Em'brathar craftworld as battle raged over the surface of the agri-world of Fecunda. It was only through the daring actions of one combat squad of marines that the banner was eventually recaptured from the Eldar and returned to the 4th company. The captain of the company swore that day that the standard would never again fall into enemy hands, and declared that it should depict a broken version of the chapter symbol as a permanent reminder of the vow and of the honour lost when the standard was captured.


Since that day, only the finest warriors in the company have had the honour of carrying the standard to war, and each swears a solomn vow that the standard will never fall into enemy hands again. Brother Alon, the current standard bearer is a severe, austere man, who is well aware of the enormous responsibility he carries. He rarely speaks, and has little patience with the younger members of the company, seeing their youthful enthusiasm merely as recklessness.






This guy was originally built to be my Company champion -




but I wasn't happy with the model I had for the standard bearer, so he got co-opted into this role instead. It's also the second time I've had to paint the banner. The previous version, which I painted about six months ago got ruined when I dullcoted it, which somehow made the purple run over the other colours:




I've not had this problem with dullcote before starting this army, but the banner wasn't a one-off occurance - it happens with chapter symbols on shoulderpads and on my dev sgt's shoulderpad, although not to the same degree:




With the re-painted banner, I glossed it first before dullcoating, and that seems to have done the trick, so I guess I'll have to do that for all the shoulderpads and other areas where light colours overpaint the purple from now on.



Oh, and finally, just for comedy value: in the first post of this thread, I mentioned that I'd tried painting a Grief Bringer about 15-16 years ago but that it was too sickly and headachey to actually use. Well, I found that guy the other day, and though I'd post him for your vomit-enducing enjoyment :P




I think the most interesting this about this guy, apart from the fact that I was a bloody awful painter when I was 14 or 15, is that the chapter symbol has essentially stayed the same - an encircled crying eye. If you ignore the purple cross behind it, which was subsequently dropped, it's basically the same as the symbol I use now...

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Wow! I love your standard bearer and your captain! If you don't mind me asking, where'd you get the legs/ thigh guards for the captain, the sword and honour scrolls for the champion/standard bearer?


A few more final questions :P. Did you convert the old champion's hilt hand's fingers? and how'd you get the standing on a rock pose? Thanks a lot :devil:

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  • 1 year later...

The Ammobunker special character challenge this month provided the perfect impetus to get me off my arse and start painting again, especially since the bag of bits labelled 'pedro' have been mouldering in a drawer for the last year.


Unfortuntely, after putting my name down I realised I only had two days off this month in which to paint him, so he's pretty scrappy, especially on the chessboard, which was a lot harder to do than I thought it would be, but I don't have time before the compo deadline to neaten things up... to be honest, it's a miracle I've finished him at all, given how slow I normally paint. Anyway, I'll go back later and smarten up the chessboard, and add a chapter symbol to the left pad. Plus, I don't really like the base, so that'll be getting changed and I'll probably add a cape streaming out behind him to try and add a bit to the sense of movement.


Brother-Captain Klane

Orgus Klane has only recently been appointed Captain of the Second Company, following the death of his predecessor during the campaign to drive the remnants of the treacherous Order Encarmine from the Coahro system. With only sixty years' service, Klane is youngest Marine to achieve the rank of Captain in the long history of the Grief Bringers. An inspirational leader, Klane is widely regarded as a rising star and it is whispered that Chapter Master Bale is preparing the newly-appointed Second Company Captain as his eventual successor.


Klane carries an ancient Storm Bolter, believed to have been carried by the Grief Bringer's first ever Chapter Master, Aadon Sorghar, as he led the Chapter across the galaxy in search of a homeworld. After Sorghar's death on Valhall II, the weapon passed to the most senior surviving Marine, Commander Hachard, and has since become the badge of office for the Commander of the Second Company.


As a newly appointed Captain, Klane is entitled to adorn his armour with his own heraldry but has chosen to bear the Second Company heraldry in place of his own charges as it provides a constant reminder of his duty to the men under his command. However, the honour badges adorning his armour - the Iron Skull, symbolic of leadership; the Laural Wreath, awarded for great valour; and the Honorifica Imperialis, symbol of righteous victory - still bear testament to the many decorations he has been awarded in his short yet meteoric career.






C&C welcome, as always.

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they look great and the colour scheme is cool too i like the marines who are sliding in the swamp

where do you get the classic SW back packs from??

They removed the backpacks from the mail order catalogue about six months before they stopped doing all bitz orders altogether. Luckily I got a heads up from a friend who's in the know that they were getting discontinued, so got a hefty order in in time... I'll be out of luck when this lot runs out though, unless I can finally master how to reproduce them myself. Part of the reason I liked the swamp bases was that it gave a bit more interaction between the minis and the base - I like having the guys with the water up round their calves rather than just stood on top of a flocked base...



Have you thought about gs casting the backpacks?


Awesome looking minis overall :D


EDIT: Or you could do them in resin which I failed to notice you mentioned :D

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Hey RT, doesn't look like the break or the tight deadline has done your skills any harm ;)


My only comment would be that the left side of the shield on Klane's chest looks a tad plain in the olive right next the check. It works for the PF and kneepad but the shield just looks a little unfinished to me for some reason. Other than that :tu:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great to see you back with another Grief Bringer, RT! It is a really impressive miniature, with an excellent sense of movement - but then I am always impressed by your leg repositioning - and the checkerboard looks really good. Where did the powerfist come from, by the way? It looks similar to the one in the new plastic Death Company box.


How did you place in the competition in the end?


Oh, and loved the mention of those dastardly Order Encarmine renegade Astartes. Nice one! :)

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Your Grief Bringers are quite an inspiring work. You gave them a colourful and rich background and you gave them life through the conversions and paint scheme. Congrats!


I must say I really like the repositionning you included here and there, they make the standard grunts stand out. My favourite mini is by far the scanner marine - awesome build! Could you run down a part list for us? I read your WIP thread but could not find any, and I think a lot of us would be happy to know how you made this mini.


Good job, keep it up!

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Maybe I just can't see it from the picture angle but do you plan to add the Chapter symbol to his left shoulder?

Yeah, I ran out of time before having to take pictures so it'll get done in a batch with the next lot of marines.



Where did the powerfist come from, by the way? It looks similar to the one in the new plastic Death Company box.

That's cos it is the one in the new plastic Death Company box ;) I was going to use the old RTB01 fist on him, but saw the DC one and thought it was a better fit...



How did you place in the competition in the end?

Nowhere, as there was some fantastic work in the running, but to be honest I was glad just to get a mini painted, regardless of whether it got votes or not.



Oh, and loved the mention of those dastardly Order Encarmine renegade Astartes. Nice one! ;)

Thought you might like that ^_^



Your Grief Bringers are quite an inspiring work. You gave them a colourful and rich background and you gave them life through the conversions and paint scheme. Congrats!


I must say I really like the repositionning you included here and there, they make the standard grunts stand out. My favourite mini is by far the scanner marine - awesome build! Could you run down a part list for us? I read your WIP thread but could not find any, and I think a lot of us would be happy to know how you made this mini.

Thanks. All my marines have the Deathwatch helmet and OOP wolf scout backpack as standard, but on top of that the devastator sergeant (so far as I can remember) was:


- Standard legs

- Iron Warrior torso

- Right bolter arm

- Right pointing finger hand from old metal Dv Sgt arm

- Left bolter holding arm

- Left chainsword fist

- Landspeeder control panel section to make the scanner, with a skull carved off a bolter and tubing from dragonforge added on for detail

- Aerials from IG comms pack

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