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Damascus was born into the Frozen Soldiers. He had undergone training every day of his life in the hope of wearing the Emperor's Mantle. He had succeeded. As a warrior of the fifth veteran assault squad, he was entrusted with the care of his men. His soldiers had given their lives to him, and he had wilfully taken them. One by one he slew his squad, till only the bloodied walls marked their once existence. Ruinious symbols carved into his flesh told of his adultery. When they had found him, the captain of the second company had ordained him unworthy of his presence. He was stripped of his armour, and taken back to Citadel, the homeworld of the Frozen Soldiers. Citadel was unique, it had thrice been lorded over by chaos, and thrice it had been redeemed. The Black Templars, The Dark Angles, and finally the Ultramarines had liberated the planet. Upon all three were the Frozen Soldiers founded, and to all three respect was given. To be corrupted was virtually unheard of, and the vengance of three chapters fury would be vented. The Unworthy were taken to the pavillion, a place of solitude and sorrow, where they were stripped naked. The pavillion was full of grim and resolute faces, all stared at the lost. The Captain strode forward, and threw his rock into the difigured and grotesque face. The Unworthy tried to escape as blood streamed from his brow. As one, the people cried prayers to the emperor, and threw their stones.




[i choose the name Damascus, not only due to it's age, but also its meaning. Damascus means bath of blood, which is fitting for a veteran assault sergaents name (warriors are my equivalent of sergaents)]


C&C very much wanted.



Veteran Vanguard Warrior

http://s454.photobucket.com/albums/qq266/x...assaultvete.jpg <---Linky! B)

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