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This battle was supposed to be a SOB team up against an eldar team, but our other sob player had to take off so i got to team up with.........nidzilla!



well at least i wasn;t fighting against this nid army again.



We were all painted the right color at least i guess.


This is how it broke down.


3K per side (up to 1,500 points per player)

game- 12" deployment 5 objectives.


my list-




2X 10 sisters with superior toting a power stake, book of st lucious and melta bombs. squad melta gun and heavy flamer both mounted in repressors.


single retributor squad with immolator. X4 heavy bolters and the superior with the book of st. lucious again.


culexus assassin.



i ended up playing a little under point so the nid player could field his full broods.


The eldar players ran an odd list this time, lots of dire avengers, D cannons, bikes and so forth.......and no eldrad! :blink: which made me kind of unhappy since i was looking forward to sending my culexus after him.


Eldar went first-


Turn 1-

eldar were understandably more worried about the nids than me so it really saved me this game. most of turn 1 shooting went into the warriors and fex's.


we moved up turn 2, the immolator put a HK missile into a viper and killed it. the retributors spent this turn and many after shooting at his dark reapers and D-cannon crews. karamozov blasted the pulse laser off of thier only falcon. his flyrant shreds some dire avengers.





Turn 2-

i took almost no fire at all. the striking scorpions came in and went after the tyrant, the prism tried and failed to hurt my repressors(for the second time) the eldar spent more shooting on warriors, fexs and tyrants


The eldar were nice enough to put a prism and squad of jet bikes right next to both my repressors so i decided to purge them for thier troubles. a little faith and fire sent the bikers packing...the prism didn't get s scratch...since i rolled 3 1's in a row for the melta and two HK missiles off the repressors.


karamozov fired on the falcon again stunning it. the retributors were uncharacteristically hitting with thier HBs and the immolator flamed his scorpions since they were still out in the open thanks to failing a "horror" check to assault the flyrant. he made most of his saves however and even with the added firepower of the devourer flyrant they stayed on the table. steals started arriving,laying waste to one guardian squad and wounding a wraith lord.




Turn 3-

Saw the prism punish my sisters for thier bad shooting. killing 7 of 10 with a direct hit from he small blast template. but thier faith remained strong(well thanks to the book and the holy icon on the repressor they were standing next to) warp spiders arrived and killed a fex(well the exarch did before the squad got to fire.....) Karamazov takes a single wound from being blade stormed. fire dragons try to wound the malentrope.......and he makes 2 of 3 6+ invul saves. :blink:

the warriors are in CC with the avatar and a dire avenger squad. smoking most of the avengers.



Since his warp spiders decided to run after the attached exarch did thier work for them. it wasn't enough to get away from my repressors. my sisters l loaded back up and used the repressors to thier full potential, putting 2 heavy flamers and a rapid fire bolter from the reduced squad/transport into the spiders reducing thier numbers greatly and the other repressor gave the exarch a fullisade of shots including a bit of melta gun love that burned him to a cinder. the immolator...well, immolated most of the rest of the dire avengers the flyrant had been working on. the flyrant was playing with the scorpions, the malethrope killed a wraith lord and the stealer's got the other one with some rending. the retributors polished off the D-cannon crews.




Turn 4-

The board is looking kind of empty now. the prism and spiders try unsuccessfully to kill my repressors, while most of the rest of the fire goes into guants and monsterous creatures.


i again go after his prism...managing to rip the gun off this time and the other squad (or what was left of it) adds some fire to the spiders before they got assaulted by a second stealer brood that came in( a bit of overkill) his small avenger squad fled from the gaunts and my immolator chased them down. while Karamazov smacked around some dire avengers taking a second wound in the process.




Turn 5-

With my sisters sitting on the only objective he moved his prism in to contest. there wasn't much else in the way of shooting since most of his units were in CC.


the sisters tried to melta and assault the falcon, failing thier last faith check(strength bonus) and his steelers manages little better.


aside from hat and some other CC the turn was pretty uneventfull.




Game ends-


with only 1 scoring unit on either side contesting 2 objectives the game was a tie.


the culexus was kind of a waste since he had no psykers on the table(other than the ones i was allied with). i probably should have gone for the eversore this game, but not knowing they were going to run a different list than they normally do is just part of the game.




The nidzilla list at any level is a tough army to beat, effectively having 24+ dreadnaughts worth of MC wounds on the table. granted they are only equivalent AV9 but to takes so long to kill them all, having fought and died to it so many times i almost felt sorry for the eldar, then i remembered they were pansy flaming eldar and this feeling quickly passed.

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Nice report - and never forget that the Eldars deserve everything they get! :P


I've "allied" with nids a couple of times and it's extremely odd after getting so used to fighting against them. However, unlike your situation the nid player was the one glad to be on my side because he can't beat me :rolleyes:


How do you think you would have done had the nids not got blasted in the face so much?

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How do you think you would have done had the nids not got blasted in the face so much?

Well obviously i would get shot at alot more.



As you would expect more effort would have been directed at stopping my transports since most people know SOB need to get close to do thier job.

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