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Khorne & nurgle mixed list


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O.K., fluff time baby...


The pyro falcons were a loyalist chapter, founded in 995.M41 from unknown stock, they were an extreme example of codex deviation, each 'wing' (slightly larger than a codex chapter) focussed on one aspect of combat (drop pod assault, bike assault...) anyway, come 998.M41 they are drawn into the Koto system conflict, a millennia long siege of a ten system planetry system dedicated to chaos, set in a binary ring system on the fringes of the segmentum tempestus, the outer planets were hell-formed fortress worlds, mile high towers mounted colossal vortex cannons, Crazed devotees were melted into the living structures of the breathing walls.


The circular orbits of the five outer planets caused the inner plannets to spin faster than should be possible, creating a localised warp anomaly.

The falcons were sent in to break the stalemate, the siege had been going on too long, the imperium need a fast moving shock force, Chapter Master Ammit mobilised the entire chapter, the initial assault was succesfull, with few casualties, the plans wend acording to plan, the entire first wing, including master Ammit landed fully 80 terminators led the charge, supported by drop pods with a further 40 Sternguard veterans and thunderhawks ejecting 30 vanguard veterans, stormed the continent sized pyramid-temple thaught to be the focus of the planet.


anyhoo, its late, im not writing anymore, suffice it to say they succede to much...obviouse someone wanted them to, got to inner ring, tell surrounding forces to dig in on fortress worlds, bits of chapter goes to different planets, one for every god and an undivided one, they go chaos, so do the guard on the outer planets.


baisicaly this means i can have the same chapter with different marks but the big question is the one in the title...



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Well i do not know from personal experience but a plague marine squads with plasma guns and then berserkers in rhinos might make a good hybrid army. The plague marines hold objectives close to you and the berserkers take it. OR I do not like the marked marines khorne would charge while the nurgle would sit on objectives. If you want havocs they would be better to be nurgle. Khorne terminators could be better with high number of attacks. Nurlge terminators might become a points sink.
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Yeah, thematically this works very well. I am actually making a Khorne - Nurgle army for Fantasy. And I do have a unit of Plague Marines in my Khorne 40k army.


Here is the fluff justification for the Fantasy army - In return for a favor, Nurgle has gifted Khorne with a deadly plague that causes its victims to go insane and fly into a blood rage. I call it the Blood Pox. Both Khorne and Nurgle benefit... a virulent, debilitating disease gets spread around, and people get hacked to bits as the army sweeps from battle to battle.


The fluff justification for the Plague Marines in my Khorne 40k army - they don't actually worship nurgle - the "Plague Marines" in this army are the Khorne worshippers insane enough to let their own blood flow. They commit ritual suicide through exsanguination, and blood demons possess the corpses. This of course makes them extra tough to kill - they are already dead! I modelled these up to look really beat-up. I drilled bullet holes all over their armor and cut large chunks out and covered them in blood and scratches.


And gameplay-wise a solid block of objective grabbing Plague Marines coupled with Berserkers as shock troops is very tough.

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I actually qualified in the first 20 places in the 2 heat GT this year with a khorne/nurgle list. Everything went well until i met those bloody orcs(the spaniard who played them was a real gentleman and a very good player too(he came 3rd...). Every squad(2 nurgle,1 berseker,1 undivided) had a rhino, supported by a nurgle DP with warptime, 2 oblits and a vindicator.Hope this helps a bit.
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