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Grey Hunter Packs


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I'm still working on actually getting my army assembled and in packs, and I was curious to get some input on Hunter configurations. I guess I'll aska few direct questions, and hope you guys throw in some of your personal builds as well.


1. Is it good to have a few pistols left instead of all bolters?

2. I always used to take frag and krak, but i left them game for awhile, they still pretty much mandatory?

3. WGPL, TDA with a heavy weapon? Or get some PA with a fist/pistol love going?

4. Is it worth taking heavy weapons on them? or are they better used to advance into the enemy with fists and pw and assaulting behind the BC "horde"?


I'm still pretty new to actually gaming, to be honest, for the first couple of years I was strictly a fluff loving collector.

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1. Personally I use True Grit instead of the bolt pistols. I've yet to try them with BP/CCW, except on Sarge.

2. Not really mandatory from my experience, but they don't hurt if you've got the points.

3. Someone else could probably give you better advice.

4. I'm loving my drop pod army, just food for thought. "Follow behind," replaced by, "Fall on."

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Depends on what I'm using them for.


If it's a static fire-line for holding an objective, advancing slowly, it looks something like:

10-man , Pgun, 2 PW, 7 Bolters with a WGPL (SB, PF, WP, TDA).


If it's an advancing, rhino riding squad: 9-man, Mgun, 2 PW, 2 PP, frags & BP/CC with a WGPL (BP, PF, WP, Mbombs)

all in a rhino with extra armor (if I can find points)


I've never felt the need for krak grenades (though they are much more useful in 5th ed). I run with a fist and meltagun in my mobile squads; and my army runs with 2 MM Speeders and a squad of OBEL Wolf Scouts w/ 2 pp, 1 Mgun, and a power weapon or two. I never seem to be at a loss for anti-vehicle weapons so I don't concern myself with the grenades.



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I use my GH's to jump on objectives. My usual use is a Power Fist, a Power Weapon and a special weapon - either melta or plasma. That way you get a unit that can take on anything and hold it's own. Futhermore, they are not the "cutting edge" or my army - I leave that to Dreads and Blood Claws. The GH's are the "old reliables" so to speak.
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i put mine in a drop pod and launch them with a wolf guard and a rune priest.



set up is usually 10 grey hunters 2 plasma pistols 1 plasma gun, 1 powerfist, 1 power weapon, the rest are bolters.


wolf guard pack leader powerfist, runic charm, plasma pistol, wtn

rune priest plasma pistol, frostblade, runic charm.


these guys drop down behind or near something that must die! and open up with either 5-6 plasma shots (6 if it absolutly must die!) 5 in case i want that stormcaller cover save

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I'm still working on actually getting my army assembled and in packs, and I was curious to get some input on Hunter configurations. I guess I'll aska few direct questions, and hope you guys throw in some of your personal builds as well.


1. Is it good to have a few pistols left instead of all bolters?

2. I always used to take frag and krak, but i left them game for awhile, they still pretty much mandatory?

3. WGPL, TDA with a heavy weapon? Or get some PA with a fist/pistol love going?

4. Is it worth taking heavy weapons on them? or are they better used to advance into the enemy with fists and pw and assaulting behind the BC "horde"?


I'm still pretty new to actually gaming, to be honest, for the first couple of years I was strictly a fluff loving collector.


1) I usually take all Bolters or all Pistols.... My pistol squads are more dedicated to CC, and usually have a meltagun. Bolter Squads tend to have a plasma rifle as they already are rapid fire.

2) I rarely take grenades, I rely on heavy support to take out my tanks, or squad based meltaguns. But then a squad always has plasma or melta in it of some form... so krak is just redundant really. Frags will go on CC squads sometimes, but usually I just throw the Bloodclaws after squads in cover, or dreadnaughts.

3) Pack Leaders cant take Heavy Weapons. Fist/Pistol no longer gives +1 attack, so take whatever ranged weapon you like.

4) You cant take heavy weapons on a GH squad. Special weapons? Plasma/Melta/Burna? Those are all nice choices, and decently priced. Plasma Pistols? I like them, but dont often take both. Power Weapons/Fists? I almost always take one, if not two.


