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Iron Warriors newcomer, need advice


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Greetings, Iron Warriors player


Hi B&C, I'm a fellow traitor of the Iron Warriors! I have been on this site for a while and decided to make a howler. I use to play the Imperial Guard (not mine, I play games with my friend's models) and finally started with Chaos Space Marines. At first, I just model with the Thousand Sons army (Two troops, 2 Chaos Spawns, Raptors, and Ahriman) and play a few small games. I later bought CSM and painted them with metal, thus, Iron Warriors.


I usually just stick with modelling, but after reading Storm of Iron, I wanted to play games with my models. My birthday had passed, and as a gift recieved a Chaos terminator lord, some paint, and a Chaos Land Raider.



Introduction aside, because I don't have the new codex of the Chaos Space Marines, any tips on playing Iron Warriors? As far as I know, they are Heavy Support oreinted.

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fluff wise

they should be chaos undivided

should not have any daemons apart from daemon princes or possesed CSM (but the possesed are cyberneticly possessed not daemonically)

lots of obliterators

they love the heavy support

their HQ's are warsmiths (which is no longer viable)


there are plenty of other threads on using the new space marine dex to model the old chaos legions and although you would lose daemon princes, possessed and obliterators if you were to do that your HQ could be a master of the forge aka warsmith, and for your siege friendly heavy supports vindicators and basic landraiders (also remember if you use the new space amrine dex, fluff wise you can't use space marine toys that chaos don't get) so just have a quick search, they are all over chaos ascendant

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The searchbutton is your friend :tu:


The IW have probably suffered less than the other Chaos Legion with the new 'dex. So I don't recommend using the SM codex like suggested above. Yes, Iron Warriors lost the servo-arm, but it was just a powerfist with repairing abilities. And you don't have to use a warsmith, you can use that Chaos Lord you got for you're B-day. Give him a combi-melta and powerfist and you have Forrix from Storm of Iron ;)


Only fluff I know about IW are the Storm of Iron Novel, the IA, some concept art and the last 3 codices, but Oblits and Vindicators are defintely the way to go. Buy some termis as a retinue for your lord, or equip them with some combi-weapon (melta preferred) and DS them for easy killin' and bustin'. As mentioned above; stick with undivided, so no other marks or cult troops except for maybe a unit of Berserkers (ref: v3.0 & SoI). And of course remember to field enough troops to hold those objectives. A minimum of 3 at 1500 pts.


The Index Astartes mentions the IW prefer fighting in multiples of 3, you could use this for some extra flavour but you don't have to restrict yourself to it. That would mean you need a 12 man squad for that extra weapon. Remember that these are guidelines, it's your money, don't restrict yourself.


just my two cents )

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