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RC LandRaider


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ok ...

now that both landraiders are almost finished ....

i started with a wolfblade.

i hope this causes no problems with this comunities rules, but i promise the crew will have marine-armout when it's finished ...


not to confuse others on youtube i simply named it baneblade.


but anyway ... if it's not ok to post vids and pics of this wolfblade because it's roots are IG, please tell me and i'll remove the link ...

if it's ok .... - great ! - enjoy the vid and please give me feedback .... :cuss



that wolfblade better be able to fire BBs when its finished! but one minute -finds his jaw that fell through the floor- those land raiders are just...well...take the population of man, then add the cubed number of orks there is and then times tht by the number eldar left then times that number even further by the number of chaos marines cubed. thats how awesome they are, just put that number on the awesome scale.
nice dude,


btw have u seen this one ?



yup ... of course ... ;)


freaks like us normaly know each others projects pretty well.

i mean there are just a few dozen guys out there doing the real crazy stuff with their models.

and like the propainters know each other and feel like a big family, also the pro-builders know their idols and familymembers out there ...

the more you do and the crazier your projects get, the less people you'll find to learn from. in the end there'll be 10-20 builders left, doing new stuff and things that have not been realized before. and than, suddenly you'll find some others copying what you did, asking you for help and giving you positive feedback.

well i think, meanwhile that'S exactly where i get my motivation from. :mellow:


quite a while ago, in nürnbergs GW-store i heard two or three guys talking about a builder whose projects they declared as crazy, godlike and extraordinary. i joined the conversation and asked who they were talking about. and i remember that it really was a great felling when they said that it was BobPanda. ;)

i had laugh a little and they asked me why .... - and i told them that it was me they were talking about. - funny situation. and i think if i wouldn't have had one of my titans with me, they would not have believed it.



I cannot wait to see that baneblade rumbling around. Heck, it's big enough that you could use scale metal tracks over vinyl tracks.


well .... here you are .... ;)





each track has 35 single pieces.

Pure awesome. ;)


This one seems like it would be easier to accomplish because of the caverness inside to the model. So the resulting tank taht I see there has room for all those cool controls and lights. Much Kudos to you bro. Thats just sick. :P

today i started with the shadowsword.

it'll get a working BB-gun, single wheel suspension and better treads.

the drivingwheel is custom made to fit perfectly in the tracks gaps and consists of 25 parts.

today there'll be no video but some pics showing you what i did today.







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