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Battle report Vs. Necrons

Brother SRM

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Tonight I fought 1850 against Necrons, pitched battle, killpoints. Semi urban terrain, ruins on both sides and some rough ground giving light cover in the middle.



20 man warrior unit

18 man warrior unit

8 base scarab unit

8 man immortal unit

5 man destroyer unit

3 man wraith unit

Lord with warscythe and resorb




10 man Grey Hunter unit, plasma, power weapon, power fist, Wolf Guard with power weapon

10 man Grey Hunter unit, plasma, power weapon, power fist, Wolf Guard with power weapon

10 man Grey Hunter unit, melta, power weapon, power fist, Wolf Guard with power weapon (these are the guys with the shoulderpads)

Ven dread with lascannon, fist, armor and heavy flamer

9 man wolf guard unit with heavy flamer, assault cannon, 2 combi plas, fists, hammer and shield guy, lightning claws

Wolf Guard Battle Leader, terminator armor, assault cannon, fist

Wolf priest with healing majiggers, pistol and power weapon.

6 man scout squad, plasma pistol x2, melta gun, Wolf Guard with power weapon and bolt pistol

All IC's and Wolf Guard have pelts and charms


My army is deployed in a battleline (left to right) of plasma grey hunters, terminators with all the characters, plasma grey hunters, melta grey hunters, then dreadnought

Opposite of them was warriors and lord in a ruin, scarabs, immortals, warriors, monolith, with the wraiths in the back



I get deployment and first turn. My entire army advances and runs, with my dreadnought getting a penetrating 2 on the monolith. Can still fire it's death ringpop nomatter what, a rule I don't enjoy.


Necrons shoot me. Each Grey Hunter squad loses 4 men because of crappy rolling, except the shoulderpad squad that loses 6. The scarabs roll in near my advancing Terminators, but aren't close enough to charge.





I advance the whole army again, except the melta gun grey hunters who run back 4 inches. Get some rapid fire action in, but not enough to really do much damage. Dreadnought gets another penetrating 2 on the monolith. My Wolf Guard then torch the scarabs, which thanks to the "vulnerable to templates" rule, gives the unit about 12 wounds. Assault cannons instant kill the rest, with some stormbolter lovin thrown in for good measure.


The Lord's warrior squad continues shooting, pouring fire into my Terminators. Nothing comes of it, as the 2+ saves are just so good. My middle plasma toting Grey Hunter squad gets shot down to 2 men by the immortals and they fall back 4 inches. My melta gun Hunters get zapped by the particle whip, Killing a few more. His destroyers ignore the Grey Hunters that are mere inches away and instead opt to shoot the Terminators, doing nothing.





My scouts OBEL in behind the rightmost warriors by the monolith, killing 4. My dreadnought fires again with it's lascannon and blows up the monolith. Honestly, I was just shooting it for kicks and giggles and I so happened to roll 3 sixes in a row. The Terminators move up and blast away at the Lord's warrior squad. Sub par assault cannon shots and his incredibly good We'll Be Back rolls leave about 4 dead, even with the combi-plasma guns. My center and right Grey Hunters regroup and advance towards the immortals holding the center of the table, downing one in a rapid fire plasma gun burst that ended the gunner's life in a fatal overheat. The left flank Grey Hunters (led by the resolute Wolf Guard Hakon) charge into the destroyers, wiping out the squad. The scouts charge the warriors on the right, killing a whopping single warrior in melee.


The warriors led by the Necron Lord fire 40 shots into Hakon's Grey Hunter squad, killing 2. Now that's how you make armor saves. The Wraiths fly in and join the fray with my scouts, killing 2. The immortals shoot up my Grey Hunters in the middle, doing nothing.





Hakon's Grey Hunters charge the Lord's Warriors, but my Terminators fail to charge through the difficult terrain into his ruin. My right flank Grey Hunters and Dreadnought move in behind some ruins so the immortals can't get them, setting up an ambush for the Warriors fighting my scouts. Lascannon drops one immortal. Hakon and his boys kill a few Warriors, and the lord kills two of the bolter marines before getting power fisted to death. Thank you instant death and bad rolling on his part to get back up.


