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Return of the Prodigal Sons (of Guilliman)


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Finished the 5 Tactical Marines. I'll probaby do all the bases on sunday if I get a chance.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Started work on a rhino, the blue is mostly done, except for highlights and cleaning up of patches. The white hasn't been started yet.


First tank ever, by the way.





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Blue highlights are done save some touchups. I hope to get mor white paint on friday so I can do the rest of the rhino. I'll be writing an essay in the meantime so chances are no updates, except for the bikes I have started.





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I've managed to get the first quarter of white done.




I think it turned out alright considering I did it this afternoon/evening with a smallish brush.



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Got the other white side of the rhino done and the first parts of the metallics. They just need highlights then the tank is done, apart from the razorback turret and other set of tracks.





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I finished what the rhino as it stands and started on the three bikers/attack bike. Since all the bikes look the same, I only took a pic of one. I need to add the tracks, hatch bits, and razorback turret.







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I managed to finish the bikes today. I need to do the riders and attack portion now. Also, bases.





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Khrangar, I must first off, commend you for the PATIENCE you have in painting a quarted scheme. truly incredible to do what you are doing. Secondly, you are doing an AMAZING job. The paint jobs are so crisp and smooth. Your white is one of the smoothest I have ever seen. and the STRAIGHTNESS of your lines in quartering are so precise.


Are you by chance using a ruler and penciling the boundaries of each quarter? Or was it practice to get a steady hand? I have been thinking of doing a DIY half-half scheme with the Storm Lords as the parent chapter from which they come from.


Keep yo the great work my friend. Truly is one of my favorite paintjobs I have seen. i was never too fond of the quartered patterns marine schemes, but you really captured the Sons of Guilliman. 10/10 in my opinion.

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I'm freehanding it on everything but the vehicles. Even then it's painter's tape and then freehanded if I mess up the lines with the tape. The bikes are easy since they come in 2 halves, and are divided how I need them. Quartering is actually pretty easy once you find the half way points for the sections in the model.


It takes a couple tries but if you keep at it, it's easy. Also, if you do your halved scheme and need help halving, let me know.



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Great job Khrangar! I will be doing a similar quartered scheme with my army. I am going with quartered 1:1 red gore/blood red and 1:1 chaos black/ultramarines blue. With white gold trim and details. Great work! I will be posting some pics of my chapter soon after I prime one guy for a test model.
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Finished the razorback, now I only have to do the 4 bikers.







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As promised the bikes are done.








Heavy Flamer for Sternguard



Bases and then they get shipped off.



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  • 4 months later...

After another long hiatus I have returned to the Sons of Guilliman. So far I've only started a rhino but I have a couple land raiders to start on when I'm done.





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  • 4 months later...

After another long while I've finished the Rhino.









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  • 1 month later...

I've managed to mostly finish the body of the dread I was working on.






I still need to do some touchups but otherwise he's finished except for the base.



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Thanks guys.


I managed to finish the dreadnought except for the base which I'll do when everything else is done.






Since these pics I've done some touchups and painted a couple areas I forgot to.



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