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Thanks Andrecus and Mick.


I used a Bic Pen cap to extend the body down a bit. It looks a bit more like a torso now. I'm happy. There IS a small crease where the GS hits the GS..and I'll be addressing that once this dries. Also, there is a symmetrical problem, as one side doesn't look like the other. =-( so that'll be addressed too.





So I can't wait any longer for the Right Armed power fist to arrive (I don't even know if it shipped) and..besides, it was for an Assault Marine, which means that it would be too small. So I'm using two Lightning Claws from my Deathwing squad. I need to make another shoulder pad for him though.

The chest is smoothed, and I'm seeking something good for a chest eagle. Size comparison maybe?




Thanks guys, but I don't think I'll be using those ideas, I've already thought of them..


I originally wanted to use a Drop Pod eagle, but its too big, even with sanding, to make thinner, it doesn't help.

I was told to use brass etch from the basing kit on Rogue-Market, which is more active than B&C is, but if you look at them, they're just pointy triangles.

FW will take too long to get to me (as I have to finish before January, Conversion Competition at Rogue-Market, (another thing you don't see at B&C, because its only Power Armored)) and its more expensive.

I tried the Rhino one too, and it's larger than the Drop Pod one. =-(


I MIGHT be buying a Baneblade, to make into a Fellblade, or just scrap for parts, since I have $140 of gift cards to my LGS. See thread here. I was told there are some nice eagles in the Imperial Guard tank sprue.


I might have to sculpt it, using some instructions I've come upon a long time ago, and never had the chance to use them. Or I'll be using a Royal Redeemers symbol..who knows.


Thanks for the feedback though!


And!! I just found out (realized) that Marneus Calgar has a power sword. So I made this. I think its from an Empire Generals kit, that I used the ghost-angel for my Dark Angels standard.



I then magnetized the body, so I can switch them. The left power fist will also be magnetized, and the backpack, where the ammo strip (mind blank) attaches to it.



WHA? Marneus has a Power Sword??? Huh?


What happened to the Gauntlets of Ultramar? Or are those only on the Armor of Antilochus?

I'm confused...


Anyhow, keep it going Shorts, it's looking good so far. The Royal Redeemers symbol on the Chapter Master's shoulder pad looks pretty cool too. I just noticed it, lol.


Also, about that chest eagle? Wouldn't you be able to carefully shave one off of a normal Marine? Like, CRAZY carefully???


Also, I'm sensing that you want people to join this "Rogue-Market" place.

He has both, a power sword AND the gauntlets..I queried it in the Ultramarines forum. And got those answers.


Thanks for the shoulder pad, I have 6 casted from GS.

A chest eagle, thats a GOOD idea!!!


Yeah, join RM, I can't get on right now though...somethings wrong with my computer.

He has both, a power sword AND the gauntlets..


Huh... Doesn't that sorta defeat the purpose? I mean, you're already ignoring armor twice with the power fists, and once more with the sword. And your strength is doubled with the fists, but not with the sword, though the sword doesn't reduce initiative.


So, what's that come out as? You get S8, ignores armor (THREE TIMES), and no reduction in initiative?


Or can't you use them both at the same time? Hmm... Intriguing.


GW's minis are awesome, but their rules are really hard to fathom... Meh. I play for the minis, really...

It is funky. But in the Ultramarines forum, I asked the question, and the smuffy ones answered. But the thread has gone away from my topic, so you can follow as you wish.


In the Codex, it is listed that he has both the Gauntlets of Ultramar, and a power sword. PLEASE let us not go into rules about this..this is my modeling, not my rulesing.


For the magnets, all questions can be answered in my videos. Ka Sha


Thanks for the replies guys.



And damn..look what a trend I started with those eggs.

The power sword looks great! Nice use of bits!


As the owner of 2 Marneus Calgar models, yeah he does come with a sheathed power sword that attaches to his hip.


Keep up the good work, keep this updated and good luck for your competition! when is it?

Looks good so far. As for teh chest eagle you can probably use on from the terminator torso piece, should be the exact size you need. Alternately as previously suggested one from a marine torso piece would work as well, but the termin one will be larger and likely a better fit. I'd carefully clip all the excess material away and file and sand it until it's thin enough to put it on the armor. It'll take some work but it'll look good.


I do that process for a lot of the templar symbols for my terminators, it's a lot of work but in the end it looks amazing.

Oh, a SHEATHED powersword... I see.




So anyhow, YOU started that egg trend thing? Wow. I just saw a bunch of people with them in their sigs and clicked one...



Anyhoo, I think that either a Termi chest eagle or just a normal one would work fine... Although a Terminator one might be a little more impressive.

I LIKE that idea!!! But...why..I don't want to waste one!! But I might..

I just cleaned up 5, yes! Count them 5 Terminators!! and got some nicely cleaned bodies and legs for Power Armor too!

I have an extra front torso, for the Cyclone Missile guys..I'll check into it.


I'm pretty sure I started the egg thing. Because I got 3000 views, and 1000 unique views in 1 night, and I only posted here... so my egg got ODed, and died..all 4 of them. So I stopped...and I had one of those swirly white eggs too.




He hee!!

Look Mah, No putty!


The backpack, legs and torso, and his right arm are pinned and glued. The left arm is magnetized. I need to attach bolters and ammo belt and helmet. I just finished Green Stuffing the right armpit, but its not in the pic.






And I'm using bolt pistols for the under slung.



And the prototype ammo belt..didn't work, it snaps when I try to bend it.



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