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How do you kill Monoliths?


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I faced off against a monolith for the first time today, and on my second turn I thought "why not have go?"...

2 Vindicators rolling direct hits later and that beast had a weapon destroyed and wrecked results...

They don't seem half as scary as everyone on here seems to make them out to be, all it did in the game was immobilise a razorback.


It was very funny watching the guy I was playing with try to find a way to get to my deployment zone to capture an objective with his teleportion gone, destroyers destroyed(sic), and just two large warriors squads cowering in cover for most of the game.


Needless to say he phased out...


So to answer the op's question - dual vindicators all the way!



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The last tourney I played in, I faced a double-Monolith list. One was on the board at the start, and the second arrived via Deepstrike. I tried to ignore them, but it cost me the game. That fraggin' particle whip was wrecking my troops left and right. The toughest weapon I had in my list was a multimelta on an attack bike, and that just wasn't cutting it. It was a fun game, but those monoliths were brutal.

The meltabomb issue came up for us, but I just let it go at the 8+d6 way, cause I didn't feel like arguing the point mid-game. Sportsmanship and all that jazz.

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My lastest game against tyranids with my necrons is a good example of how monoliths are dead useful and annoying (well thats the 'which end of the barrel your on' arguement start off). Hive tyrant charges 10 warriors within mono range with C'tan nearby. I lost about 3 warriors but then crystaled out the rest and charged with c'tan who then promptly back-handed the tyrant greatly. After that I mono'ed the reminents of a warrior squad away from genestealers plus brood lord who then took hellsih amount of fire and the C'tan dished off the rest with great gusto (dispite cheesey 'synapse make me immune to instant death because...well because!'. The monolith is the most well armoured tank ever to be on the fields of 40k and while GW need to brush up on english (living metal says: 'unaugmented strength') it will most likely become the mainstay of necron forces in future (dispite inevitable points increase to 300 or so). And when necrons of 20 hide (over any phase out limit thats achievable in 1500-1750), remember not to get tied down or distracted, I did this to a player when we did capture and control, I had 20 warriors hiding on my objective (concealed well) and my remaining army went off to press home some punishment, and dispite a lord veiling off table I kept him busy and contested his objective with swarmed units I won (dispite some cheeky biker scouts grenade lauching, they took one loss for their cheek).


And when all else fails, just use libbys curse of the machine spirit (auto-glances are nasty)

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Best ways to destroy, in descending order:


1) Phase out. If you can afford to ignore it, do so. Suck up its weapon and lay all your fire onto the troops to force phase out. By far the best way to destroy it if you can weather the storm.


If you absolutely have to destroy it...


2) All-Lascannon Predator. It's all about the initial strength of the hit and lots of chances at doing so. No wasted shots on this vehicle, just pure Lascannon goodness.


3) Twin-linked lascannons on Land Raider or dreads.


3) Vindicator. I know, I know... it's a higher strength hit. But it's better used knocking down necrons IMO.



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Math hammers

These values are chance to destroy the monolith per hit. To calculate chance per shot multiply by .667 for bs 4, .889 for bs4 twinlinked, .5 more CC when the monolith moved, 1.0 if it didnt move in CC, .833 for bs5.


mods........str.............chance...hits for 75%..90%.........95%


................9.............. 5.56......... 24.3......... 40.2......... 52.4

ap1........... 9............... 8.33.......... 15.9.......... 26.5..........34.4

................ 10............. 11.11........ 11.8.......... 19.5.......... 25.4

ord...........10............. 18.52........ 6.8............ 11.2.......... 14.6

ap1........... 10............. 19.44........ 6.4............ 10.6.......... 13.8

ap1 ord..... 10............. 31.02........ 3.7............ 6.2............ 8.1




so ap1 ordinance (orbital barrage) is the best single shot you got, followed by str10 with +1 on vehicle damage (lysanders hammer, seismic hammers, and max range conversion beamers), followed by str10 ordance (demolisher cannons), followed by str 10 (dreads in CC and tank hunting lascannons), followed by str9 ap 1 (tank hunting meltas) followed by str 9 (tank hunting kraks and lascannons) and last and least (but at least its a chance) meltas at str8 ap1.

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