My "Standard Kit" for a GH pack is- 8x Bolters, P. Rifle, P. Pistol, P. Fist. Runs 215 points so not doing to bad, 250 with a rhino though I rarely take one. CC Squads get a Melta gun and 2x Powerweapon making them a clean 200 pts. Sometimes Ill give them a fist instead, but more often I give them a transport.

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My list has 4 troop choices 3 of them are GH,


1st is an assult pack of 8 +1PL: 6BP 1PP 1 Flamer 2PW. PL SS/PF: WP, RC, WTT. I know 10 points into a WTT for a PL is spendy, but with the SS he has holding power and hitting on a 3+ is a must to get a return on the PF. This pack is usually lead by my RP and they move toward the furthest objetive, usually with heavy support of one type or another, Vindi, IronClad, TDA Retinue.


2nd is mounted in a RB: HB, DB, PMSB. surprising how much that extra SB comes in handy. 3HB shots and 4 bolter shots can really put out some damage. 6 GH 5 BG 1 Melta 1PW 1PF. This squad is set to take and hold close objectives. If needed my BC will assist this unit take the objective or do a Flank assult, running the BCs to keep pace and provide the RB cover.


3rd. is 6GH 5BG 1PP 1PF. This unit is my home guard and/or closest objective taker and runs with my WGBL which has CML /PW and 2 FW. They strat the game together but will usually split up during the last 2 turns of the game, the FW allow him to leave the GH without to much fear of being singled out and killed outright.


WG Vrox.

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1. Is it good to have a few pistols left instead of all bolters?

2. I always used to take frag and krak, but i left them game for awhile, they still pretty much mandatory?

3. WGPL, TDA with a heavy weapon? Or get some PA with a fist/pistol love going?

4. Is it worth taking heavy weapons on them? or are they better used to advance into the enemy with fists and pw and assaulting behind the BC "horde"?


It depends on the role I plan on using my GH for, and as such, they will almost always be bolters OR BP/CCW.



A: Drop podding - bolters, if they don't rapid fire the target to death they get charged or shot at so the 2 shots is better either way. They'll get the +A for true grit if they fail to kill what they shoot at and get charged, and as they can't assault out of the DP anyway the charge bonus won't apply.

B: transport - if assaulting out of, than BP/CCW. If not than bolters.

C: foot slogging - bolters as I usually let my WG or BC to deal with the CC while the GH form the fire line.



A: Drop podding - no as they probably will get assaulted before assaulting.

B: Transport - if I have the points it can definitely help, but mine usually don't assault into cover.

C: Foot slogging - good idea if you have the points as they have a pretty good chance of needing it.



Newer to SW forum slang so unsure of WGPL/TDA/PA. would appreciate meaning



A: Drop Podding - obviously never as they count as moving

B: Transport - again no

C: Foot slogging - if your having them hold an objective than maybe, keep the squad small though as the idea is NOT to need numbers for CC.


Personally I like to run mine in Drop Pods to grab objectives or kill a specific unit...or both :P

I have either:

GH x10 - 7 bolters, PPx2, PG, PW and PF (just for those bigger things that may assault you).

GH x10 - 7 Bolters, PPx2, PW, PF, and MG (for termis, or armor if the scatter provides the oppurtunity.



GH x10 - some as either DP

GH x10 - 7 BP, PPx2, MG, (PWx2, PFx2 or one of each)



Fire line - 9 bolters, PG

assault - 7 BP, PPx2, MG, (PWx2, PFx2 or one of each), Frags

Mid - 7 BP, PPx2, (PWx2, PFx2 or one of each), Frags and PG -OR- MG

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WGPL: Wolf Guard Pack Leader

TDA: Tactical Dreadnought (Terminator) Armor

RC: Runic Charm

WTN: Wolf Tooth Necklace

WGBG: Wolf Guard Body Guard

WGBL: Wolf Guard Battle Leader- always used in conjunction with AC: assault cannon

PA: Power Armor

FB: Frost Blade

CotS: Chooser of the Slain

WHoR: Wolf Helm of Russ

LRC: Land Raider Crusader

LRE: Leman Russ Exterminator

OBEl: Operate Behind Enemy Lines

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