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What can the Inquisiton offer us?


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Hi all, I've been looking into creating a SM army that makes decent use of Grey Knights and wonder what people think of adding PAGK and other Inquisitorial units to a SM army.


Are they better than normal SM when it comes to damaging the enemy or are there SM units that are more useful? I am asking mainly about PAGK but interested in spreading the conversation so it is useful to everyone.


Personally, I love Storm Bolters and feel that mobile firepower (specially at 24) is amazing and GK offer this. Any other thoughts?

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Lets see... let me sum up:


Every Grey Knight unit has a built in psychic hood (sorta, specifically the special rule Aegis which functions very close to a psychic hood) that only affects psychic powers used against that unit.


Every Grey Knight unit has built in night-fighting (mostly) when enemy units try to shoot at said Grey Knights.


Grey Knights are fearless, and daemons assault them at Init 1 due to a difficult terrain test required to assault Grey Knights if you're a daemon (unless said daemon has frag grenades)


Psycannons and Incinerators ignore Invulnerable saves entirely, and psycannons are a strength 6 heavy bolter that has an assault version as well as a heavy version (in the same weapon)


Grey Knight Terminators are arguably better than regular Space Marine Terminators (save perhaps the new thunder hammer/storm shield termies).


Grey Knights are just cool fluffwise and have awesome models, plus they all strike at strength 6, some with power weapons (unless its a PAGK with a special weapon)


Sisters of Battle offer more bodies in power armor with BS4 and bolters at less points than a marine (but without the strength and toughness or WS)


Sisters are resistant to psychic powers, and possess Acts of Faith to help tip the balance of the game at key points.


Seraphim are the most awesome jump pack units ever, IMO (I think they're cooler than Assault Marines anyway, Vanguard Veterans are neat too I suppose, but I'm a Seraphim fanboy).


Immolators (can be taken as transports for Celestians, which can be taken as allies) can move and fire Heavy Flamers at 12"


Inquisitors are some of the most convertable, customizable characters in the game with their retinue and transport and wargear options.


Having Inquisitors allows use of assassins, which are lots of fun.


Are these units more effective than regular Space Marines? In some ways yes... however regular Space Marines are probably point for point the most hardy well rounded warriors in the Imperium. The only thing more versatile I can think of are the Grey Knights, but they are also roughly 10 points more expensive per regular trooper than a regular Space Marine.


Can the Inquisition offer all sorts of fun toys? Definately... things like Assassins, Arco-flagellants, Inquisitorial Storm Troopers for numbers, Sisters of Battle, Grey Knights, Inquisitors. Are these worth their points? Depends on who you ask and what you're hoping to do with them. But everything else aside, the Inquisition is fun :D


Edit: I should add, if these things sound fun or interest you, swing by the Inquisition subforum and ask some questions there.. we're generally speaking a nice bunch :)


Edit 2: removed the Exorcist comment because I remembered that you can't get them unless you have a Witch Hunters parent list, which defeats the point of the Original Posters question.

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You cant take SOB's wiht space marines can you?


I got an inquisitor and retinue I want sart using as a HQ for my ultramarines for fun. Anyone ever use Inquisitors with SM's? Not sure i they would be all that great game wise but for fluff and something different would be fun.

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Ok, this is where it gets a little tricky..


If your Parent List is Space Marines, you can use ANYTHING from the Inquisition, as long as you stick to the rules spelled out in the Inquisition Codex (either Witch Hunters, or Daemon Hunters, or both. I.e., 0-1 HQ, 0-1 Elites, 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Fast Attack from each Inquisition Codex, staying within the normal Force Organization chart limits)


If your Parent List is Daemon Hunters, you may Induct select Space Marine units into your Inquisition list (Tactical Squad, Scout Squad, Assault Squad, Land Speeders, Bike Squadron, Devastator Squad, Land Raider, Predator, Dreadnought, with some selections (troops mostly) unlocking others) provided your list contains NO Grey Knights.


If your Parent List is Witch Hunters, you may Induct select Space Marine units into your Inquisition list (Tactical Squad, Scout Squad, Assault Squad, Land Speeders, Bike Squadron, Devastator Squad, Land Raider, Predator, Dreadnought, with some selections (troops mostly) unlocking others) provided your list contains NO Sisters of Battle.


Essentially, the only time the Inquisition uses Space Marines as troops is if no dedicated Inquisition troops are available, as Space Marines are too valuable to pull to Inquisitorial duties generally speaking. Space Marine armies though, can have Sisters of Battle and/or Grey Knights without any restriction (as long as it obeys the rules for allies).


It's kinda cheesy that Space Marines can be assisted by Sisters of Battle and/or Grey Knights, but the Sisters and Grey Knights cannot be assisted by Space Marines outside of Apocalypse, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Also note that units from one Inquisition Codex don't unlock the units from the other Inquisition Codex.


Edit: clarified a couple of technical points

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There is a way to take SoB with marines, I just can't remember which list has to be the parent, and to be honest I don't much feel like digging through my stack of rule books to find that one entry. You can find it discussed in lots of topics on here if your intrested in knowing however.


