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AoBR conversions


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The main reason I haven't been posting much in the WIP forums of late is because I'm up to my armpits in greenskins at the moment but took a short break to do a few quick conversions using the amazing AoBR push fix marines.





Head Swap



Heavy Bolter



I've always wanted an army of non-MK VII marines and may have to see how quickly I could knock a small force of these guys together at some point. Not sure what chapter to paint these three as though.

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Thanks mate. :)


The arms are just some spare bits I had lying around. Right arm is a chainsword arm, with the hand from the AoBR sergeant attached and a spare AoBR terminator sergeant sword. The legs are from one of the AoBR tactical marines and the upper torso, pointing finger and head are from the sergeant. Left arm is another chainsword arm cut and repositioned so that he's pointing forward. Not bad for fifteen minutes work.

Thanks mate. :P


The arms are just some spare bits I had lying around. Right arm is a chainsword arm, with the hand from the AoBR sergeant attached and a spare AoBR terminator sergeant sword. The legs are from one of the AoBR tactical marines and the upper torso, pointing finger and head are from the sergeant. Left arm is another chainsword arm cut and repositioned so that he's pointing forward. Not bad for fifteen minutes work.


Thats roughly what I was guessing. I've started converting a few of them, but I to have started an Ork army and am busy with them. I've found removing the arms to be quite difficult though. They're always attached to the body or the leg, and leave quite a mess when removed. I'll be watching the topic though, so that I can get some ideas for when I convert the others.

Thanks guys! :huh:


Hero of Helsreach: I've already chopped him up for parts on other projects that never went anywhere. :(


KingHongKong/Asmodeus' Swordhand: Yeah it's the head from the AoBR missile launcher marine. As I'm using a heavy bolter I figured that I may as well put the head to good use. I removed the head and collar and stuck it on a regular AoBR marine.


brother Hastatus: Yeah I know what you mean. The best way around it is to cut the top half of the model off completely like I did with the capatin and replace it with the top half of a regular multipart marine.


JetfireUK: Same here mate, you're going to love my next update in that case. ;)

Thanks guys!


I've been playing around with the kits and come up with a couple of conversions made by adding bits from the regular multi-parts.

The old captain has now been demoted to sergeant of his own entire squad using my favourite models from the tacticals and so I've come up with a Kantor proxy model. They still need cleaning up but look quite nice for AoBR conversions.








These are a couple of Sternguard I've made using bits from both the AoBR marines and regular multi-parts. I'm going for a uniform look to the tacticals and so thought I'd use the missile launcher AoBR heads as a theme for the Sternguard. I made the left handed sergeant using the missle launcher arm and for his right hand used a spare biker hand. Dead easy conversion but really effective.

Not sure what chapter I'll paint them as yet though.

For all the sergeants I'm using the winged skull folded back banner as you can see above and for the combat squad leaders the halo and skull icon from the AoBR terminator sergeant model.



Cheers guys!


The trick to removing the head from the missile launcher marine is ti cut slightly below where the bottom of the head is so that you cut into the top of the chest rather than the neck. I used the citadel saw and then once removed cut away the excess plastic so the head remained intact. Trick is to make the cut away from the head and then clean it up after.

I got the AoBR marines on Ebay, you can't argue with eight quid for a tactical squad! :)

Doghouse, yet again more inpirational work from yet more simple ideas that look so freakin sweet! I never realised the snapfix space marines were so 'convertable'?! Love what you did to the captain model, that is awesome!!! Oh and did i read right in that your doing some nasty Greenskins?

Thanks guys! :tu:


Dorns padawan: Yeah the push fix guys at a glance seem fairly simple at first glance and I think that's what put's people off them. The truth is however, that they are extremely detailed miniatures in certain areas like the hands and the legs, more so than the regular plastics infact. There are a few downfalls to the designs like the heads being attached to a thick collar but the truth is that they are fantastic for conversions.

Yeah I've dabbled with Orks for years but am finally going green with this army that can be seen here: Waaagh Skarbash

Pig Of Sparta: I quite like the Kantor model but am a bit disappointed that it didn't come with a bare head option as well. Nice to see a commander with a MK VII lid though for a change.

I'm in the mood for painting something other than greenskins at the moment so figured I'd have a quick bash at the Sternguard sergeant. I'm painting him as an Invader veteran and decided to go the codex route rather than make something up.

I'm not overly happy with him but he's getting there. I'm trying to quit smoking at the moment and it's sapping my painting mojo and I'm making all kinds of mistakes. :(






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