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Space wolves discontinued?


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Greetings brothers,


I get most of my space wolves off of the website miniwargaming.com its a great site if you guys haven't heard of it, anways. I have noticed that they have a slim amount of space wolves, so i emailed them asking why they don't stock some of the other models (scouts,terminators, stuff like that). I got an email back from them today stating that "GW has discontinued the product of a good amount of the Space Wolfs." :blink: I dont go to GW all that much anymore, but do any of you know if they are taking their space wolves off the shelf? And if they are do you think they are doing this because the new codex space wolves is coming up? Any information would be great!




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They actually stopped sending out a lot of SW stock nowdays asits such a small profit margin and they want to make space on their racks for newer release products. If you go to the GW website you can still find them.
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alot of the wolves are getting taken off the shelves however you can still find them online a plenty (although gw continues to delete my shopping cart everyday) alot of their models are in the old pewter molds and dont sell well. such as all the good looking space wolf models and wolf guard.


however in 2009 you can expect to see the shelves and most of the world filled with wolves.

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Guest WG Vrox

Fantastic, my economics 101 course pays off in the end as I can now answer your question. Fear not young wolf.


Yep, They are slowing/stopping production in order to use up back stock before they release new models for warehousing and marketing reasons.


Basically they know after the new models come out, the demand for old models drops to almost nothing. So in order to not have to store and deal with old stock, they allow the backstock to sell out. The added benefit for them is OOP stock become rare and thus more valuable.... basic supply and demand.


WG Vrox.

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Whew......Thats a relief, if the space wolves got cancelled i'd probably shoot myself :). So i guess that means our new codex is comnig out next year? I thought it was coming out in decemeber, i know alot of people brought that up lol...but i'm pretty pumped for it
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't imagine them discontinuing Space Wolves because if they did, I wouldn't have anyone to fued with and that was one of the reasons I took up DA, I always enjoyed the (not so) friendly table talk with my friend between the problems with the others army. I would probably be pretty mad if they got rid of the ferocious friends fron the Fang...


*strightens robe, puts up hood, kills someone for knowing too much*



Master Elias, 3rd Company

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I was talking to my local Independent Stockist a while back. He was tring to get me to buy the Space Wolf Battleforce he had in the shop. As the only committed Wolves player, I was his best chance at shifting it. When he originally ordered it, he was warned that SW stock doesn 't sell.His GW agent said it's down to the age of the codex and the similarity between Wolves and normal Marines (model-wise).

So fear not, they're not being discontinued, it's just good business sense from their perspective. No point in stocking shelves with stuff that won't sell. Now that the codex has been removed from retail sale, there'll be a further slump. The new SW models shown at Games Day will probably help shift some related stock when they're released but otherwise, expect to see less and less SW stock until we get our new codex, next January, September, December 2009/2010. :blush:

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GW could never risk discontinuing the Space Wolves. If they did, a few thousand people would descend upon GW HQ with battleaxes.



This reminds me, I need a couple more SW kits..


Ya know, every time one of these threads comes up, someone mentions this fact and personally, that is why I think GW would never axe the Wolves- they fear our wrath. Also, I could some more SW kits too... *grabs battle axe and heads out for GW* :D

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You just have to make sure you know some good sculpters and a couple of buisness majors to take their places.....


1) sculpters... check.

2) Buisness majors... check.

3) British accents.... check.

4) Website admins... check.


Though personally I dont want to kill them at all... theyve not done anything worth that.

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Well that's like at my local store, barely a couple of SMALL shelves for ALL Warhammer 40k stuff and not a single box set, although they do have some single pack Wolf Guards and Scouts. Although the place I go to that is about 45mins away have ALOT of Wolf stuff including 13th Co. stuff.
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My local place has wolf stuff, but I'm one of the only Wolf players in New Mexico it seems. Honestly, I'd just get it online if they didn't have it locally, and if GW decided to cancel them...well...at least I'll have something to do for a week or two.
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Just to let you guys know, its not only the Space Wolves that have suffered from this plague. I can no longer find any metal Blood Angels models online anymore (apart from GW themselves) and the Blood Angels have many metal models which is quite frustrating!!!
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Ok, if any of what I post here is unacceptable PM me and I'll get rid of it.


I work for an indepentent Stockist in the UK and so I have a list of EVERYTHING any Indie store can get. For the Space Wolves, there is:


Grey Hunters

Blood Claws

Long Fangs

Rune Priest Blister


I know that the SW Battleforce is OOP, as I tried to get one back in July and was told by the Rep that all remaining Battleforces had been distributed - therefore if your lcoal Stockist has one, my advice would be to grab it. The smaller box sets are also OOP - they are shifting remaining stock. I don't know about the Priest, but my guess is they have a backlog of him too.


For those of you panicking over lack of Ragnar/Logan/Ulrik - GW recently as part of their restructuring cut back on a lot of more "specialist" metal kits and blisters that are know ONLY available through GW direct - for example, Tau Commander Shadowsun and Khârn the Betrayer. This is extremely annoying, as nowhere other than the GW Order form is this made clear - that only Indepents have access to. I have had to call several customers who have placed orders for these items through us that we can no longer get.

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