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Fire Falcons Tac Squad

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Well, I'm new here, so I don't really know how things work. I hope this doesn't count as a "Needless post" or a spam, but I figured I should post some pics of my WIP Marines somewhere, and I thought I'd make a new topic for the purpose... Now to upload some pics.



Erm, hopefully that will work, but I don't know if it'll show up or not... Hahah! That did it. Ok, anyhow, that's two of my Marines' painted. The color scheme is mostly orange foundation paint, with some red thrown in for benefit. I'm not too good at pic-taking, but hopefully that's a good pic...

Here's a closeup of the one with the Flamer. I took these on my modelling/painting/ everything table, so you might see a box of pins in the background...


And hopefully, THAT will work.


He's part of my DIY chapter, the Fire Falcons.

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When you upload pictures, make sure you do this...

Go to photobucket (or whatever you use) and upload your picture, then get the "direct link" and copy it. Then come here, and click the little button that looks like a landscape, and paste the link between [ IMG] --------- [/ IMG]. Right there. Try again.

K, here's another picture, further along in the painting process... I just washed him with an "ink" mix made from Chaos Black and H2O, since I'm too cheap to buy real inks....


looks good. The paint is on well, not thickly and is prety smooth. Try giving them a wash of a darker shade to mak the details stand out on the armour - maybe a very dark red would work? Just in case you ask "what's a wash?" take a bit of red and a bit of black onto your palette and add a generous bruch full of water. stir it around and add more water if neccesary to make it like...well...coloured water! lol. Cover the orange of the model in this and it will pool around the crevices to add a dark shade to them.


Are you planning on leaving the tactical marking (up arrow on right shoulder) orange? i think it would be good if you painted them white to make them stand out, or even red to break up the orange a bit more.


Keep it up!




+EDIT+ noticed you posted another picture whilst i was writing this, ignore everthing i said, it seems like you know what you're doing! +/EDIT+

Yah, the Flamer guy isn't a very good representation of the overall color scheme, since you can hardly see any of the red-orange foundation paint mix I used for him. It was mostly on his back.

Yah, I was planning to paint the tactical marking a different color, perhaps gold, but that's a little showy, if you know what I mean. It'll probably end up white...

I have a few others done, actually six are painted, only a sarge, a heavy weapons guy, and two others that are "semi-painted" left to do...

I actually batch paint a ton. I then go over with washes, and I paint important minis, like a captain or a sarge, one at a time. I've found that when painting squadies, I actually do BETTER when I'm batch painting. I just do one feature, like the helmet, on every one of them. Then, by the time I'm done on the last one's helmet, the first one's helmet has dried, so I can move on to the backpack. Then, when all the base colors are there, I do details, like purity seals, tubes, eyes, and little helmet laurels one by one. ( I love painting those li'l helmet laurels. They look like giant eyebrows.)

Ok, more stuff! This pic shows the whole squad, including the unpainted members...




K, that shows the Sarge, the Rocket Launcher dude, the Flamer guy, and the other 7 Marines with bolters...




That's a couple Marines, one standing on top of the other one (his base was loose, so I stuck him ontop of another Marine and took a pic, lol. There's a few more in the background.




That is the squad sitting on a WIP terrain peice, and yes, that is a Dreadnaught. (No, he's not an honorary member of the squad, he's just there to show the size of the terrain... Sorta.)


Hope you guys like em'! ;)

I guess so... But I mostly just did that for kicks, it looks funny. I didn't glue him to the other guy's shoulders or anything. His base was just loose, so I took him out and stuck him on the other guy's shoulders, then took a pic. I'm in the process of painting my sarge, I started shortly after taking those pics, so I may post some more here soon.

K, here's the Sarge. I spent almost six hours on this little sucker, and I'm pretty happy with it. Actually, it's one of the best, if not the best, paintjobs I've ever done. So thanks to you guys for galvanizing me into action and giving me the incentive to excell!


These pics hardly do him justice, but there's a few of the ones showing one of the painting stages.




And there's a shot of the finished body, sans backpack and chainsword arm.




And a close-up of the face, and then one of the backpack and a shot from the left side...





In all, I really love this mini... This is the finished mini from a distance, that's probably what he'd look like sitting on a game table. It's kinda blurry, though, so it's not a perfect representation. But believe me, he looks crazy awsome from two feet away, I just can't take good pics.


Well, unfortunately my camera and the card inside it bearing the new Sarge pics has gone missing... I'll have to look for it tonight...

Anyhow, I'll post some pics of a Terminator which I painted a while back. It's not a horrible paintjob...






It might not be very obvious, but in the third pic, the Termi's Power fist has a few bits of silver shining through the orange. This represents weathering on the Terminator armor, as most Termi suits are ancient and weathered like crazy. The paint has chipped off of this Termi's power fist because he slugged a Warbos one too many times... I do this by leaving parts of the model unprimed. Then, when the model is finished, I scrape the paint off the areas I want to be weathered. A little Chainmail on the spot is all it takes, and it looks realistic, like the paint is really chipped off in the area. (Because it IS really chipped of in the area, lol.)

Ok, the new Sarge pics are here! I think these show the details a bit better, hope you enjoy. More Tac Squad pics (and possibly a few more Terminator pics) will come at a later date!


This one does it justice pretty well...


And that one shows the front of the body again.


Well that's it for now folks!


As always, post your C&C and any questions you might have. I love to hear from you so I can know people are actually seeing what I post here!

Thin your paints.


Not the MOST constructive reply ever made.

I think the thickness is actually an effect of the zooming and blur of the camera. Overall the Marines look well-covered and not too thickly painted. The sarge's paint does look a tad thicker than the rest of the squad, but that might be from the many layers applied to the ace to get it properly shaded and highlighted?


Keep going!

Yes, I did notice that the Sarge looks a bit thicker than the rest... Actually, I believe the reason is that I haven't broken open my flesh colored paints in nigh on a year, so some of them are almost solid, and I had to apply a ton of water to each pot just to get them workable again... Lol. Anyhow, yes, I did put a few more layers on his face to highlight it better. Thanks for the comments.
sorry. I noticed on a few things, especially the shoulderpads, that the paint is actually textured. Thin your paints, and do two or three coats. You'll get better coverage [i can see some black showing through] and your paints will go on smoother. I use about 1:1 water to paint for basecoating.
  • 4 weeks later...

Ok... It's been a loooooooooong while since I updated this little thread... I had to go back like 11 pages to find it, lol...


I just based the majority of the squad (excepting those that aren't painted and one that I accidentally left at a friend's house...). I just painted the bases with Gray Testors paint, and then glued down some chunks of Gale Force Nine concrete stuff designed for modeling. Simple, but better than plain black bases... I plan to do something a little more interesting for my Terminators... But you'll have to wait and see... (I may actually post them in a different WIP thread, but we'll see.)


Some pics of the bases. One is a little blurry...


The whole (almost whole anyways...) squad with bases completed:



And a few individual bases:





They're still not quite done yet... I plan to add some sand and paint it gray when I get the chance.


Edit: Photobucket is being stupid today, so the pics are too small... Ugh. I'll fix that.


Edit: Well... That's... Weird. They fixed themselves, I guess... Huh.

The Red looks very close to the orange. Might try some highlighting or maybe a shade lighter red for contrast.


Also I noticed your colors on the models dont quite match the color scheme you have on the army painter. Was that intentional change on your part? Painter sample has red shoulder pads. Not a big deal though, would still be easy to change the shoulder pad color if you wanted to.


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