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DH combat patrol


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Saturday was the first 40k game day at the first store in my hometown and there was a few other people and so we all decided to play a game of combat patrol. So without further delay the details.


Dave? was that his name?

Sisters of Battle

1 20 sister squad with a flamer and a heavy bolter

an HQ with a plasma pistol I think. anyway he had 3 faith points from his list

He had been playing tabletop for years so he knew how to play



Imperial guard

x2 10 man squads with 1 flamer in each

Leman russ(I know it was illegal but it was the only way to get him up to 400 points)

1 command squad no clue what the layout was

x2 mortars and 1 lascannon in his heavy weapons team

Completely new to tabletop




INQw/ psycannon

x5 GK w/ 2 psycannons

ISTx5 w/2 plas

" "

Basically I hid in a corner and shot everything. Anyway I found that while I dont have much mobility in this list due to the lack of rhinos, I do have a suprising amount of shooty firepower to bring to bear at anything weather it me MEQs or hordes like guard or orks. I guess this list would kind of be played like an oldschool DA.

anyway My bat rep will be coming shortly after I get the time to compose it.


PS did anyone else know that the BRB and all codexi are categorized under nonfiction since there the rules to play a real life game?(checked at a library)

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Finally got enough time to finish it.


Since no one had terrain we played with none on a 4x4 board


Free for all. None of us wanted to make things complicated so the one that beat down the others the best won.


I deployed in a small cluster in one corner making it so that my grey knight mini purgation squad gave the 4+ cover save to my IST squads.

Dave? (sorry about forgetting his name)

Deployed his one sister squad with HQ unit in a corner adjacent to mine.


Put his guard on the table edge opposing the one that Dave? And myself had deployed on, around the center.



Turn 1


Decided not to move anything since the sisters would be most likely be running with flamers So that extra few rounds of single shot plasma would help thin the ranks. I shot at the Leman Russ with 3 psycannons and achieved nothing


Moved all of his sisters forward towards the guard, and was out of range to rapid fire his bolters.


Shot at me with every weapon on his tank and all of his heavy weapon squad, shrouding prevented a single round from hitting. Justin at this point would have liked to put his fist threw a wall but none were within reach, thankfully.


Turn 2


I had forgotten about my IST while I had range 36 psycannons. Shot and destroyed his heavy weapons squad.


Pushed his sisters up again towards the guard. Almost like a necron army eh?


Shot the sister squad with his battle cannon and scored a direct hit. The inv save faith power was used and suffered only two casualties.


Turn 3


Moved nothing. shot at the tank again and managed to destroy a heavy bolter.


Moved everyone up and was in rapid fire range of the guard squad on his side of the tank. He killed all but 4, Passed leadership due to vox operator


Shot the SoB squad with everything and only wounded 2 with his tank. Next with the remainder of the squad that just got shot he used the flamer and took out one sister. Charged with the same squad and got wiped by the sisters.


Turn 4 (Final turn because the store was closing)


Moved my IST towards the SoB squad, nothing in Plasma range though. Took out the guard squad on my side of the tank with psycannon and SB fire,


Moved towards the tank and took a shot at the tank with his plasma pistol which didn’t do anything.


True to form with only his command squad and tank left he went out with all guns blazing even if he didn’t manage to hit anything.


Results by VP

Me 176

Dave? 91

Justin 50


Final opinions

Me That my IST squad should have been moving from the start, even with only 5 people ap5 hellguns would’ve made short work of the guard, and the plas would have killed the Sisters. So the only unit that I really used was the psycannon unit which really shines against guard, Instant kill with no saves and it has 3 shots. I love the shrouding.



Not much he would have done differently he preformed well but he would have liked to have seen who would have come out on top his SoB or my Grey Knights.



Deploying in the middle wasn’t the greatest idea since his guard is along the way for both the Sob and GK to fight each other. And definitely should have moved both guard squads to act as tar pits, Different weapon layouts possibly including a heavy weapons team and plasma gun in each would have allowed him to succeed while playing shooty guard. He absolutely hated the shrouding.

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