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Eagle Warrior Actual Scale Marine


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Work In Progress Pics:







Finished Pics:







Comments and Criticism Welcome


(although the photos were taken with my phone, in bad lighting (hence the flash

distortion) so will update when possible)

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Wow 3 responses in as many minutes...


Thanks Trajan, the colours look smoother in real life, the flash from my camera-phone kind of washed it out, glad you like it.


Cheers Pulse.


Ompfris - The Chest Eagle wasn't symmetrical, and my OCD refused to accept it, the piping worked better for a pure Mk 6 look to the armour.

Glad you like the blue, FYI the badab black wash is your friend, and is great for adding depth and definition.


Laterz Guys...

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Dude that is awesome.


You took those pictures with a phone?! Those pictures are better than what my camera can do! :cry:


Can we get a size comparison? Cause he looks honkin' huge, kinda like that Space Marine statue from Forge World.

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Right here goes...


Thraximus - Yes I have a 3 megapixel camera on my phone... it's rather handy for taking pics of minis... A standard marine on a similar height base comes up to his mid chest... (about the level of the midpoint on the venting) so he's pretty big.


Captain Maximus - no not life size, actual scale is in proportion to a guardsman (6 foot tall) when a marine is near 9 foot tall (according to fluff)... It is a cool scheme, I liked the contrast, and the eagle warriors in the new sm codex pushed me just far enough I had to try one...


Heru Talon - You are correct sir... (cookie to whoever gets the quote...)


Mynameisowen - Yep, I had to try and make the bolter look larger to fit with his size, and a shoulder rest plus the sight and the storm bolter drum did the trick.

Gotta love the comic book stylee..


RRChristensen - Hmmm while an interesting offer I must decline... Thanks for the compliment none the less...


Alexcrute - Cheers... He was a test model to try out actual scale... so no plans to do more like him, I must admit to being very tempted to get the chaos terminator apocalypse box set and turn them into a set of actual scale plague marines... but I have to be careful not to let ambition cloud my judgement on that one... I'd hate to ruin a whole load of chaos termies...


Laterz dudes, and keep the comments coming...

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I know everyone else has already said it but that is awesome work ! the stock is an awesome idea BTW ! if I had enough spare plasma's my vets would definitely get those ! anyway great work, I'm off to rumage through my bitz box !
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Ooh more responses...


@Momento Mori - Sculpting Robes - I have two different ways of doing it depending on the model.


Method 1:

- Use a moderately thick "rod" of GS and attach it to the back leg running up to the groin plate and down to the ankle

- Sculpt the rear folds but leave the front blank, the best way to sculpt is to use the spatula end of the tool and score curved vertical lines toward the rear leg, then use the round end to flatten one side of the scoring to create a wavy effect

- Allow 2-3 hours to dry (place in a warm place to speed up the drying process)

- Roll out a smaller "rod of green stuff and flatten it out

- Place over the front extending up to the belt and down to the ankle over the previous GS

- Start with the groin using the spatula end create a V shape, then using the round end push the V into the shape you see on my model

- then do the folds extending out from the centre using the above method.

- Smooth and play until happy then leave to dry thoroughly (overnight is best)


Method 2:

- essentially the same just all done in one go, with no break, from one peice of GS, a little quicker but more likely to go wrong.


@Paranoid Hal - Thanks Muchly Dude...


@Rossco - You may steal... have fun!


@Lamenter - I wasn't too happy with the chest eagle, so pulled it off and started again, and decided on venting for a more true Mk6 look rather than a mixed set. Yes, a little NMM, not my best ever but looks OK, suitably dark to contrast with the bright white... No more planned... I may head down the Actual Scale route again, but it probably won't be an eagle warrior... the white armour is very time consuming to paint...


Laterz Guys...

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A very impressive miniature, well done :)


I really like how you have actively painted the graduation between dark to light, especially on the blue armor. It just really provides that visual "pop" and looks quite stunning (and makes the mini seem a lot more natural).


Keep up the great work!

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