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Word Bearers


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Chapter 1: The Enemy Revealed



Soft bleeping noises echo from a vox-emitter, the young guardsman besides it rubs his red rimmed eyes. Damn that Sergeant Corvin and his drinking games, his weary mind grumbled, as he leaned in and pressed his side. "This is Outpost C44A reporting in, nothing out here, like always..", he jawned as he let go of the speaker part. Groaning softly as he stood up, the tightness in his knees paining him. Grabbing the pair of binoculars besides him, his hands moved it to his eyes, scanning the bleak desolate place that was Arvanus, or as the guys in the Regiment called it, "The planet so cold hell wouldn't be able to warm it", a gust of wind smashed another layer of ice and snow against the window, the energy emitter embedded in it slowly melting the ice-cold stuff away.


Leaving the binoculars on the counter he jawned again, the only thing remotely good here was Sergeant Corvin and his damned amnesic drinking games, his mind made up. Looking around the outpost he spotted his lasgun, not that he would need it though since nothing ever approached the Adeptus Mechanicus outpost on this hunk. Even so he picked it up, placing it against his shoulder, eyes over the sight, "Yeah your a real guardsman", he said into the warmed interior of the outpost. Above him the hatch leading to the observatory opened up. Turning around he placed the lasgun back against the bunk, "Yeah Janos I know it's my turn", he said as booted feet came of the ramp leading upwards. As he turned though the last thing Guardsman Fawkes ever saw was the crazed eyes of a Ice Cultist and the mace he was swinging at his head.


Arvanus was not a forgeworld but instead a testing ground for experimental weaponry for both the Guard and the Adeptus Astartes, thus the Mechanicus allowed a regiment to stand duty on Arvanus at all times, protecting the planet. Or well more clearly protecting Outpost C-Alpha-99, inside of the large domed structure metal feet pounded the floor as Magos Astirn checked the data-stream pouring into his cybernetic brain, his feet carrying him effortlessly towards a gathering of his Adepts, as the skull faced-cog door slid open Astirn switched of the data-stream and was greeted by the sight of four of his adepts, each carrying with them a newly made weapon. A pair of large claws stretched out from the spine of Astirn as he picked up a long rifle, his eyes checking every detail in far less of the four years it had taken the Adept to create it. He who looked so proud, he who was a fool. "The Machine-God", Astirn ceased for a moment as he pulled an inhibitor from the rifle before allowing it to slip into his hands. The only part of him that was still organic. "..approves this build.. take it to the testing facility", the ancient Magos said, the red ocular on his face withdrawing to normal size. "..The rest of you.. return when you have something worth my time..", the sound of metal feet was heard as Astirn pounded away.


On the outskirts of the Arvanus outpost though something far more insidious then just Ice Cultists awaited the guard regiment, the cold buffeted against the ancient suit of ceramite armor, the warrior within not even noticing as he stroked the grip of his chainsword lovingly, "Soon..", he whispered, eyes long since dead looked down into the valley none the less. The warp-sight revealing far more then human eyes could, shifting pathways cut into the snow, the tunnels leading to the outpost, tunnels being filled with Cultists who would gladly gives there lives for the Word of Lorgar, yes, for it was the ancient enemy that had come to Arvanus, the Word Bearer legion. Already now Casirn saw the deaths in the tunnels felt the rivers of blood washing to Khorne, just as he had promised. "..Casirn..", the voice behind him echoed, dark shadows blinked away the world for the sorcerer, the sound of flies was heard all around him as his gut tightened, ".. yes.. Apostle..", he said, biting his lip within the helmet to keep from blacking out. "..what do your eyes see", Casirn fell to his knees as hands touched his shoulders. He tasted the liquid of blood in his mouth as he whispered quietly, ".. the cultists cannot break through... send the.. Annoited...", hands withdrew from shaking shoulders as the snow melted around the Apostle as he marched away. The maddening calls of the Warp withdrawing. His master.. was changing..


Inside the tunnels Sergeant Corvin directed his men with the years of service drilled into him, even so he had grown lax in training here on this world and his voice did not carry so far as it had done on many other worlds. His men though laid down scores of the cultists, there bodies ripped apart by las and heavy bolter rounds, "Don't give them any quarter men, keep firing, the Emperor is watching us!", the moment the word left his throat so did his head seperated from that very same throat, "Despair fools, for death has come to you!", the voice echoed through the corridor as the cultists were driven in a harder frenzy, shrugging of wounds that would have felled even the mightiest of heroes, even so, they were nothing compared to the massive forms marching towards the Imperial Line, Kasiban had been a warrior of Lorgar during the Great Crusade, he had marched on Calth and fought with the sons of Gulliman there, he had stood on the Imperial Palace's doorstep and slaughtered countless and countless more afterwards. He was the Dark Apostle's Warrior, he was his Chosen and he was the one leading the Annoited.


As cultists died so did the warped suits of armor, once beautiful and masterful now they belonged to Chaos, horns grew from the helmets of Tactical Dreadnought armor, gaping maws had formed around the muzzle's of the combi-bolters these warriors had. They were the great enemy personified, as Kasiban pressed down the trigger of his weapon it barked fiery death forward, splitting arms from bodies, one soldier had the audacity to retrieve his fallen comrade's lasgun after his left arm had been blown off, Kasiban grinned as Brother Gest charged forward his powerfist grabbing the man's chest, then crushing it, the rich blood pouring over the gauntlet and burning up as it touched the energy field. "Annoited, kill for Lorgar, kill for the Word and kill for Barius!", a throaty roar rose up from the maws of the Chosen warriors as the last remnants of resistance were swept away. Even so the battle had just begun..


That's the first chapter at least, give some feedback if you will. Keep in mind first time writing for the Dark Gods of Chaos..

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