The Warriors and Wraiths finish off my scouts and consolidate into a little firing line. Shoot at my melta gun Grey Hunters, dropping one or two. The battle with the ex-Lord's warriors rages on, killing my non-Wolf Guard power weapon.





My dreadnought and Grey Hunters move into the right flank Warriors, torching them with the heavy flamer and assaulting in. Hakon and his last 2 men are killed in melee right before Wolf Guard Battle Leader Aesir moves in for the kill with his bodyguard. Nothing like about 30 power fist attacks to even out an enemy. After this, the army phases out and I get the victory.


After a good fisting, the Necrons can't get back up. If that's not an innuendo, I don't know what is.


Extra details:

- This is probably the first or second time I've used an army without any Blood Claws whatsoever. Grey Hunters with bolters, despite not getting an extra attack on the charge, actually did pretty well for themselves in close combat.

- That terminator bodyguard unit is kinda sorta very broken. I didn't have the points (or model on hand) to squeeze another assault cannon into the squad, but I guess it wouldn't be necessary given how much Necron ass they kicked. They're game winning every time I take them against Necrons.

- I seriously was not expecting to kill the monolith. I only shot it for lack of a better target, and I was only expecting to immobilize it or blow off the particle whip, that is if you can even do that.

- All in all it was a fairly decent game. I took heavy losses on my Grey Hunters and lost my Scouts, giving him 2 kill points total. If it weren't for the phase out, I only would have had 3, soon to be 4 with my dreadnought about to rip his army apart.


Thoughts? Comments?

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I would say the WGTDA are excellent against Necrons, with their limited supply of AP2/1 Weapons and Power Weapons, but against a lot of armies that is an all eggs, one basket plan. Still, you fought well and Necrons are by no means an easy foe.
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I would say the WGTDA are excellent against Necrons, with their limited supply of AP2/1 Weapons and Power Weapons, but against a lot of armies that is an all eggs, one basket plan. Still, you fought well and Necrons are by no means an easy foe.

Many thanks!

I've fought against a marine army with a predator annihilator and a vindicator and got my Terminators totally devastated. Just gotta know what you're fighting. However, throwing some storm shields in the mix could really make an uncrackable team of guys.

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Very good game, after that horrible turn 1. The Wolf Guard termies decently own Necron. I just created a blog and I'm going to be doing my battle reports there along with other stuff.

Very nice, look forward to reading it.

I don't know what happened first turn... I really didn't even get shot that much, I just rolled more 1's and 2's than I thought possible.

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Great battle! I've squashed many a metal girl beneath my fist since my wife's first army was crons, I gotta say they go down pretty hard against wolves, unless you try to out range them.


A couple nitpicky points :lol:

1. the monolith shot the particle whip even after it was stunned?

2. Necron lords cant be insta killed by anything short of str10 (base toughness 5). So yeah, that fist would just be one wound :D


I gotta say I'm impressed you could whoop up on a 5 man destroyer unit in 1 round of combat, those guys are tough to take down being T5. Hitting on 4's, wounding on 5's, that musta been impressive rolling! (mathematically speaking, I woulda expected at least 2 to survive, even with the fist/pw in the frey).

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I think the monolith can fire the particle whip nomatter what. Also, I know the Necron rules better than the guy I was playing against, even over the 3 games I've actually played against the 'crons, so I can't really trust his word on the matter. Although I do remember something about them being able to fire some gun nomatter what.


I thought Lords were toughness 4 unless they were on a destroyer body? This one was on foot. I don't think it would have made a difference, since he was instant killed right before my Terminators came in.


The destroyers did go down that easy - I just rolled really well on my power weapon wounds! I think I forgot to mention that I killed one with gunfire, but only one... Still rolling 5's and 6's to wound with those power weapons!

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