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{SCULPT OFF} Primarch Madness

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the description of him having "gleaming silver talons unsheather over his gauntlets" makes me thing his claws were more like the ones in Alien vs Predator, extending from the fore arm but fully retractable and ornate. Extendable mechanical wings coming from his jump pack so that he can power down and glide silently, and mybe clawed boots similar to the raptor models but ith enough room to accomodate his feet within. Like the sculpted toes on Dante.


I too would like to see him helmetless, i imagine his head would look almost eldar like in proportion sans point ears. But the chance of a wonderful ornate helmet is too good to pass up...


...i'm sooooo excited!



I'm still not sure about the claws. It's all good and well but it just seems too... predictable. I mean, the first weapon for Corax that pops into your head would be a set of lightning claws which is exactly why I would avoid it. I still think a bo would look sweet (a bo's a long wooden staff by the way). Failing that you can never go wrong with twin katanas (I originally said twin ninjato but at primarch-size, they'd probably technically be katana).


I see Raven Guard as a mix of stereotypical Western ninjas and military special forces (British SAS to be specific).

"Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected... So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak."- Sun Tzu


So I'd see Corax as being the embodiment of these two things. Totally badass ninja combined with hard as nails black op officer. As such, I'd avoid any finery on his helmet and armour except perhaps the shoulderpads on which would be displayed the Raven Guard symbol as ornately as possible without looking garish.

I agree on not much finery... but if not claws, then something like a power-katar? or a Tiger claw?

Helmetless i would avoid due to how hard is to sculpt nice hair.

put knives in this guy's hand and you have an un-armoured Corax if you ask me.



What size would you like on the desktop.


I like alys wr's idea of the retractable talons. They need to resemble that of a bird so they wont just be a set of claws. Ive opted for less ornate armor in place of a cool raven style helmet. Will post pictures later of the second concept. Mine will have a jump pack but havent decided on if it will be a set of wings or a jetpack.


And to tide everyone over til a russ sculpt gets done I started with a new piece. This will have a limited run of prints also available, pm me for details.



His army will have engraved feathers on it, along with ornate designs. does he have a jumppack?




I'm incredibly excited to see the finished product.

as for those limited casts you mentioned.... :D

Ah well, Corax it is then. We Wolves are gracious in defeat and so I offer this titbit from Fulgrim:


Corax darted like a dark bird of prey, leaping through the air with his winged jump pack, killing with every sweep of his mighty curved talons.


Corax of the Raven Guard was tall and slender. His armour was black, but also seemed to be utterly non reflective as if it absorbed light that dare fall on it. The pale ivory shoulderpads swept upwards into feathered wings... his eyes were murdously dark coals ... long, gleaming talons of silver were unsheathed over his gauntlets.


So, Lightning Claws, Jump Pack, not hugely elabourate armour and subtle looking then. Good luck!


Yes, these are the two passages I was referring to.


I don't know if you have a copy in a different language than I do (mine is English) but the second quote from the novel (which actually happens before the first quote) is not the same in my book.


Corax of the Raven Guard was tall and slender. His armour was also black, but it seemed to be utterly non-reflective, as though it swallowed any light that dared to fall on it. The white trim of his shoulder guards was fashioned from pale ivory, and great wings of dark feathers swept upwards to either side of his pallid, aquiline features. His eyes were murderously dark coals, and long, gleaming talons of silver were unsheathed over his gauntlets.


The difference I see is your quote would make the shouldpads and wings entirely white. The passage in my copy indicates that the shouldpads are black with white trim, and the wings are black as well. Indeed since they "swept upwards to either side of his pallid, aquiline features," it seems like wings are actually part of a helm or high collar as opposed to actual wings on his back.


The other passage you quote is exactly the same in my book, so his jump pack is also winged, perhaps to act as a glider as earlier speculated.


And while a jump pack and lightning claws may not be original, they are authentic. The Raven Guard takes after their Primarch, after all, not the other way around. Still, it could be be interesting to see the claws retracted (but visible) and him wielding another weapon.

Thanks guys for your interest, hopefully have some pics up these weekend of an armature or something. The Warriors of the Raven will be cast yes, but please keep all inquiries to PM's, Nipples and I will provide sufficient detials. Raygun, that model is seriously badass. Definetely might have to borrow a couple things....

Heres my rough for size comparion to a normal standard Non TS marine. Im working on a truescale marine and as they are bigger then standard marines by a great deal they look more at home amongst TS marines. Armature is drying I should have images up later tonight onces it dries.



K here a better update, standing next to an actual marine in his pose. Mine will be running as hes ready to take off for flight. Fluff states the size of primarchs as 40% bigger then a termie so i figured it proportionally. Primarchs always dwarfed asartes marines and thats hard to do, so as to a true scale marine these primarch heights are about on spot.


better pix below. Let me know what everyone thinks.





Yea it looks better already.


So to further the "take off flight" look you should do something like flames out of the jet packs or something cool... either that or him already lifting off supported by just one foot still on the ground or just have left it.


I rather do like the bent knee ready to "pounce jump" look though. Should be really interesting.

well after a quick read about him this is what came to mind. There will be more details in the sculpt but since this is rough i didnt wanan spend to much time.


His army will have engraved feathers on it, along with ornate designs. does he have a jumppack?




Please don't take this the wrong way (I really do love your art), but the pose makes me think of my 2 year old son when he has to pee. A change might be welcome?



Hes not runnign that fast, i toned it down a bit. That kinda pose needs to be saved for a russ as he runs to rip your soul into two pieces. Now hes more mid step half flight. Its hard to see here as there isnt much to it but you get the idea.





K off to bed.

Actually, I think Corax looks like he's about to shake his leg and scream "GROSS PLAGUE MARINE ON MY FOOT"

But after looking a second time I can actually picture him about to leap into the air.

Subscribing to this if I already haven't.


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