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Sisters of Battle Land Raider

Doctor Thunder

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I though you guys would enjoy seeing this:













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Dude! Very nicely done! I think it captures the atmosphere of the Gothic nature of the Sisterhood quite perfectly!


I hope you are going to do extensive free-hand work on that baby as well, then take it to every event you can think of, because that is a glorious centerpiece!


A job very well done!

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My post disappeared? Anyway, coolest Land Raider ever, can't wait to see it painted. Inspired, want to make my own, will add this to the list. I think this will be my Honor Guard's Land Raider. Not my Grand Master's, he's too big to be riding (he is a Daemon Prince of sorts). But the Honor Guardians will try to keep up.
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Don't take this personally, but what a horrible use of a Land Raider. :)


EDIT: From my perspective...:


-It's those damn side turrets. They add way too much of an unnecessary increase in bulk on what is already a large vehicle, not to mention those front doors ruin the overall shape of the vehicle, the way the front juts out is just too jarring, and the only real tactical reason I can see for even using such a lopsided tank would be to forgo trying to keep it obscured behind cover (good luck with the aforementioned increased width) in return for giving the footsloggers behind it extra cover, in which case good luck finding someone who will let you play with that.


-The top turret never fails to remind me of an old conversion of a friend of mine where a solitary guardsman was standing upright and holding a Dreadnought's Lascannon and for precisely the same reason: the size ratio and the placement really just don't work together; you would have been better suited move it towards the center or rear of the top of the tank rather than placing it at the front or by replacing the Space Marine manning the Storm Bolter with the SoB model sitting in the turret - aesthetically pleasing and tournament legal!


-The organs on top are...well, I certainly wouldn't have put them there but in retrospect that seems to be in keeping with the 'look' of Sisters of Battle along with all the smoke censers, so you're fine there.


Really, the model just has a few too many bells and whistles. Tone it down, try and meld to the shape of the original model so the conversion isn't so obvious and jarring, and you'll be golden.

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I like it. third time looking at this before stating my opinion. The first time i didnt really like it. The second time i looked more closely. I would like to see the side turrets supported a bit more, which is my only problem. But, that being said, it looks SWEET <_< good work on the convert and I hope it adds to the rest of your works.
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I like the style, but the side "sponsons" and the Immolator turrets are simply too heavy, too big, too exaggerated. Less is more, sometimes even in 40k.



Here's an example of a church-style Land Raider whose "architecture" works better for me, especially the turrets and the placement of the front door:


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The side turrets are fine enough for me, I would rather remove the manned TL heavy bolter and foremost change the front back to something that looks more like a vehicle rather than a bulding on tracks.

Overall I still appreciate such efforts a lot and will love to see it painted as such "experiments" is what really gives me inspiration. I have tried to do an Inquisition Hellhammer which I have posted before, but this has given me some more ideas.

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the only real tactical reason I can see for even using such a lopsided tank would be to forgo trying to keep it obscured behind cover (good luck with the aforementioned increased width) in return for giving the footsloggers behind it extra cover, in which case good luck finding someone who will let you play with that.

I don't mind that you don't like the conversion. I respect your right to your opinion. :sweat:

I just wanted to point out that none of the conversions were done for tactical reasons. I was trying to make it look like a chapel and a crucifex, and so I take offense at any implication that I built this to gain some sort of gaming advantage. I think it's both untrue and unfair of you to suggest so.


aesthetically pleasing and tournament legal!

This tank is 100% tournament legal. It is based on a GW model, contains only GW parts, and is easily recognizable as a Land Raider.

Again, I have no problems with your opinion, you just happened to hit one of my buttons. I can't stand it when people imply that something is not tournament legal when I worked so hard to make sure it was in fact tournament legal.

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That is simply AWESOME, Dr Thunder! It captures both the goofiness of 40K (I mean, look at how ridiculous the decoration is! and I don't just mean your conversion, here, either) and the very serious lethality of the same.


Can't wait to see it painted.

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For those whining about tactical reasons... Size plays equal advantage and disadvantage. That thing will never get a cover save and good-luck trying to fit it through some terrain layouts. That said, I love the model, its clearly a land-raider and possibly on par with a Sister's baneblade. Looks awesome to me.
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Ok, this monster is tournament legal but to be honest, when I craft special vehicles and characters I often do not even care if they are usable in tournaments. I never play any and do not intend to and even if I would, I would a) find it much easier and enjoyable to use regular models (to avoid the nagging and whining of opponents) and ^_^ still built these extracurriculars for the fun and joy of creating something new that looks awsome and unique.

If it is not totally insane, indestructible, absolutely lethal to everything and cheap as hell regarding points, my friends will always let me use it, for the fun of the game. So I never even thought about whether this thing was legal for tournaments or not. Just enjoyed the great idea and creativity.

