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Alpha Legion using the new marine codex.

Drudge Dreadnought

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I dont think you understand me , m8 . I was always a fluff player [true power gamers always played BL ] . The difference between most of you and me is , that [mostlly thx to a huge collection] I dont want to be forced to play a sub standart list that doesnt work.

See I played AL in the 4th . It was a list that died , if the opponent had on or two inf units [and considerint the number of speed inf Lords and LT all armies had something like that ] the special "tech" of the legion was dead . + there were missions without infiltration where AL csm were turned in to overpriced generic csm . thats why now I play a water warrior EC list right now . do I use lash and oblits ? yes I do , but the list is much harder to use then the BL zerker/pm build . one can play with that drunk . [seen and tested ]

I was cool with playing a weaker army in the 4th , the army was a challange to play [i never played khorn BL or IW outside of test games or big tournaments , just like I never played nids "for fun"] , but Right now playing a fluffy AL army is not a challange . Its asking to loose .

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The really great thing about this sort of thread though is the agreement between players (often with conflicting opinions) that the fluff should be adhered to.

In a world of Falcon/Oblit/whatever spam, this sort of dedication is to be admired.


Well, that depends on the person. I've just been yelled at on Warseer, because apparently there's no fluff that the Night Lords use terror tactics. According to this person, the extent of any supposed terror tactics is limited to the use of Daemonic Visage on Raptors, of which the Night Lords are apparently almost entirely comprised of. Hopefully my response did a bit of reeducation for this fellow.


And this is my problem with the current codex. The newcomers have no idea whatsoever about the Legions, because they've been reduced to footnotes in the glory that is Chaos. They have become single units, where all Emperors Children are Noise Marines (Troop selections, that is), all Night Lords are Raptors (Fast Attack, that is), and so on. And in the case of the Night Lords, what little fluff there is in the codex is completely against all previously established fluff. I mean, apparently we only do hit-and-run attacks now, and the lightning on our armour is actually lightning, rather than terror markings.

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As I think I said in another thread, I am of completely the same opinion as you Caerolion as far as people's ignorance of fluff. People just have no bloody clue what every legion is and stands for and think that plague marines make sense in an Iron Warrior army (not counts as, but the actual rotted ones) or that NL are just raptor spam. That said, the hit and run thing for NL is a very well established retcon that has been around since third edition, when the legions were initially fleshed out in a meaningful way.


No, you guys don't get super heavies (in fact, according to BoLS, the Night Lords were never issued fellblades during the Crusade, though I am not sure if this is canon), and yes you do have more raptors, but those are not all that makes Night Lords Night Lords, just like how taking heavy tanks is not all that makes Iron Warriors Iron Warriors. Oh and the "coruscating warp lightning" bit is completely idiotic as of all legions NL are probably the most secular and least likely to have such mutations.

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Well, the Fellblade stuff was made up by BoLS, so is completely non-canon, to my knowledge. However, as a Legion that loves overwhelming force, I can't see how Superheavies don't fit into that. Also, our extent of "more Raptors" is just that we had the Company (of which the composition is unknown) that gave them their name.

Also, the Index Astartes lists the Night Lords as using overwhelming force rather than hit-and-run tactics, so I'm not sur if it was 3rd that ret-conned it. Plus, making us hit-and-run just makes us into Traitor Raven Guard/White Scars, something I don't want to see. We're the only Legion that followed that modus operandii, so it made us unique. Other Legions had their finesse, or their surgical strikes, or their berzerker rushes. We just nuked the place, then landed the entire Legion to mop up.

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You guys do realize that accusing sombody of being a power gamer because they want to use the marine dex instead of the chaos dex is completely ridiculous seeing as the chaos dex is one of the best dexes out at the moment

if you play BL . yes . Try to make a fluff true AL or WB list .


You misinterpreted the meaning of my post. I meant that if people just want power they'd have no trouble sticking to the csm dex. The only reason to use the loyalist dex is for fluff, not for power.


EDIT: Well i've pretty much decided to go ahead and do this. Here's my first tentative list: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=148063

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