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The Search for the holy grail


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Okay heres the thing im a sucker for the old legend of king Arthur and Search for the holy grail. I think its one of the storys that has inspired all fantacy as we know it (like lotr) and I wanted to capture that same feel with my black templars (arthur was supposedly a knight of the templar in some versions of the story too) and i figured that history seems to repete itself at times. so heres my pitch. (my objective is to create a fun reason to include some nice models in my army not to offend Christians but i apologise before hand if i do)


Before the Emperors final and (near) fatal battle with horus, the emperor sat with his greatest of allys, drinking and feasting before they were due to do battle.


Anyway as we all know the emperor is near slain and becomes the thing of legend. and anything that is accociated with he emperor becomes a relic. over time many were lost, including the beaker that the emperor drank his last mortal drink.


Anyway with many relics associated with he emperor many chpters of space marines will stop at nothing to find them, and a relic of such significance may still hold a psychic taint.


Anyway a unit of black templars uncover a clue as to the location of the grail, and they have taken it upon themselves to seek out and recover the holy grail. Ill create a compaign for my templars to battle it out as they search for the grail, the models also make a great kill team.








Galahad and Tristan






All the knights




I know its not my own story but I thought it would be a story everyone knows (of, if not about (even if its monty python)) and would require little explanation. It gives my templars a theme and to top it off its a totaly legal squad if taken as veterans or HQ.


All except Arthur and Lancelot are armed with combat shields and a CCW.

Arthur is armed with Excalibur (power weapon) and combat shield

Lancelot is armed with CCW and pistol (I know his hammers two handed but for rules sake its one handed).


I was thinking Arthur should have a holy orb of antioch just as a nod to monty python.


Anyway just wondering what you all think.

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Hey! I like your version of Arthur. Cool idea with the head and very nice tabard. But don't you think he and his merry knights look a little bit bland with all that white and really nothing to attract the eyes? Maybe there already are nice little details but they don't appear in the photos.

I'd like to see some more bags, pouches, grenades and ribbons in contrasting colours.

Perhaps you could throw in an Orb of Antioch and some scrolls too for good measure?

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Love your idea.


Why not use a converted Brother Corbulo to represent what they're looking for, like some sort of objective marker ? Or maybe the idea is that the Grail can never be found, I don't know. Well, that's what came to my mind when I read your post.


Good luck with you crusade anyway !

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I dont think ill ever find the grail, Arthur never did but the idea that they are searching for it is cool. I did think about using that grail as an objective marker but i figured i could just make my own when the time comes.


But don't you think he and his merry knights look a little bit bland with all that white and really nothing to attract the eyes?


TBH with the majority of my army being black they stand out fairly well, I didnt want them to be too showy, they arnt the commanders or the emperors champion, besides I kinda like the simplicity personaly, im a firm believer that less is more in some cases.


One of these days ill make another 5 knights to join them, nothing like a knights of the round table diorama with power armour clad space marines.

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Quest for the grail is a neat idea... I can invision using the banner from the warhammer fantasy line. Kill team or deathwatch team is a great idea. Although I see no reason why Lancelot could not be your champion!


On a side note - what if a sip from this psychicly imbued cup is rumored to be capable of reviving the Emperor!



Powered items have a particularly powerful moment/connection to which they gain said power. We know of one particular scene when the Emperor challenges Russ to a drinking contest...but it lacks the ooomphf of a great moment. Sorry wolves...


What if we...

fade to just after the battle between Horus and the Emperor, as they find him wounded 'someone' brings him a drink, we already know that there were various soldiers/marines on board with him. Unknown to the soldiers at the time, the emperor in his weakend state let slip a touch of his vitality into this cup. When Dorn and crew found him, he knew he had only moments left to get back to the chair and that became the focus, this cup is left on the deck of Horus' ship as all teleport back to terra and the throne room..


The defeated Traitors have fled with cup on board and they not recognizing the value/power it held. The warp unable to accept this tainted item rejected it to .... and the quest begins.

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Great find Chaplain ChonkE -


Ludoldus was a previous High Marshal of the Black Templars Chapter. It has been recorded that Ludoldus fought in the Vinculus Crusade (833.M41) and in the Jerulas Crusade (645.M39), wars separated by two thousand years.


Portraits of both High Marshals mentioned do show great similarity between the two but even Lord Dante of the Blood Angels, the eldest living Chapter Master, is only eleven hundred years old.


The Grail is out there!!! Now go find it Jester_Prince.

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