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Man, those turrets are killing this model. And the Penitents, and the church doors... and the fact that the Land Raider is not a dedicated tank for the Sororitas (even though I have a Sororitas turret for my LR).


So I guess I only like the Exorcist bits, and the fact that all those parts probably cost $200 retail.


I don't know, I'm trying to find something positive to say, but it's not working. Maybe I'll change my tune when it's painted.

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This is awesome conversion. Truly something that would be only appreciated by another Sisters player. One thing the GW exorcist model has taught me about SoB weaponry, is that functionally plays a lower priority compared to venerating the God-Emperor. Even the exorcist tank has a random profile to show how little the operators understand about the ancient technology.


I think for fluff reasons, and when you are not playing tourny/all comers games, that flamers instead of lascanons would fit the theme better. Or more HBs! Think of that combined with blessed ammunition. Nine re-roll-able cover-ignoring goodness.


I am just picturing this landraider as a mobile cathedral with 12 battle sisters praying at some shrine within the tank. Waiting for the moment they are giving to order to unload into battle.


As a Datasheet what rules would this model have? I have still pondered how I'd out fit a sisters bane blade or other heavy tank.


And once again I have to chuckle... Doctor Thunder, it seems like you have a knack for controversial conversions. All of the ones I have seen have been excellently modeled and sculpted. I've never seen the point in arguing about an imaginary world, I feel silly if I catch myself doing it. I follow the school of "you paid for it, make it the way you want it" type.


Anyway, lets see this thing painted!

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Overall I would have to say I liked it. I'm much more fond of the central portion than I am of the two side lascannon turrets. I think if I had done it I would have let the lascannon sponsons as per a regular land raider. I do like the immolator heavy bolter turret though. It's definately WH list legal, all you have to do is include a single Inquisitor in your roster, and have them take a land raider transport choice. The planning and work definately shows. I look forward to seeing a paint job :woot:
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This tank is 100% tournament legal. It is based on a GW model, contains only GW parts, and is easily recognizable as a Land Raider.

Again, I have no problems with your opinion, you just happened to hit one of my buttons. I can't stand it when people imply that something is not tournament legal when I worked so hard to make sure it was in fact tournament legal.


Leapt before I looked on the turret, I thought it was another type of gun. Weird. :huh:


Sorry about the LoS bit too, I didn't realize you were going for the cross shape and couldn't figure out why you would you make the sides so wide (I've seen your other work and despite my 'disagreements' with it I know you're an able converter) and LoS was the only thing I could think of. Once again, I jumped the Space Shark.


The model still feels like too much is going on, though, and if I would make any real change it would be to make the top turret smaller.

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Well being my first post since ive been reading all the threads all night, i have to say the idea is fantastic, yet the side sponsers just dont seem right, no offense i really hope.


I love how you make it look, part shrine part tank still.

Me im working on converting a Shadowsword Baneblade to a Sisters shrine/tank.

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I hate to ... well, hate on someone's conversions, but the side sponsons just don't do it for me. I'm having a hard time nailing down *why* they don't look right (I'm not an artist), but I think it's mostly the proportions.


I love the Exorcist/organ on the back of the tank, and the Immolator turret is OK (I think I like the standard remote turret better, but the manned turret fits the sisters).


I think the white plasticard at the front needs a little more texture, as the plain panels clash with the details on the rest of the pieces.

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I like it. As stated by the others the sponsons don't work for me 100%. I like them and the idea behind them, its just awkward looking in some way. I can't put my finger on it. I love the model overall and grasp your theme and the concept you were going for. Its an excellent model. Like everyone I want to see it painted, and possibly a data sheet. Great Job!!!
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I can't stand it when people imply that something is not tournament legal when I worked so hard to make sure it was in fact tournament legal.
The model does nothing for me aesthetically, I think it tries to hard and insists on itself. It looks cobbled together as the adornments are both asymmetrically unbalanced and don't feel like they flow together. Its a fundamental flaw that I don't think any amount of skilled paint work will mitigate. It might have done better with less 'gak' more tastefully arranged.


With regard to legality, I recall some tournements that regard the games as being balanced and designed around standard physical profiles for vehicles and other large models, and on that basis this would be non-viable. These rules usually arise in places that have had problems with crouching wraithlords and hidden carnifexes, but ducking sentinels and entrenched basilisks have caused problems too.


While I realise that such things mean little to its fabricator, I find it contrary to established fluff that restricts Land Raiders to the Adeptus Astartes for deployment, the Mechanicus for 'field trials', and a precious few inquisitors that might have been gifted with one by either of those organisations. This vehicle violates an Imperial Decree.


The pictures do show technically proficient construction workmanship though, so while I find this disagreeable on many levels, it is at least well built.

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