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mounted death guard daemon prince with freakzoid acolytes


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yeah, im going with the popular consensus and leaving the liquid - no risk ruining what i think is a decent job anyway.

though i had little mishap - when i woke up this morning i saw that half the cylinder was clouded white ffrom the inside. i knew immediately what it was - oxidisation from the superglue (whatever it is - you knwo what i mean!), or maybe a gift from uncle nurgle. anyway, i was able to pull the top of the cnaister off and clear the 'glass' so its all ok now...


and now, for another addition to the retinue of G'garl Ul'rhal:


Vrruck, the Alteracator; Ostiary to Ssellithaide

born on the feral ogryn-world of Dorrun with minor mutations, Vrruck was left in the wilderness as a baby, as is customory amongst his people with those born disfigured by chaos. this abandonment serves two purposes - its chief purpose is to kill those touched by chaos; though the ogryns, being a martial race who place great respect in the strength of the body as well as that of the mind, leave these disabled children to fend for themselves as a way to test their resolve. only the strong survive such ordeals and those who survive are welcomed back into the ogryn settlements - for they have proven that they can overcome the taint of chaos.


Vrruck was such a child. he spent his formative years in the wild, struggling to survive, his every day a challenge. He learnt to kill the great couatls, which he skinned and ate. it was in this manner that the ogryn survived and such were the acts that shaped him into an adult. he would spent the eveninings in his mountain cave, looking down upon the flickering lights of the ogryn settlement. he know not language, nor history, but he knew enough of the world to understand that he belonged there. he grew bitter and hateful at the ogryns for forsaking him.


one day he decided to face his torment, and travelled to the settlement.


but fate, it seems, had differnt things in mind for him. the day he chose to confront his past, was the day G'garl Ul'rhal attacked his once-brothers. the town was slaughtered as he looked on from the foothills. people killed by unnatural diseases and weapons that spewed fire and smoke, the likes of which he had never seen before. and amongst all the death, he saw creatures that should not have been. and amongst them all was a giant - a human almost as large as he, encased in a metal shell that Vrruck did not understand - the champion G'garl Ul'rhal.


The ogryn emerged from his cover and challenged the giant in a guttural roar the gave away his feral ancestry. the giant accepted the challenge and faced the ogryn in single combat. Vrruck was a stong being, tempered by the harshness of his life, and he fought well. but no mortal being could stand before a space marne and live, and G'garl Ul'rhal felled the mighty warrior and stood before him, ready to strike the coup de grace with his envenomed blade.


yet instead, he saw it fit to allow Ssellithaide to claim him, in the name of nurgle. as slug-spawn towered over the wounded ogryn to slay him, it paused, its movements stalled. it turned its seven-and-forty eyes towards the astartes who knew then that the ogryn had been chosen by nurgle.


Vrruck bowed before the mighty space marine and accepted the foul baptism of nurgle, and was forever more the Ostiary of Ssellithaide.






well, as always happens when i make fluff after the mdoel , igot inspired to convert the guy - im going to enlarge his cranioum into a tumour to show his mutations more, and will add a scar to his chest - testament that he survived the plague sword of the marine. a lot of the nurglyness of the model will be done with paints - stains, wells, sores, pus, boils etc will be added with paint later on. im trying to go for a slightly more subtle approach with these models. let;s see how that works!

ok, ive added the more severe mutations to the ogryns head, and have started work on two other guys - a beastman eating a still-living human; and a degenerate hunchback revering the (as yet non-existant) daemon-prince


also, ideas for stuff to add to the DP and slug would be welcome.


this is what i have so far for the slug

  • 49 eyes (7x7, of course!), mostly around the front of the head.
  • a great, for want of a better term, female-anatomy-like mouth filled with needle teeth and slobering saliva.
  • a huge beaten metal champron (horse helmet) on top of his head,with corpss(s) staked to it.
  • a breastplate under the mouth, visible because the head is rearing up.
  • various tumours and growths over the model, raw and weeping from ropes and straps that are bound too tight
  • a few humans visible beneath the skin as though trying to tear their way out.
  • various bruises and small wounds in its backside from where the ogryn repeatedly pokes it.
  • the vat ive made and other technoarcane gubbinz on its back, poking out of where the spine should be
  • spikes and vertebrea putting out from the back.
  • various armour plates, some with the pre heresy DG symbol as well as the nurgle sign
  • the wooden pulpit on its shoulders, nailes into its flesh and held in place with ropes and chains.
  • litanies and banners, some held in place with chain, others on poles.
  • some corpses strapped to its back, all badly decayed.


and the daemon prince

  • his left skide - arm, leg and especially shoulder, are tumerous and greatly distended and huge, covered in welts and sores and buboes. all bursting out of the armour, which is held in place with ropes, bandages and straps.
  • pipes, and other steampunky bionics and orthoses poking out of the gretly mutated side
  • big stomach cradled in a chainmail basket
  • right side is more normal - with standard marine armour and only minor mutations.
  • backpack is very gubbinzy with pistons and pumps and generators and maybe other, smaller vats on it too.
  • riding pose on its shoulders, at ease.
  • one hand holding onto reigns, the other signalling to the followers.


and the retinue

  • im thinking of hieronymous bosch artwork here - things like mutant daemons tearing a struggling human apart, anthropomorphic beasts - humanoids with bird features etc. that will be hard to do on this scale, though ill try my best
  • apart from the ogryn, beastman and venerating degenerate, i want some more human followers, with minor mutations. most of these will be religious, carrying books and litanies as they follower their master

i would use the spawn eyes for the 49 (7 times 7 =49) eyes on the slug spawn


:) oops, thats right, 49.. i knew that lol!


and yeah i plan on using spawn eyes for that, though ill need to pic up some extra ones too. no biggie.

anywho, here's the work so far on the ogryn: (best colour (closest to the proper model) are the second and third pics.





ok the ogryn is almost dpone - just need to do his cloak and the steeltoe on his boots and hes finished. i also started work on sketches for the slug/worm just to get a feel of the overall size and shape ill be working with. ill makea silver foil frame which ill cover with milliput, and then add detail in grey/green stuff and bitz





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