=][= and retinues can be quite nice, but lets face it, the only cheap and useful setup is the heavy team, an =][= lord with a few heavy weapon servitors, sages and the other one for ablative wounds (acoloytes I think). Otherwise the unit upgrades for the =][= really pushes their price margin up.


I'll let you in on a secret, the true threat from the =][=, its the red tape.

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I use a squad of PAGK in my BA army, and while not as useful as they would be in a regular SM army (since I have so much assaulty goodness already), they are seriously helpful, S6 CC attacks, and what is effectively a relic blade that doesn't take away the extra attack on the justicar, they provide a good, solid assault unit, and if you don't want to assault, you have 10-20 S4 shots as well.
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It's just that I'm working on a Blood Ravens list (see the Codex List foum) and I want to use their fluff to include a LOT of Grey Knight units. What do people think a SM army would be best off taking form the WH/DH codex.


What I love about PAGK is that they are troops and thus score. Honestly I'd rather them over other, non-scoring CC specialists for that reason. Plus they shoot darned well. I intend to add them to 10 Termies with Asscannons and 2 Dreads to create a sphere of death with a LR blocking off nasty fire. Maybe not horribly effective but FUN!

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What I love about PAGK is that they are troops and thus score. Honestly I'd rather them over other, non-scoring CC specialists for that reason. Plus they shoot darned well. I intend to add them to 10 Termies with Asscannons and 2 Dreads to create a sphere of death with a LR blocking off nasty fire. Maybe not horribly effective but FUN!

What I love about PAGK is they are scoring and have a strike range of 30". Shrouding is just a bonus. I do not usually bother with the special weapons as they reduce the overall effectivness at long range. Incinarator can be useful against horde armies though.


200 Points buys you Sgt w/ PF & 9 Marines with Bolters, Melta Gun & ML


200 Points buys you Justicar with Relic Blade (essentially) & 6 PAGK with Storm Bolters & Str 6 Glaves!


So slightly less bodies but better WS & Attacks (except on the Charge) due to True Grit and 50% more shots in the 12-24" kill zone.

Tacticals only advantage is that special weapons make them better against Armour/MC and can take an APC.


So if I ignore Fluff, PAGK are the third troop choice for my Space Marine Army.

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I've thought about this many times before, so I'm glad to see that someone has finally created a topic that I can properly get my nose stuck into... There's something I don't really understand though. Say, for the point of discussion, I'm inducting some Witch Hunters into my Space Marines army. If I have a Tactical Squad, can I use a Sisters of Battle Squad to complete the two required Troops Choices for the FOC? Or do I need 2 Space Marine Troops Choices and 1 Space Marine HQ Choice before I can draft in any SoB or DH?


Looking forward to getting some answers, finally :devil:

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Am I the only person who thought 'Fear, Surprise and an almost fanatical devotion to the Ecclesiarch'?


You get some solid units with some very funky abilities, but you pay through the nose for them, IIRC.

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1 SM HQ, 2 SM Troop then upto:



2 WH/DH Troop

1 WH/DH Fast Attack

1 WH/DH Elite

0 WH/DH Heavy Support


Thats what you get using SM as a aprent list, you also need to choose between WH/DH as you cannot take both with SM as the parent.

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Thats what you get using SM as a aprent list, you also need to choose between WH/DH as you cannot take both with SM as the parent.

Actually Mal, that's incorrect.


You are required to take 2 SM Troops, and 1 SM HQ.


You then get any of the following:

0-1 DH HQ, 0-1 WH HQ

0-1 DH Elite, 0-1 WH Elite

0-2 DH Troops, 0-2 WH Troops

0-1 DH Fast Attack, 0-1 WH Fast Attack

(Heavy Support choices may NOT be taken)


As DH and WH are distinct armies, there is no rule stating that you cannot take the allowed allies allotment from BOTH of them.


It's often kinda silly... but it's entirely possible to use all of it and just have fun :lol:


Edit: note however, you are still bound by the standard Force Organization Chart. You can't get three HQ's!

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You could go for a template like this. It's completely legal and insane:








Flying Nun of Doom (jump-pack Canoness with eviscerator/blessed weapon n toys)




(2) Sternguard squads


DH Inquisitor with Mystics, add Sanctuary if facing Daemons




2 x Scout/Tactical squads (probably Scout squads, to keep costs down)


2 x Grey Knight squads


2 x SoB squads


Fast Attack:


Seraphim squad


Multi-melta Attack bikes (small squadrons)


Heavy Support:


Chronus in Crusader w/multi-melta (shove the DH Inquisitor in here to provide Mystic support, as well as a bigger 'Sanctuary' bubble against Daemons). If not transporting Inquisitor, shove the Grandmaster in here to get him into enemy lines safely.


+whatever else.


All up, it will probably be a minimum of 2,000 points, 2,500 fully-fleshed out, but you have to admit it would be pretty awesome. 8 x MeQ scoring units, all either Stubborn or Fearless, and each one packing excellent anti-infantry firepower (Sternguard can even deal with enemy MeQ's or Monstrous Creatures). You have the Seraphim and Attack bikes hunting enemy armour, while the Grandmaster/Canoness hunts down the enemy HQ's and Monstrous Creatures. Chronus just supplies general-purpose bad-assery and will draw enemy anti-tank fire.

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